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People & Organisations
GB-2014-WSA-04535 · Person · 1909-1971

Carter-Locke, Harry Binstead Cockcroft, son of Henry Carter-Locke of Streatham and Minnie Claudia, d. of Robert Stone; b. 20 Mar. 1909; adm. Jan. 1923 (A); left July 1928; St Thom. Hosp. Med. Sch., MRCS LRCP 1935, MB BS 1936; DPH 1939; RAFVR (Med.) 1942-5 (Flt Lieut.); med. pract. in Wellingborough, Chelmsford and Dagenham; MOH Bromley, Kent, 1955; m. 4 Aug. 1942 Honora Rowland, d. of Jonathan Louis Ernest Graham Coxon of Romford, Essex; d. 11 July 1971.

GB-2014-WSA-04545 · Person · 1907-1924

Cartwright, Victor Henry, son of Maj. Henry Robert Cartwright, Roy. Irish Rifles, Comman­dant of Police, Zanzibar; b. 16 June 1907; adm. Jan. 1921 (A); left July 1923; a cotton planter in S. Africa; d. in Kimberley Hospital after an accident 2 Dec. 1924.

GB-2014-WSA-04560 · Person · 1905-1994

Cashell, Geoffrey Thomas Willoughby, son of Alfred Ernest Cashell of Beckenham and Minnie Barbara, d. of Thomas Lyle of Beckenham; b. 2 Sept. 1905; adm. Sept. 1919 (A); left July 1924; King's Coll. Hosp. Med. Sch., MRCS LRCP 1930, MB 1933; Edinburgh Roy. Infirmary, FRCS (Edin.) 1933; FRCS (Eng.) 1952; hon. consult. ophthalmic surgeon Roy. Berks Hosp. 1933-48; surgeon in charge Reading Sch. of Orthoptics 1935-70; ophth. consult. RAF 1942-6 (Wing Cdr); chief ophth. surgeon SEAC; consult. ophth. surgeon Reading & District 1948-70; post­ grad. clinical tutor Reading 1970-6; Master Worsh. Company of Apothecaries of London 1970; hon. DSc Univ. of Reading 1976; Kt of St John 1978; author of Handbook of Orthoptic Prin­ciples 1967; m. 19 Aug. 1933 Hilda Marian Macdonald Kinmont MBE SRN, d. of Patrick Kinmont MD FRCS, of Newark-on-Trent, Notts.; d. 21 Jan. 1994

GB-2014-WSA-04561 · Person · 1923-1944

Casper, Alexander Carl Peter, son of Lieut.-Col. Emil Hans Casper and Una Margaret, d. of Sir Edward Parrott MP LLD, of Edinburgh; b. 23 Aug. 1923; adm. Jan. 1937 (A); left Apr. 1941; RM 1942-5 (Lieut.), 45th Commandos BLA; killed in action at the crossing of the Weser 6 Apr. 1945. Castellain, Geoffrey Charles, son of E. L. F. and Anne Castellain of Chelsea; b. 19 Feb. 1920; adm. Sept. 1933 (KS); left July 1938; Ch. Ch. Oxf., matric. 1938; 2nd Lieut. 16th/5th Lancers 1941, transf. SASR Apr. 1944; killed in action (W. Europe) Oct. 1944.

Alexander Carl Peter Casper was born on the 23rd of August 1923 the son of Lieutenant Colonel Emil Hans “Bill” Casper, Royal Artillery, and Una Margaret (nee Parrott) Casper of 11, Acacia Grove, Dulwich, London SE21. He was educated at Westminster School where he was up Ashburnham from January 1937 to April 1941.
On leaving school he was commissioned in the Royal Marines and was posted to No. 45 Royal Marine Commando.
At 4.30am on the morning of the 6th of April 1945, No. 45 Commando assembled at Stolzenau where they were briefed for an assault crossing of the River Weser where they were to pass through a weakly held bridgehead on the far side of the river and were to push on to capture the village of Leese, one and half miles inland. Once they were across the river a bridge was to be constructed across it to allow more British forces to cross the river. At 1.15pm, nine assault landing craft began crossing the river supported by artillery and machine gun fire. Although the landing craft were under continuous enemy fire during the crossing they suffered no casualties. Once they had landed on the far side the Commandos advanced south along the river bank under the cover of its steep banks. The German positions, which were held by the 12th SS Training Battalion, were set back some one hundred yards from the river bank across open ground which made it impossible to make a direct attack on them. After hand to hand fighting the men of D Troop gained a foothold in the enemy trenches nearest to the river after which A Troop passed through them and pressed on against “fanatical” opposition. At the same time, B Troop, with a Section of E Troop, made their way towards the cover of a nearby railway embankment but, by 4pm, the bulk of the Commandos were still pinned down and forward progress was painfully slow. It was decided to recall the men of B and E Troops from their forward position and to consolidate the positions on the river bank to await reinforcements. They came under heavy fire through the evening and into the night when they were told that there would be no fresh troops coming forward to support them. After midnight they received orders to fall back to the bridgehead area but while they were doing this they came under an attack from the SS at 3am which they drove off with heavy casualties among the enemy. They held the bridgehead for the remainder of the 7th of April.
Captain John Day of No. 45 Commando later wrote: - "At one of our brief pauses as we moved along the river bank I found myself crouching beside a young subaltern, Peter Casper, whose men were endeavouring to provide us with some covering fire. During a lull in the firing we heard shouting from the German positions. Peter said "They want to surrender", leapt to his feet, took off his beret, and waved it at the enemy. Two or three bullets cracked at us and Peter Casper fell dead at my feet."
He is buried at Hanover War Cemetery Plot 7, Row K Grave 7.

Castello, Daniel, 1890-1980
GB-2014-WSA-04566 · Person · 1890-1980

Castello, Daniel, son of Percy M. Castello, of Regent's Park, by Edith Miriam, daughter of Joseph de Castro, of London; b. Oct. 13, 1890; adm. Sept. 24, 1903 (A); left Dec. 1906; 2nd Lieut. 3rd Batt. Herts Regt. (T. F.) March 25, 1915; resigned on account of ill health; was engaged in educational work; 2nd Lieut. R. A. P. C. May 23, 1940; transferred to R. A. O. C. Jan. 17, 1941; d. 18 Aug. 1980.

Chalmers, Robert, 1894-1915
GB-2014-WSA-04618 · Person · 1894-1915

Chalmers, Robert, second son of Robert Chalmers, 1st Baron Chalmers, K.C. B., Governor of Ceylon, by Maude Mary, daughter of John George Piggott, of Kensington; b. April 13, 1894; adm. Sept. 26, 1907 (A); left July 1911; Peterhouse, Camb., matric. Michaelmas 1911; adm. to Lincoln's Inn 1912; 2nd Lieut. 15th (Co. of London) Batt. London Regt. (The Prince of Wales's Own Civil Service Rifles) May 13, 1914; Lieut. Sept. 26, 1914; went out to the western front in March 1915; mentioned in despatches Nov. 30, 1915; d. at Chocques, March 26, 1915, of wounds received in action at Festubert the previous day; unm.

GB-2014-WSA-04668 · Person · 1881-1907

Chaplin, Theodoric, son of Holroyd Chaplin, of Kensington, solicitor, by Euphemia, daughter of Sir Allen Maclean, Kt.; great-grandson of Edward Chaplin (q.v.); b. Feb. 14, 1881; adm. Jan. 17, 1895 (A); left April 1897; killed by a fall from a cliff at Hobart, Tasmania, Oct. 16, 1907.

GB-2014-WSA-04676 · Person · 1931-2016

Chapman, Gervaise Vance, son of Harold Ernest Chapman, Bank of England economist, and Lily, d. of Robert Hanna Vance of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; b. 10 July 1931; adm. Sept. 1945 (A); left Apr. 1950; producer of award-winning corporate and commercial films in UK and abroad; dir. Tabard Productions; m. 4 Aug. 1956 Tessa Antonia Marguerite, d. of Lieut. -Cdr. R. P. C. O’Sullivan, Royal Navy; d. 10 May 2016.

GB-2014-WSA-04680 · Person · 1912-1991

Chapman, John Felix Salter, son of Stanley Salter Chapman FCA, of Chiswick, and Maud Jewell, d. of John Robertson Reep, solicitor; b. 29 Feb. 1912; adm. Sept. 1925 (A); left July 1930; AMICE 1939; RAOC 1940, transf. REME 1942 (Lieut.-Col.), MBE (Italy) June 1945; dir. Alderton Construction Co.; m. 23 July 1938 Audrey Clare, d. of John Henry Crisfield of Thames Ditton; d. June 1991

Chapman, Roger, 1906-1989
GB-2014-WSA-04687 · Person · 1906-1989

Chapman, Roger, son of Prof. Sir Sydney John Chapman KCB CBE LittD, chief economic adviser to HM Govt, and Mabel Gwendoline Chapman JP, d. of Thomas Henry Mordey, shipowner, of Newport, Mon.; b. 19 Feb. 1906; adm. Sept. 1919 (A); left July 1924; St Cath. Coll. Camb., (open schol.), matric. 1924, BA 1927, MA 1931; played golf for Wales 1929, 1931-2, 1934-5; Welsh amateur champion 1935; a farmer in Gloucestershire; m. 19 June 1937 Margaret Joyce, d. of J. H. Hussey of Bournemouth; d. 1989.