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People & Organisations
GB-2014-WSA-05157 · Person · 1878-1962

Colvin, Sir George Lethbridge, eldest son of Clement Sneyd Colvin, of South Kensington, sometime secretary of the Public Works Dept. India Office, by Alice, daughter of Col. Christopher Lethbridge, of Torquay, Devon; b. March 27, 1878; adm. Sept. 24, 1891 (A); left July 1894; went out to India to take up appointment on the East India Railway 1898, and became traffic manager; asst. director, Railway Transport, with the B. E. F. to France 1915; deputy Director-General of Transportation in Italy 1918; Hon. Brig. - Gen. March 25, 1918; mentioned in despatches five times; D.S.O. Jan. 1, 1917; C.M.G. Jan. 3, 1918; C. B. June 3, 1919; Commendatore of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus (Italy); Director of Development, Ministry of Transport, 1919-21; general manager, East Indian Railway, 1921-33; A.D.C. to H. M. the King 1928; knighted 1933; m. June 27, 1911, Katherine Isabella, daughter of William Roberts Mylne, of Edinburgh; d. March 5, 1962.

GB-2014-WSA-05154 · Person · 1884-1956

Colvile, Kenneth Newton, brother of Augustus Gilbert Colvile (q.v.); b. May 27, 1884; adm. as exhibitioner Sept. 30, 1897 (A); elected to Ch. Ch. Oxon. July 1903, matric. Michaelmas 1903; B.A. 1907; M.A. 1910; Indian Educational Service; Professor of English, Elphinstone Coll., Bombay, 1908-10 and 1914-5; Asst. Professor of English, Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ontario. 1911-2; joined R.G.A. as 2nd Lieut. Spec. Reserve Oct. 1915; served in France May 1916 - May 1917; was severely wounded at Feuchy Chapel, Arras, May 2, 1917; demob. as temp. Capt. May 1919; Major Army Educational Corps Nov. 25, 1920; Inspector of Educational Training, Southern Command, India, 1922-6; Command Education Officer, Scottish Command, 1926; Brevet Lieut.-Col. July 1, 1934; Lieut.-Col. May 8, 1942; retired with the rank of Col. Aug. 30, 1943; a Professor at the Farouk I University, Alexandria; general editor of the Scholars' Library, P. Allan and Co.; author of Fame's Twilight (1922), and other works; m. Sept. 18, 1911, Kathleen Irene, daughter of Frederick Arthur Sells, of Chailey, Sussex; d. Sept. 10, 1956.

GB-2014-WSA-05153 · Person · 1879-?

Colvile, Ernest Frederick, brother of Augustus Gilbert Colvile (q.v.); b. May 20, 1879; adm. as exhibitioner Sept. 28, 1893 (A); left July 1898; Ch. Ch. Oxon., matric. Michaelmas 1898; B.A. 1901; asst. collector British Central African Protectorate 1905; A.D.C. to the Governor of Nyasaland Protectorate 1914-5; Political Officer in occupied territory German East Africa 1916-7; Provincial Commissioner Nyasaland Protectorate since 1921; District Commissioner, Northern Palestine, 1928; retired 1931; vice-chairman, West Suffolk County Council, 1950-7; J. P. (Suffolk); C.M.G. 1927; m. July 13, 1922, Amy Evelyn, fifth daughter of Henry Blunt Howard, of Orpington, Kent.

GB-2014-WSA-05152 · Person · 1874-1939

Colvile, Augustus Gilbert, son of Lieut.-Col. Charles Frederick Colvile, of South Kensington, by Mary Eliza, daughter of Charles Rowe, of Liverpool; b. Feb. 10 1874; adm. Jan. 17, 1889 (A); left July 1891; London Univ.; LL.B.; adm. a solicitor Jan. 1899; practised in London; a member of the L.C.C. for South Kensington 1913-9; a member of the Kensington Vestry, 1899-1900; of the Kensington Borough Council 1903-29; and an alderman 1929-38; served in the South African War 1899-1901 as a private in the C.I.V., M.I., and in Great War I; Capt. 22nd (Serv.) Batt. Royal Fusiliers Sept. 28, 1914; Staff Capt. 24th Training Res. Brigade Feb. 13, 1917 - Jan. 31, 1918; d. Dec. 12, 1939.

GB-2014-WSA-05151 · Person · 1876-1952

Colvile, Arthur Montague, brother of Augustus Gilbert Colvile (q.v.); b. April 12, 1876; adm. April 24, 1890 (A); left July 1893; R.M.A. Woolwich Dec. 1893; 2nd Lieut. R. A. March 21, 1896; Lieut. March 21, 1899; Capt. Aug. 24, 1901; Adjutant May 4, 1903 - Jan. 21, 1906; Off. Co. of Gent. Cadets R. M.C. Jan. 22, 1906 - Jan. 14, 1907; Major Oct. 30, 1914; acting Lieut.-Col. July 5 - Nov. 4, 1918, and Dec. 14, 1918 - May 10, 1919; Lieut. - Col. May 1, 1921; retired; served in East Africa Oct. 1914 - Sept. 1915, and in Palestine in Great War I; D.S.O. June 3, 1918; mentioned in despatches L. G. June 14, 1918; m. Aug. 7, 1914, Phyllis Margaret, youngest daughter of James Innes, of Roffey Park, Sussex; d. Feb. 1, 1952.

GB-2014-WSA-05123 · Person · 1883-1961

Collins, William Frederick, brother of Henry Akerman Desmond Collins (q.v.); b. Jan. 19, 1883; adm. Sept. 24, 1896 (A); left Dec. 1897; Royal School of Mines; London Univ.; a mining engineer; adm. to the Inner Temple Nov. 18, 1909; became a tobacco grower at lnjino, Marandellas, Southern Rhodesia; served in Great War I as Capt. of Chinese Labour Corps, and as Staff-Capt. Salvage Control, G. H. Q.; author of Mineral Enterprise in China (1919) and Dogs of China and Japan (1921); m. Dec. 7, 1916, Mary Evelyn de Fonblanque; d. 1961.

GB-2014-WSA-05121 · Person · 1917-?

Collins, Wilfred Desmond de Fonblanque, son of William Frederick Collins (qv); b. 6 Oct. 19 I 7; adm. Sept. 1931 (A); left July 1934; resident in S. Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe; Rhodesian Forces 1939-41 (Lieut.), Gen. List 1941-6; ADC to Governor of British Somaliland; reappointed Rhodesian Forces Apr. 1946.

GB-2014-WSA-05115 · Person · 1920-2009

Collins, John Barrington, brother of Wilfred Desmond de Fonblanque Collins (qv); b. 14 Jan. 1920; adm. Sept. 1931 (A); left July 1934; a tobacco grower in S. Rhodesia; served in WW2 with Rhodesian forces; d. 2009.

GB-2014-WSA-05113 · Person · 1880-?

Collins, Henry Akerman Desmond, son of Henry Ellis Collins, of Barnes, by Mary, daughter of William Henry Hine Akerman, of Bridgwater, Somerset; b. Nov. 8, 1880; adm. May 2, 1895 (A); left Dec. 1897; adm. a solicitor Dec. 5, 1904; asst. solicitor to the Metropolitan Water Board 1905; solicitor 1930-40; Capt. 11th Batt. London Regt. May 27, 1914; Major Sept. 3, 1916; served with the 54th (East Anglian) Div. in Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine; 2nd i/c and O. C., 57th Batt. Kent H. G., 1940-5; Major; T. D.; m. Aug. 28, 1913, Winifred, daughter of Charles Wakely, of Sidcup, Kent.

GB-2014-WSA-05085 · Person · 1916-2005

Coleman, Robert William Alfred, son of Robert Baxendell Coleman MB of Bromley, Kent, and Enid Louisa, d. of William Robinson Evans MD of Dublin; b. 30 July 1916; adm. May 1930 (A); left Dec. 1934; Christ's Coll. Camb., matric. 1936, played lacrosse against Oxford 1938-9, BA 1939, MA 1943; ordained deacon 1941, priest 1942 (Chichester); Curate Broadwater, Sussex, 1941-2; Chaplain to the Forces 1943-6; Vicar of St George Tiverton 1946-50, St John's W. Ealing 1950-9; Chaplain Seaford Coll. Petworth 1960; retd July 1981; m. 1945 Lucy Grace Wycliffe, d. of Eugene Wycliffe Bartholomew, civil engineer; d. 8 Apr. 2005.