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People & Organisations
Arbuthnot, George, 1802-1865
GB-2014-WSA-02219 · Person · 1802-1865

ARBUTHNOT, GEORGE, son of Lieut. -Gen. Sir Robert Arbuthnot KCB, and his first wife Susan, only child of Col. William Vesey, Farmhill, Co. Mayo; b. 20 Nov 1802; adm. 16 Sep 1816 (Packharness'); left 1820; Junior Clerk, Treasury 18 Jul 1820 -32; Assistant Clerk 12 Oct 1832-50; Senior Clerk 22 Mar - 12 Nov 1850; Private Secretary to successive Parliamentary Secretaries to Treasury Mar 1823 - Feb 1838, to Assistant Secretary of Treasury Feb 1838 - Feb 1843, to Sir Robert Peel as Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury Feb 1843 - Jul 1846, and to Sir Charles Wood as Chancellor of the Exchequer Jul 1846 - Feb 1850; Auditor of the Civil List from 12 Nov 1850; Secretary to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners; m. 1st, 29 Apr 1829 Augusta Amelia Adolphina, youngest dau. of Christopher Papendiek, Kew, Surrey; m. 2nd, 28 Sep 1857 Louisa Anne, second dau. of Lieut. -Gen. Sir Richard Jones KCB; d. 28 Jul 1865. DNB.

Arbuthnot, Henry, 1803-1875
GB-2014-WSA-02220 · Person · 1803-1875

ARBUTHNOT, HENRY, second son of Charles Arbuthnot (adm. 1780, qv), and his first wife; b. 18 Oct 1803; adm. 10 Jan 1815 (Packharness'); left 1820; Oriel Coll. Oxford, matr. 13 Dec 1821; Cornet, Royal Horse Guards 22 Jun 1820, retd. 14 Oct 1824; a Commissioner for Auditing the Public Accounts 7 Dec 1826 – May 1865; m. 30 Apr 1830 Lady Charlotte Rachel Scott, dau. of Thomas Scott, 2nd Earl of Clonmell (I); d. 24 Jun 1875.

Arbuthnott, David, 1856-1878
GB-2014-WSA-02221 · Person · 1856-1878

ARBUTHNOTT, DAVID, third son of Hon. David Arbuthnott CSI, EICS Madras, Paignton, Devon, and Eliza, second dau. of Thomas Forbes Reynolds MD, Wallington, Surrey; b. 20 Mar 1856; adm. 21 Jan 1870 (G); left Dec 1873; RMC Sandhurst; Lieut., 77th Foot 10 Mar 1875; 67th Foot 11 Oct 1876; d. of cholera at Cumbrun, Karnool district, Madras, while out tiger shooting 6 Sep 1878.

GB-2014-WSA-00232 · Person
GB-2014-WSA-02222 · Person · 1854-1921

ARCHDALE, HUGH JAMES ARCHDALE MONTGOMERY, second son of Capt. Mervyn Edward Archdale MP, Castle Archdale, Co. Fermanagh, and Emma Inez, dau. of Jacob Goulding, Kensington; b. 15 Jan 1854; adm. 19 Feb 1867 (James'); left Aug 1867; went to Cheltenham Coll.; Lieut., Royal Welch Fusiliers 11 Feb 1875; Capt. 20 Mar 1885; Maj. 13 Jul 1892; Lieut. -Col. 24 Feb - Apr 1900; Lincolnshire Regt. 6 Oct 1900; Brevet Col. 10 Feb 1904; half pay 6 Aug 1904; Col. 7 Jan 1907; Brig. -gen. commanding N. Midland Division, Territorial Army 1908-11; retd. 15 Jan 1911, with hon. rank of Brig. -Gen. 10 Feb 1912; served Sudan 1884-5, Burma 1886-7, South African War 1899-1902; despatches 8 Feb 1901; CB 26 Jun 1902; CMG 1 Jan 1918; m. 1st, 2 Sep 1885 Minnie, eldest dau. of Capt. Hugh Montgomery Archdale, Drumtavy, Co. Fermanagh; m. 2nd, 28 Aug 1894 Helen Evelyn Trevor, elder dau. of Boscawen Trevor Griffith-Boscawen, Trevalyn Hall, Rossett, Denbighshire; d. 31 Aug 1921.

GB-2014-WSA-02223 · Person · 1924-2012

Archdale, Mervyn Talbot, son of William Porter Palgrave Archdale CBE, cotton plantation man., Gezira, Sudan, and Alice Edith Palgrave, d. of Charles Alexander Price Chetwynd-Talbot, HM Consular Service; b. 20 Oct. 1924; adm. Sept. 1939 (R); left July 1940 and went to Campbell Coll. Belfast; a farmer; DL Co. Tyrone 1974, High Sheriff 1985; m. 19 Apr. 1951 Aureole Helen, d. of Rev. Robert Hamilton Whelan, Rector of Lislimnaghan, Co. Tyrone, and Canon of Derry; d. 9 Jan. 2012.

GB-2014-WSA-02224 · Person · 1922-1978

Archer, Denis Henry Ross, son of Henry Edwards Archer FRIC, chemical pathologist St Barth. Hosp., and Winifred, d. of William Ross; b. 15 Dec. 1922; adm. Sept. 1936 (R); left July 1941; Trin. Coll. Camb., matric. 1941, BA 1948, MA 1950; REME 1943-5 (Capt.); sales man. A. C. Cossor Ltd until 1961; author and editor of military journals; ed. Jane's Infantry Weapons, Jane's Weapons Systems, Defence, and World Aviation Electronics; m. 21 June 1952 Angela Gwylan, d. of E. Auorey David MC of Abergavenny; d. 17 May 1978.

GB-2014-WSA-018870 · Person · 1699-1747

ARCHER, GILBERT EDWARD, son of Rev. Benjamin Archer, Rector of Quainton, Bucks. , and Anne --- (IGI); bapt. Quainton, Bucks. 12 Feb 1699 (IGI); at school under Freind one year (R. F. Scott, ed, Admissions to St. John’s Coll. Camb. , pt iii, 8); St. John’s Coll. Cambridge, adm. pens. 26 Oct 1716, aged 16, matr. 1717; MB 1722; MD 1734; a medical practitioner at Dorchester, Dorset; d. 22 May 1747.

GB-2014-WSA-02225 · Person · 1902-1984

Archer, Reginald Stuart, son of Joseph Alfred Archer, of, Cheam, Surrey; b. May 16, 1902; adm. Sept. 23, 1915 (H); left April 1917; Pilot Officer (A: and S. D.) R.A.F.V.R. Dec. 1941; Flying Officer; d. 27 Feb. 1984.