Showing 1051 results

People & Organisations
GB-2014-WSA-03825 · Person · 1889-?

Broad, Kenneth Stephen, son of Clement Burgess Broad, of Chiswick, Middlesex; b. March 15, 1889; adm. Jan. 15, 1903 (A); left July 1906; enlisted in the 28th Batt. London Regt.; temp. Lieut. 2nd Batt. Royal Canadians Oct. 1, 1915; acting Capt. June 14, 1918; wounded; mentioned in despatches L. G. July 7, 1919; m. Jan. 17, 1917, Sibyl, youngest daughter of Mrs. W. Melliss, of Croydon, Surrey.

GB-2014-WSA-03832 · Person · 1912-2004

Broadhurst, Michael, son of Edgar Charles Broadhurst, musician, of Harrow, and Ethel Web­ster, d. of John Slade, chemist, of Tenbury, Worcs.; b. 6 Dec. 1912; adm. Jan. 1927 (A); left July 1931; Unilever Ltd 1931-51; 4th Bombay Grenadiers IA 1940-5 (Maj.); Wood Harris & Co. 1951 to retirement; m. 12 Sept. 1941 Irene Laura, d. of Walter Alfred Higgins, exec. officer to Maharajah of Patiala; d. 24 Feb. 2004

GB-2014-WSA-03824 · Person · 1890-?

Broad, Geoffrey Charles Walton, brother of Kenneth Stephen Broad (q.v.); b. Oct. 21, 1890; adm. May 4, 1905 (A); left July 1907; served in Great War I, first with the Canadian Overseas Forces and afterwards with the Royal Highlanders; was wounded in Mesopotamia.

Brodie, Kenneth, 1897-1956
GB-2014-WSA-03846 · Person · 1897-1956

Brodie, Kenneth, son of Thomas Gregor Brodie, M. D., M.R.C.S., F.R.S., of Hampstead, Middlesex, sometime Professor of Physiology, Toronto University, by Alice Sims; b. June 29, 1897; adm. Sept. 28, 1911 (A); left Easter 1915; 2nd Lieut. 3rd Batt. Dorsetshire Regt. June 2, 1915; Lieut. July 1, 1917; served in France 1915-6, and India 1918-20, when he was attached to the Bedfordshire Regt.; was twice wounded Jan. 14 and July 1, 1916; a school master; manager successively of the Streatham Hill, Saville, Gaiety and Savoy Theatres; 2nd Lieut. R. A. S. C. April 20, 1941; Capt.; m. Rosalinde Mary, daughter of John Thomas Overton, of Reigate Heath, Surrey; d. July 19, 1956.

GB-2014-WSA-03861 · Person · 1910-2004

Bromley, Richard Henry, son of Frank Charles Bromley LDS, of Hendon; b. 13 Mar. 1910; adm. Jan. 1924 (A); left Dec. 1926; St Cath. Coll. Camb., matric. 1932, BA 1935, MA 1939; asst master Christ's Coll., Christchurch, NZ; RAOC 1941-6 (Maj.); MBE (NW Europe)June 1946; m. 28 Sept. 1938 Yvette Francis, d. of Charles Ivon Francis Dewynter of Hampstead; d. 3 Aug. 2004.

GB-2014-WSA-03876 · Person · 1916-1988

Brooke, Michael Charles, son of Stanley William Brooke, solicitor, of Bromley, Kent; b. 14 June 1916; adm. Sept. 1929 (A); left July 1932; d. Oct. 1988.

GB-2014-WSA-03896 · Person · 1942-2004

Brough, Michael David, son of Kenneth David Brough, chmn. Metal Box Co., and Frances Elizabeth, d. of Walter Ernest Llewellyn Davies MRCS LRCP DPH, gen. med. practitioner; b. 4 July 1942; adm. Jan. 1956 (A); left July 1961; Christ’s Coll. Camb., matric. 1961, BA 1964, MA 1968; MB 1969, BChir 1970, FRCS 1974; consult. plastic and reconstructive surgeon, St Andrew’s Hosp. Billericay, Queen Elizabeth Hosp. Hackney and Whipps Cross Hosp. 1980-2; Roy. Free Hosp., Univ. Coll. Hosp. and Whittington Hosp. 1982-2004; consult. plastic surgeon, St Luke’s Hosp. for the Clergy 1986, King Edward VII Hosp. 1992, Roy. Northern Hosp. 1992; pres. plastic surgery section, Roy. Soc. of Medicine 1990-1, pres. British Assn. of Plastic Surgeons 2002; founder and vice-pres., Healing Foundn. 2002-; author, many articles on plastic and reconstructive surgery; m. 8 June 1974 Geraldine Moira Sleigh MB ChB MRCP, rheumatologist Roy. Free Hosp.; d. 18 Nov. 2004.

GB-2014-WSA-03902 · Person · 1907-1976

Brousson, Anthony Gerald Hobgood, son of Herbert Louis Brousson, Lond. Stock Exchange, and Dorothea Flamann, d. of James Carlill of Blackheath; b. 22 Apr. 1907; adm. Jan. 1921 (A); left Dec. 1924; RMA Woolwich 1926, 2nd Lieut. RE Jan. 1927; St Cath. Coll. Camb., matric. 1927, BA 1929, MA 1957; Lieut. RE Jan. 1930, Capt. Jan. 1938, Maj. Jan. 1944, Lieut.-Col. Apr. 1950, Col. Feb. 1953, Brigadier Feb. 1957; CRE N. Ireland District 1948, Brit. Element Trieste 1950; Inspectorate Min. of Supply 1953; AMIMechE 1955; CE W. Africa 1956, Cyprus 1956-8; retd Apr. 1959; OBE (Middle East) Jan. 1944; Star of Italian Solidarity Sept. 1953; dep. Dir. of Works BAOR 1958-9; staff of Braintree CFE 1959; m. 1 Jan. 1935 Lorna Everard, d. of Col. Stanley Everard Lewis RAMC, of Gravesend; d. 24 May 1976.

GB-2014-WSA-03903 · Person · 1913-1984

Brousson, Richard Henry Corthorn, brother of Anthony Gerald Hobgood Brousson (qv); b. 29 June 1913; adm. 3 May 1927 (A); left July 1931; St Cath. Coll. Camb., matric. 1931, BA 1934, MA 1945; PO (A & SD) RAFVR Apr., FO Sept. 1939; transf. to tech. branch Oct. 1941; MIMechE; Flt Lieut. June 1942; Sqdn Ldr RAF Sept. 1945, Wing Cdr July 1947, Group Capt. July 1956; despatches June 1944 and June 1945; OBE Jan. 1946; retd RAF July 1961; AFRAeS; Vice-Prine. Hendon Coll. of Technology 1961-73; lived in France after retirement 1973; m. 1947 Joan Dorothea Middleditch; d. 17 Feb. 1984.

GB-2014-WSA-03914 · Person · 1941-1983

Brown, Dominic Otway Pearce, son of Ernest Middleton Francis Pearce Brown, industrial artist, of Chelsea, and Olive Muriel, d. of Otway Waller of Banagher, co. Galway, Ireland; b. 23 Mar. 1941; adm. Jan. 1954 (A); left July 1958; an antiquarian bookseller; d. 10 Mar. 1983.