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People & Organisations
GB-2014-WSA-03987 · Person · ca. 1746-1798

BROWNE, THOMAS ADDERLEY, eldest son of Rev. St. John Browne DD, Kinsale, co. Cork, Prebendary of Cork and Chancellor of Ross, and his first wife Amelia, dau. of Edward St. George, Kinsale, co. Cork; nephew of Jemmett Browne (adm. 1715, qv); b.; adm.; Min. Can. (aged 14) 1760; KS 1761; Trinity Coll. Oxford, matr. 11 May 1763; BCL 1770; adm. Inner Temple year 1762-3; ordained deacon (Oxford) 21 May 1769, priest (Cork) 21 Sep 1770; Curate, Kinsale, co. Cork, 1770, Vicar 1771-80; Chancellor of Ross from 29 Apr 1774; Vicar Choral of Tuam 9 Oct 1780-8; Incumbent of Rincurran, co. Cork, from 1788; m. Ann, dau. of Col. Henry Reddish; d. Jan 1798.

GB-2014-WSA-00351 · Person · 1756-1834

BROWNE, THOMAS GUNTER, second son of Thomas Gunter Browne, St. John’s, Antigua, and Ann, dau. of William Dickinson, Antigua; b. 3 Nov 1756; adm. 17 Jan 1770; KS 1771; elected to Trin. Coll. Camb. 1775, adm. pens. 15 Jun 1775, scholar 26 Apr 1776, did not matr.; Cornet, 3rd Dragoons, 24 Nov 1777; Lieut., 37th Foot 28 Mar 1778; Capt., 102nd Foot, 9 Oct 1781; 60th Foot, 24 Oct 1781; half-pay from 1783; subsequently resided in France; author, Hermes Unmasked, 1795; d. 1834.

GB-2014-WSA-03991 · Person · 1755-1837

BROWNE, WILLIAM FREDERICK, son of Rev. Richard Browne DD, Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, and Regius Professor of Hebrew, and Mary, dau. of William Sambach, Paddington, Middlesex; b. 8 Dec 1755; adm. 14 Nov 1771; KS 1772; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1774, matr. 1 Jun 1774, Westminster Student 24 Dec 1774 - void 19 Dec 1780 (expiry year of grace as R. Launton from 17 Dec 1779); BA 1778; MA 1781; BD and DD 1800; ordained deacon (Oxford) 14 Jun 1778; Rector of Launton, Oxfordshire, from 13 Dec 1779; Prebendary of Wells from 24 May 1785; JP Oxfordshire; m. 22 Dec 1779 Bridget, dau. of Capt. Thomas Burton, 2nd Foot Guards; d. 17 Nov 1837.

GB-2014-WSA-03992 · Person · ca. 1787-1842

BROWNE, WILLIAM FREDERICK, son of William Frederick Browne (qv); b.; adm. 18 Mar 1799 (Clapham); KS (aged 13) 1800; left Christmas 1802; Cornet, 6th Dragoons, 9 Jun 1803; Lieut., 9 Jun 1804; Capt., 64th Foot, 2 Apr 1807; 6th Dragoons, 7 May 1807; retd. 17 Jun 1819; served at battle of Waterloo, where he was severely wounded; m. 12 Jul 1809 Margareta Martha, dau. of Sir Hew Dalrymple-Hamilton, Bart., MP; d. 3 Mar 1842.

GB-2014-WSA-03993 · Person · ca. 1652-1702

BROWNING, GEORGE, son of George Browning, Exeter, Devon; b.; adm.; KS 1667; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1671, matr. 27 Jun 1671, aged 19, Westminster Student 8 Jul 1672-90 (void), Tutor 1678; BA 1675; MA 18 Mar 1677/8; ordained; Vicar of Barnstaple, Devon, from 2 Jul 1687; Vicar of Stoke Rivers, Devon, 1701; m. 29 May 1690 Honor, eldest dau. of Rev. William Reade, Rector of Drewsteignton, Devon; buried Barnstaple, Devon 16 Nov 1702.

GB-2014-WSA-03995 · Person · 1896-1979

Browning, Robert Stuart, son of the Rev. Arthur Browning, Vicar of Penn Street, Amersham, Bucks, by Catherine Maude, daughter of Thomas Worthington Clarke, of Hinckley, Leics; b. May 16, 1896; adm. as K.S. Sept. 22, 1910; elected to an exhibition at Ch. Ch. Oxon. July 1915, matric. Trinity 1919; B.A. 1920; A. C. A. 1923; an asst. accountant Burma Oil Company April 1925; on the staff of the Foreign Exchange Control, Bank of England; served in France 1916-8 and was wounded on the Somme Aug. 1916; Lieut. 3rd Batt. (Reserve) Royal Sussex Regt. July 1, 1917; with the Army of Occupation in Cologne 1918-9; demob. April 1919; d. 30 July 1979.

GB-2014-WSA-03999 · Person · ca. 1686-1748

BROXHOLME, NOEL, son of Robert Broxholme, Oakham, Rutland; b.; adm.; KS 1700; elected to Trinity Coll. Cambridge 1704, but went to Christ Church, Oxford, matr. 12 Oct 1704, aged 18, Canoneer Student 23 Jul 1705-18 (void), Tutor 1710-1; BA 1709; MA 1711; migr. to University Coll., where he was one of first two Radcliffe Travelling Fellows, Jul 1715; Padua Univ., adm. 20 Dec 1716; MB and MD 1723; student, St. Thomas’s Hospital, 1709; FRCP 22 Mar 1724/5, Censor 1726, Harveian Orator 1731; one of the six physicians appointed to St. George’s Hospital at its first general board held 19 Oct 1733; Physician to Frederick, Prince of Wales, 9 Nov 1734 – c. May 1739; bequeathed £500 for the benefit of the King’s Scholars to be applied “in such manner as the two upper masters of the said school shall think fit”. The fund was subsequently consolidated with the School Exhibition Fund, and the benefaction commemorated by an exhibition known as the Broxholme exhibition; m. 7 May 1730, Anne, widow of William Dowdeswell, Pull Court, Worcs., mother of William Dowdeswell (adm. 1730, qv), and sister of James Hammond (qv); committed suicide 8 Jul 1748. DNB.

Bruce, James, 1769-1798
GB-2014-WSA-04005 · Person · 1769-1798

BRUCE, HON. JAMES, brother of Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin and 11th Earl of Kincardine (S) (qv); b. 23 Mar 1769; adm. 5 Oct 1778; KS (Capt. ) 1782; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1786, matr. 14 Jun 1786, Westminster Student from 23 Dec 1786; BA 1790; MA 1793; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 9 Oct 1790; chargé d’affaires, Brussels, 1793-4; MP Marlborough 1796 - Nov 1797; précis writer, Foreign Office, from Oct 1797; drowned in the river Don, near Barneby Down, while attempting to ford it on horseback, 10 Jul 1798.

GB-2014-WSA-04016 · Person · 1894-1984

Bruges, William Ernest, son of Charles Ernest Bruges, of Semington, Wilts, by Margaret Mary, daughter of Hanslip Long, of Balsham Manor, Cambs; b. Nov. 4, 1894; adm. as K.S. Sept. 24, 1908; left July 1913; enlisted in the 16th Batt. Middlesex Regt. Sept. 1914; 2nd Lieut. R. F. A. Oct. 26, 1915; served in Egypt and Macedonia; retired as Capt. 1922; re­employed as Capt. R. A. R. O. Sept. 1939; Major Dec. 12, 1940; City and Guilds Engineering College; London Univ.; B.Sc. 1925; M. Sc.; A. C. G. I.; D. I. C.; A.M.I.C.E. 1932; A. M. I. E. E; author of Principles of Liberty (1937), and various articles in technical journals; m. Joan Margaret, daughter of George Archibald Douglas, I. C. S., Director of Agriculture, Madras.; d. 9 Apr. 1984.

Brume, Thomas, fl. 1549
GB-2014-WSA-018944 · Person · fl. 1549

BRUME, THOMAS; b. ; adm. ; KS 22 Jun 1549 (Acts of Chapter).