First World War (1914-1918)



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        First World War (1914-1918)

        First World War (1914-1918)

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          First World War (1914-1918)

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            Rowlands, Franklyn Theodore Rowland, 1898-1917
            GB-2014-WSA-15018 · Pessoa singular · 1898-1917

            Rowlands, Franklyn Theodore Rowland, only son of His Honour Judge Rowland Rowlands, of Porthcawl, co. Glamorgan, by Mary, daughter of Gwilym Thomas, of Ynishn, co. Glamor­gan; b. Sept. 25, 1898; adm. May 2, 1913 (R); left July 1916; R. M.C. Sandhurst 1916; 2nd Lieut. 3rd Batt. South Wales Borderers May 1, 1917, attached 2nd Batt.; went out to the western front Oct. 1917; killed in action near Rumilly, Cambrai, France, Nov. 21, 1917.

            Phillimore, Matthew Arden, 1896-1916
            GB-2014-WSA-13876 · Pessoa singular · 1896-1916

            Phillimore, Matthew Arden, younger son of George Grenville Phillimore (q.v.); b. March 17, 1896; adm. as K.S. Sept. 23, 1909; elected to an exhibition at Ch. Ch. Oxon. July 1914, matric. Michaelmas 1914; 2nd Lieut. 11th (Service) Batt. Essex Regt. April 23, 1915, attached 9th Batt.; attached to a tunnelling company of the R.E.; went out to the western front Oct. 1915; killed in action near Bethune, in France, June 25, 1916.

            Rathbone, John Ernest Vivian, 1897-1918
            GB-2014-WSA-14453 · Pessoa singular · 1897-1918

            Rathbone, John Ernest Vivian, second son of Edgar Philip Rathbone, of West Kensington, by Barbara, daughter of John George; b. Nov. 8, 1897; adm. May 4, 1911 (A); left Easter 1915; Sergt.-Major Inns of Court O.T.C.; 2nd Lieut. 3rd Batt. Dorset Regt. June 11, 1915; Lieut. July 1, 1917, acting Capt.; severely wounded on the Somme July 1916; killed in action near Arras, France, June 4, 1918.

            Reid, Alexander Daniel, 1882-1917
            GB-2014-WSA-14569 · Pessoa singular · 1882-1917

            Reid, Alexander Daniel, son of William T. Reid, of Kensington; b. Feb. 2, 1882; adm. Jan. 16, 1896 (H); left Dec. 1897; R. M.C. Sandhurst 1899; 2nd Lieut. unattached July 28, 1900; Lieut. Black Watch Oct. 28, 1902; temp. Major Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers Feb. 26, 1915; d. 31 July 1917.

            Wilcox, Kenneth Theodore Dunbar, 1894-1915
            GB-2014-WSA-18128 · Pessoa singular · 1894-1915

            Wilcox, Kenneth Theodore Dunbar, only son of the Rev. Alfred George Wilcox, Vicar of St. George's, Battersea, Surrey, temp. Chaplain to the Forces; b. Dec. 24, 1894; adm. May 4, 1905 (H); K.S. 1909; elected to an exhibition at Ch. Ch. Oxon. July 1913, matric. Michael­ mas 1913; enlisted in P.S. Batt. Middlesex Regt. Sept. 13, 1914; 2nd Lieut. 8th (Serv.) Batt. Queen's Royal West Surrey Regt. Oct. 17, 1914; went out to the western front Oct. 8, 1915; killed in action at Château Lahnkof, near Ypres, Nov. 8, 1915.

            Terres, John Brown Hugh, 1896-1918
            GB-2014-WSA-16722 · Pessoa singular · 1896-1918

            Terres, John Brown Hugh, only son of John Brown Terres, M.D., of Charlott, North Carolina, U.S.A., Consul-Gen. at Port-au-Prince, Hayti, by Corinne, daughter of T. P. Pascal, of Mar­seilles, France; b. Sept. 6, 1896; adm. Sept. 22, 1910 (A); elected to an exhibition at Ch. Ch. Oxon. July 1915; Flying Pilot in the French Army May 1917 to April 1918; Ensign U.S., N.R.F. April 14, 1918; attached to the English bombarding group, 214 Squadron, in France; went out to the Italian front Aug. 10, 1918; killed in action at Mirafiore, Italy, Aug. 17, 1918.

            Thomson, Richard Edward John, 1892-1915
            GB-2014-WSA-16823 · Pessoa singular · 1892-1915

            Thomson, Richard Edward John, eldest son of Lieut.-Col. Samuel John Thomson, C.I.E., of Tankerton, Kent, by Isabel Gordon, daughter of Surgeon-Gen. Alexander John Cowie, I.M.S., Bengal; b. July 11, 1892; adm. May 4, 1906 (R); left July 1909; R.M.C. Sandhurst 1910; 2nd Lieut. unattached Sept. 6, 1911, Indian Army Nov. 4, 1912; Double Company Officer, 15th Ludhiana Sikhs, Nov. 4, 1912; Lieut. Dec. 6, 1913; went to the western front Sept. 1914; killed in action at Neuve Chapelle, near La Bassée, France, May 18, 1915; unm.

            Todd, Herbert Stanley, 1898-1918
            GB-2014-WSA-16920 · Pessoa singular · 1898-1918

            Todd, Herbert Stanley, elder son of Herbert Cooper Todd, by Ellen. daughter of R. B. Evered, of Horley, Surrey; b. April 1, 1898; adm. Sept. 26, 1912 (G); left July 1914; enlisted in P. S. Batt. 16th Middlesex Regt. Sept. 10, 1914; went out to the western front Nov 17, 1915; returned to England April 1916; 2nd Lieut. 4th Batt. East Surrey Regt. Aug. 8, 1916; Lieut. Feb. 5, 1918; Capt.; returned to the western front Sept. 1916, thence to Italy Nov. 1917; invalided home March 6, 1918; returned to the western front Aug. 1, 1918; M.C. Jan. 1, 1918; Croix de Guerre (Belgium) Jan. 17, 1918; Bar to M.C. Feb. 4, 1918; killed in action at Roussoy Sept. 18, 1918; unm.

            Street, Frank, 1870-1916
            GB-2014-WSA-16422 · Pessoa singular · 1870-1916

            Street, Frank, brother of Henry Branson Street (q.v.); b. May 31, 1870; adm. as Q.S. June 12, 1884; elected to Ch. Ch. Oxon. July 1889, matric. Oct. 11, 1889; B.A. 1894; played football (Assoc.) for Oxford 1891-3; Capt. 1893; asst. master, Bury St. Edmunds School, 1894, Forest School 1895-9, Uppingham School from 1900; played cricket for Essex 1898 and 1899; en­listed in the 18th (Service) Batt. Royal Fusiliers Sept. 1914; Lieut. Jan. 1, 1915; went out to the western front Nov. 1915; m. April 22, 1911, Marian Willoughby, elder daughter of H. F. W. Greenhill, of Canada; killed in action at Ovillers, France, July 7, 1916.

            Sumpter, George, 1891-1920
            GB-2014-WSA-16488 · Pessoa singular · 1891-1920

            Sumpter, George, only son of Thomas George Sumpter, of Epping, Essex, by Nina, daughter of Thomas Kemp Stone, LL.D.; b. Sept. 19, 1891; adm. Jan. 19, 1905 (H); K.S. 1906; left July 1909; R.M.A. Woolwich 1910; 2nd Lieut. R. A. July 20, 1911; Lieut. July 20, 1914; Capt. Aug. 8, 1916; Brevet Major Feb. 2, 1917; went out to the western front 1914, and was wounded at Ypres Nov. 14, 1914, and again on the Somme June 1916; served with the military mission to South Russia Aug. 28, 1919 -June 1920; Liaison Officer with the Greek Army July 1920; M.C. Aug. 25, 1917, Bar Sept. 16, 1918; D.S.O. May 26, 1918; Order of St. Anne of Russia Nov. 1919; killed in action at Ismidt, Asia Minor, Aug. 20, 1920; unm.