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Elementa. .novo ordine. . una cum Nic. Mercatoris introductione
Elementa. .novo ordine. . una cum Nic. Mercatoris introductione
An arithmeticall militare treatise, named Stratioticos: compendiously teaching the science of nu[m]bers, as vvell in fractions as integers, and so much of the rules and
An arithmeticall militare treatise, named Stratioticos: compendiously teaching the science of nu[m]bers, as vvell in fractions as integers, and so much of the rules and
A geometrical Practise, named Pantometria, diuided into three bookes, longimetra, planimetra, and stereometria, containing rules manifolde for mensuration of all lines, superficies and solides: with sundry straunge conclusions both by instrument and without, and also by perspectiue glasses, to set forth the true description or exact plat of an whole region: framed by Leonard Digges gentleman, lately finished by Thomas Digges his sonne. Who hathe also thereunto adioyned a mathematicall treatise of the fiue regulare Platonicall bodies, and their Metamorphosis or transformation into fiue other equilater vniforme solides Geometricall, of his owne inuention, hitherto not mentioned of by any geometricians.
A geometrical Practise, named Pantometria, diuided into three bookes, longimetra, planimetra, and stereometria, containing rules manifolde for mensuration of all lines, superficies and solides: with sundry straunge conclusions both by instrument and without, and also by perspectiue glasses, to set forth the true description or exact plat of an whole region: framed by Leonard Digges gentleman, lately finished by Thomas Digges his sonne. Who hathe also thereunto adioyned a mathematicall treatise of the fiue regulare Platonicall bodies, and their Metamorphosis or transformation into fiue other equilater vniforme solides Geometricall, of his owne inuention, hitherto not mentioned of by any geometricians.
Canon triangulorum, or Tables of artificiall sines and tangents, to a radius of 10000,0000 parts, and each minute of the quadrant. By Edm. Gunter Professor of Astronomie in Gresham College.
Canon triangulorum, or Tables of artificiall sines and tangents, to a radius of 10000,0000 parts, and each minute of the quadrant. By Edm. Gunter Professor of Astronomie in Gresham College.
The longitude found: or, A treatise shewing an easie and speedy way, as well by night as by day, to find the longitude, having but the latitude of the place, and the inclination of the magnetical inclinatorie needle. By Henry Bond Senior, teacher of navigation, and other parts of the Mathematicks, in Store-house yard in Ratcliff. Printed by the Kings Majesties special command.
The longitude found: or, A treatise shewing an easie and speedy way, as well by night as by day, to find the longitude, having but the latitude of the place, and the inclination of the magnetical inclinatorie needle. By Henry Bond Senior, teacher of navigation, and other parts of the Mathematicks, in Store-house yard in Ratcliff. Printed by the Kings Majesties special command.
The pathvvay to knowledge, containing the first principles of geometrie, as they may mostl aptly bee applied vnto practise, both for vse of instrumentes geometricall, and astonomicall: and also for proiection of plattes in euery kinde and therefore much necessarie for al sortes of men.
The pathvvay to knowledge, containing the first principles of geometrie, as they may mostl aptly bee applied vnto practise, both for vse of instrumentes geometricall, and astonomicall: and also for proiection of plattes in euery kinde and therefore much necessarie for al sortes of men.
Parallaticae commentationis praxeosq[ue] nucleus quidam. Authore Ioanne Dee, Londinensi.
Parallaticae commentationis praxeosq[ue] nucleus quidam. Authore Ioanne Dee, Londinensi.
An addition vnto the vse of the instrument called the circles of proportion, for the working of nauticall questions.
An addition vnto the vse of the instrument called the circles of proportion, for the working of nauticall questions.
The sea-mans practice, contayning a fundamentall probleme in navigation, experimentally verified: namely, touching the compasse of the earth and sea, and the quantity of a degree in our English measures. Also, an exact method or forme of keeping a reckoning at sea, in an kinde or manner of sayling. With certaine tables and other rules usefull in navigation. As also in the plotting and surveying of places. The latitude of the principall places in England. The finding of currents at sea; and what allowance is to be given in respect of them. By Richard Norwood, reade of the mathematicks.
The sea-mans practice, contayning a fundamentall probleme in navigation, experimentally verified: namely, touching the compasse of the earth and sea, and the quantity of a degree in our English measures. Also, an exact method or forme of keeping a reckoning at sea, in an kinde or manner of sayling. With certaine tables and other rules usefull in navigation. As also in the plotting and surveying of places. The latitude of the principall places in England. The finding of currents at sea; and what allowance is to be given in respect of them. By Richard Norwood, reade of the mathematicks.
The sector on a quadrant
The sector on a quadrant