Affichage de 789 résultats

Description archivistique
The New British Province of South Australia; or, A Description of the Country, illustrated by Charts and Views . .
The New British Province of South Australia; or, A Description of the Country, illustrated by Charts and Views . .
Don Carlos; or Persecution: A Tragedy
Don Carlos; or Persecution: A Tragedy
Musapaedia; or, Miscellany Poems never before printed.
Musapaedia; or, Miscellany Poems never before printed.
The Tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh
The Tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh
Arcadia; or, The Shepherd's Wedding: A Dramatic Pastoral.
Arcadia; or, The Shepherd's Wedding: A Dramatic Pastoral.
Britannia Rediviva
Britannia Rediviva
An Account of the European Settlements in America.
An Account of the European Settlements in America.
Criticisms on The Rolliad: A Poem
Criticisms on The Rolliad: A Poem
Poems; containing The Retrospect, Odes, Elegies, Sonnets
Poems; containing The Retrospect, Odes, Elegies, Sonnets
The Genuine Case of John Donellan as Written by Himself
The Genuine Case of John Donellan as Written by Himself