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A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect, fruitfully augmented by the author, containing plaine, briefe, pleasant, chosen rules to iudge the weather by the sunne, moone, starres, comets, rainbow, thunder, clowdes, with other extraordinary tokens, not omitting the aspects of planets, with a briefe iudgement for euer, of plentie, lacke, sicknes, dearth, warres, &c. opening also many naturall causes worthie to be knowne. To these and other now at the last, are ioyned diuers generall, pleasant tables, with many compendious rules, easie to be had in memorie manifold wayes profitable to all men of vnderstanding. Published by Leonard Digges Gentleman. Lately corrected and augmented by Thomas Digges his sonne.
A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect, fruitfully augmented by the author, containing plaine, briefe, pleasant, chosen rules to iudge the weather by the sunne, moone, starres, comets, rainbow, thunder, clowdes, with other extraordinary tokens, not omitting the aspects of planets, with a briefe iudgement for euer, of plentie, lacke, sicknes, dearth, warres, &c. opening also many naturall causes worthie to be knowne. To these and other now at the last, are ioyned diuers generall, pleasant tables, with many compendious rules, easie to be had in memorie manifold wayes profitable to all men of vnderstanding. Published by Leonard Digges Gentleman. Lately corrected and augmented by Thomas Digges his sonne.
To the English gentrie, and all others studious of the mathematicks, which shall bee readers hereof. The just apologie of Wil: Oughtred, against the slaunderous insimulations of Richard Delamain, in a pamphlet called Grammelogia, or the mathematicall ring, or mirisica logarithmorum projectio circularis.
To the English gentrie, and all others studious of the mathematicks, which shall bee readers hereof. The just apologie of Wil: Oughtred, against the slaunderous insimulations of Richard Delamain, in a pamphlet called Grammelogia, or the mathematicall ring, or mirisica logarithmorum projectio circularis.
Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio, ejusque usus, in utraque trigonometria; vt etiam in omni logistica mathematica, amplissimi, facillimi, & expeditissimi explicatio. Accesserunt opera posthuma; primò, mirifici ipsius canonis constructio, & logarithmorum ad naturale ipsorum numeros habitudines. Secundò, appendix de alia, eáque præstantiore logarithmorum specie construenda. Tertiò, propositiones quædam eminentissimæ, ad triangula sphærica mirâ facilitate resolvenda. Autore ac inventore Ioanne Nepero, Barone Merchistonii, &c. Scoto.
Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio, ejusque usus, in utraque trigonometria; vt etiam in omni logistica mathematica, amplissimi, facillimi, & expeditissimi explicatio. Accesserunt opera posthuma; primò, mirifici ipsius canonis constructio, & logarithmorum ad naturale ipsorum numeros habitudines. Secundò, appendix de alia, eáque præstantiore logarithmorum specie construenda. Tertiò, propositiones quædam eminentissimæ, ad triangula sphærica mirâ facilitate resolvenda. Autore ac inventore Ioanne Nepero, Barone Merchistonii, &c. Scoto.
The trissotetras: or, a most exquisite table for resolving all manner of triangles, whether plaine or sphericall, rectangular or obliquangular, with greater facility, then ever hitherto hath been practised: most necessary for all such as would attaine to the exact knowledge of fortification, dyaling, navigation, surveying, architecture, the art of shadowing, taking of heights, and distances, the use of both the globes, perspective, the skill of making the maps, the theory of the planets, the calculating of their motions, and of all other astronomicall computations whatsoever. Now lately invented, and perfected, explained, commented on, and, with all possible brevity, and perspicuity, in the hiddest, and most re-searched mysteries, from the very first grounds of the science it selfe, proved, and convincingly demonstrated. By Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromartie Knight. Published for the benefit of those that are mathematically affected.
The trissotetras: or, a most exquisite table for resolving all manner of triangles, whether plaine or sphericall, rectangular or obliquangular, with greater facility, then ever hitherto hath been practised: most necessary for all such as would attaine to the exact knowledge of fortification, dyaling, navigation, surveying, architecture, the art of shadowing, taking of heights, and distances, the use of both the globes, perspective, the skill of making the maps, the theory of the planets, the calculating of their motions, and of all other astronomicall computations whatsoever. Now lately invented, and perfected, explained, commented on, and, with all possible brevity, and perspicuity, in the hiddest, and most re-searched mysteries, from the very first grounds of the science it selfe, proved, and convincingly demonstrated. By Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromartie Knight. Published for the benefit of those that are mathematically affected.
Opera Omnia
Opera Omnia
Synonyma magistri Ioha[n]nis de Garlandia cum expositio[n]e magistri Galfridi anglici.
Synonyma magistri Ioha[n]nis de Garlandia cum expositio[n]e magistri Galfridi anglici.
Multo[rum] vocabulo[rum] equiuoco[rum] interpretatio magistri Ioha[n]nis de Garlandia grammatico et latini cupido.permaxime necessaria incipit.
Multo[rum] vocabulo[rum] equiuoco[rum] interpretatio magistri Ioha[n]nis de Garlandia grammatico et latini cupido.permaxime necessaria incipit.
Compendium totius fra[m]matice ex variis auctoribus Laurectio, seruio, perotto diligenter collectum. Et ver sibus cum corum interpretationibus co[n]scriptum tetius barbariei destructorium et latine lingue ornamentun mo[m]munus preceptoribus ... pieris necessariu[m].
Compendium totius fra[m]matice ex variis auctoribus Laurectio, seruio, perotto diligenter collectum. Et ver sibus cum corum interpretationibus co[n]scriptum tetius barbariei destructorium et latine lingue ornamentun mo[m]munus preceptoribus ... pieris necessariu[m].
Usus et fabrica circini cuiusdam proportionis, per quem omnia fere? ... problemata ... resoluuntur.
Usus et fabrica circini cuiusdam proportionis, per quem omnia fere? ... problemata ... resoluuntur.
Hymni, cum scholiis nunc primum aeditis, sententiae ex diuersis poetis oratoribusque ac philosophis collectae, non ante excusae
Hymni, cum scholiis nunc primum aeditis, sententiae ex diuersis poetis oratoribusque ac philosophis collectae, non ante excusae