The Elizabethan Club Ball took place within the grounds of The Abbey and The School, on 9th July 2010, to celebrate the 450th Anniversary of Westminster School. Includes documents relating to the planning and preparation of the Ball, which began in 2007.
Football Juniors League Cup. Not loaded. Black plastic base. No cover. Donor: Elizabethan Club, 1905. Awarded: 1958. Was listed twice as WS.TRO.0001.110 (latter record deleted).
Hancocks & CoSilver hammer in a presentation case. Silver plate on badly damaged leather case is inscribed: 'The Challenge Hammer presented by the Elizabethan Club, 1867'. Inside is a silver plate engraved with winners' names from 1867 to 1922. Apparently unmarked in the form of a hammer with gilt ball, in fitted case. Donor: The Elizabethan Club, 1867. Awarded: 1867-1922. Case badly damaged at hinge.
Moore, William, active 19th Century15 small shields, 1 central plaque (school crest) and a small presentation plaque inscribed: 'Presented by the Elizabethan Club 1887'. Awarded: 1887-1901. Several shields need re fixing.
Hancock, Charles Frederick, 1807-189114 small raised shields on a silver plaque. Presented by the Elizabethan Club 1906. Awarded: 1906-1920
Hancocks & CoA two-handled rose bowl on ebonised wood stand, engraved "Presented to William Awdry Peck by the Members of the Elizabethan Club"
Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Ltd