Old Westminsters



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Old Westminsters

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James Henry Monk to Peter Elmsley

Accepts PE's offer of commentary on Medea for 5th No. of Mus.Crit. Urges PE to write an account of the ed. of Sophocles. Dobree collating mss. of Demosthenes in Paris - soon to be returned to Vienna. JHM drawing up notes on Alcestis, to be printed in new year. Punctuation marks in Alc. 29-37 and Med. 84f.

James Henry Monk to Peter Elmsley

Wrong number of offprints of PE's Medea article. A term lost because of fears of fever. Dobree returned from two months in Leyden with Wyttenbach (who is in despair after losing his papers). Schaefer's pirated edition of Adversaria. What of annotations on the Hecuba? JHM wants them to have a position of honour in Mus.Crit.No.6. Asks PE to promote the application of John Brass to Leeds Grammar School (he didn't get it). Asks PE to write a review of the Adversaria for the Classical Quarterly - PE apparently has an objection.

James Henry Monk to Peter Elmsley

PE has agreed to support John Brass - JHM drafts letter for him to send. Illegally sending PE a (Porson?) book - asks him to destroy this letter! Asks for whatever PE has on the Hecuba - but for PE's promise, Medea rather than Hecuba would have been set for next term.

James Henry Monk to Peter Elmsley

Busy - lectures, pupils, wide acquaintance, medal and scholarship exams, publishing two books (2nd ed Hippolytus, 1st number of Museum Criticum). Asks for two new sheets of the Heracleidae. Articles in Mus Crit longer than expected and without much variety, so may not at first be popular. Asks for a short notice of any new publication PE sees, and for his views on the Mus Crit when it appears.

James Henry Monk to Peter Elmsley

Still very busy - simultaneous publication of two books. Thanks PE for complete copy of Heracleidae. Mus Crit longer than expected (140)(128 pages). Hippolytus will be finished the next day, and a copy will be sent to PE. Sidler's Dochmiaea unsatisfactory - hopes for a better attempt from PE. More on Barker - an 'unprincipled dog.' PE has deferred coming to Cambridge.

James Henry Monk to Peter Elmsley

The long holiday has so relaxed him that he cannot settle down to Greek. Has revised one sheet of Maltby's Thesaurus. At the meeting in London PE had said he might write an article on Fox and Wakefield's correspondence (published June 1813).

James Henry Monk to Peter Elmsley

PE has given him leave to address him in the language of familiarity ('My dear Elmsley')('My dear Sir'). Hurt that PE prefers to write for the Classical Journal than for the Museum Criticum. A question of circulation and therefore publicity - but the Class Journal cannot be found in Cambridge bookshops because half of it is written by Barker - only Dobree has a copy. Burney's Phrynichus, and news of college appointments.

James Henry Monk to Peter Elmsley

A slight falling-out between JHM and PE, about which JHM is distressed - maybe to do with Murray 1) Murray has withdrawn any objection to PE making free use of his articles and 2) JHM cannot see that any displeasure of PE with Murray could operate against the Mus.Crit. News of sales of 1st ed. of Mus.Crit.

Results 341 to 350 of 492