O’Sullivan, John Louis, 1813-1895

Identity area

Type of entity


Authorized form of name

O’Sullivan, John Louis, 1813-1895

Parallel form(s) of name

Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

Other form(s) of name

Identifiers for corporate bodies

Description area

Dates of existence



O’SULLIVAN, JOHN LOUIS, brother of William Rowley O’Sullivan (qv); b. Gibraltar 15 Nov 1813; adm. 23 May 1826 (Singleton's) (in Record as John Lewis Sullivan, but surname given as O’Sullivan in admissions and his second Christian name was Louis); emigrated to USA 1827; Columbia Coll., New York; BA 1831; tutor and instructor, Columbia Coll. 1831-3; adm. to US bar 1835; he and his brother-in-law purchased the Metropolitan newspaper, Georgetown, Washington DC Jul 1835, and ran it until Jul 1837; they subsequently launched the Democratic Review, published in Washington DC Sep 1837 – Dec 1840; moved to New York 1840; transferred the management and printing of the Democratic Review to New York, acting as its sole editor 1841-6; member New York State Assembly 1841-2; editor, New York Morning News 1844-6; a prominent member of the radical wing of the New York Democrat party; involved in schemes for US annexation of Cuba between 1848 and 1852; US Consul, Lisbon Jun 1854 – May 1858; supporter of Confederacy during American Civil war; friend of the writer Nathaniel Hawthorne; see Robert D. Sampson, John L. O’Sullivan and his times, 2003; author, Union, Disunion and Reunion, 1862, and other books and pamphlets; m. 21 Oct 1846 Susan, dau. of Kearny Rodgers MD, New York City, USA; d. 24 Feb 1895.


Legal status

Functions, occupations and activities

Mandates/sources of authority

Internal structures/genealogy

General context

Relationships area

Related entity

O’Sullivan, William Rowley, 1812-? (1812-?)

Identifier of related entity


Category of relationship


Type of relationship

O’Sullivan, William Rowley, 1812-?

is the sibling of

O’Sullivan, John Louis, 1813-1895

Dates of relationship

Description of relationship

Access points area

Subject access points

Place access points


Control area

Authority record identifier


Institution identifier

GB 2014

Rules and/or conventions used

International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) 2nd edition



Level of detail


Dates of creation, revision and deletion

Prepared for import into AtoM by Westminster School Archive staff, 2019-2020




Users should note that the information recorded here that is not to be found in the first two volumes of the Record of Old Westminsters and its first Supplement has been assembled from various published and manuscript sources by Hugh Edmund Pagan MA FSA, and all new resulting text is his copyright, © 2014.

The Record of Old Westminsters: A biographical list of all those who are known to have been educated at Westminster School from the earliest times to 1927, Volumes 1 & 2, compiled by G. F. Russell Barker and Alan H. Stenning, London, 1928.

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