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Roles and Groups

580 Descrição arquivística resultados para Roles and Groups

Bundle 2

P B Duncan to PE in Paris, asking for help in commissioning an artist to paint some classical subjects (inc. the Parthenon). News from Oxford - death of Sir Christopher Pegge (regius professor of physic), disposal of some livings, suicide of Marquess of Londonderry (Lord Castlereagh - overwork and criticism from opponents brought on a nervous fever - his family removed his pistols and razors, but he managed to pierce his carotid artery with a small penknife), and the King has gone to Scotland (Walter Scott welcomed him to Edinburgh with a ballad).

Bundle 2

E Copleston (provost of Oriel, later Bishop of Llandaff?) unable to help PE, who appears to be looking for someone to perform a service.

Bundle 2

J.E.Miller in Marseilles to PE in Naples. Congratulations on PE's appointment. Has had a portrait painted at Finch's suggestion, which PE has passed back to England, but has parted from Finch. Alludes to his travels between Rome and Florence, but no need for detail, since the 'age of discovery' in that district is gone by. Vesuvius is erupting, and a fine view may be had from the Hotel Villa di Roma. Ashbridge is disputing with an Italian, and is not on bad terms with the quiet and sensible Miller

Bundle 2

J.E.Miller in Venice to PE in Naples. Certainly not here for the carnival, which he hates, but to repair the omissions of a hurried first visit and to hear the music in the great theatre. Plans for future travels in northern Italy - Mantua not worth seeing. Will return soon to England because of aging father. Regrets the death (in Naples od malaria?) of Ashbridge, whom he had known 6 months previously in Naples (but didn't warm to). Doubts that PE's current employment will be profitable, either financially or academically.

Bundle 2

Philip Bliss finds a housekeeper for PE (see Row 76) and also a housemaid, and asks PE to name the highest sum he is prepared to pay. Postscripted note - 'You MUST be prudent.'

Bundle 2

J.Bull - the Dean wishes to speak to PE on the subject of the Camden Professorship (of Ancient History) - JB has not said that he had already discussed it with PE, or that the position was acceptable to PE.

Bundle 2

T F Dibdin to PE as a Delegate concerning the cancellation and correction of an error in 'Bibliographica, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany' (1821).

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