Inscription: 'Challenge Cup Westminster Athletic Sport 440 Yards presented by Geoffrey Cecil Formilli'. Handles. Not loaded. No cover. Donor: Geoffrey Cecil Formilli, 1911. Awarded: 1911-1974
Charles Boyton & Son LtdSport
167 Catalogue Description results for Sport
Inscription: 'Westminster School Athletics Sports Cup Long Jump Open to All'. Not loaded. No cover. Donor: Presented by Edward Vidal in 1872. Awarded: 1872-1935. A.A. Milne was awarded this trophy.
Henry John Lias & Henry John LiasInscription: Westminster School House Badminton Cup. Circular bowl on black plastic plinth.
Swatkins2 plaques, 26 small shields and 1 big shield (School Crest). Awarded: 1935-1964. Plaque at tip and 2 shields missing. Maker's mark obscured.
Inscription: 'Presented by Edward Oliver Kirlew 1895'. Reascribed as U16 High Jump. Not loaded. No cover. Awarded: 1895-1974.
Mappin & Webb LtdPresented in 1937 by H. Costley-White, Head Master 1919-1937. Awarded 1934-35 to 1958-59. 2 plaques, 26 small shields (1 missing), 1 big shield (School Crest) on a wooden support. Needs repair.