New user?
Learn how to browse and search our catalogue or find out more about our holdings. We've also produced a guide to Westminster School slang and terminology.
Searching for an Old Westminster?
In August 2020 we added biographical details for over 17,000 alumni
to this catalogue, drawn from the printed volumes The Record of
Old Westminsters, supplemented by the extensive research of
Hugh Pagan (OW). We have produced a guide to using this resource.
Can't find what you're looking for?
We will be adding archival descriptions and digital content to this site
on a regular basis. If you cannot find what you are looking for please contact us at archives@westminster.org.uk and we will try to help you
in your search.
Using our images
Please note that digital images that appear in the catalogue are provided for personal research only. They are generally compressed versions of a much larger original which is held by the School Archive. If you wish to obtain a copy of the larger file, or would like to share or publish an image, please get in touch at archives@westminster.org.uk