File report

Catalogue Description hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 GB 2014 WS-02-PUB-01-02 Pink List and School Rolls 1851- None
2 GB 2014 WS-02-PUB-01-02-01 Bound School Lists 1851-1929 1851-1929 [gaps] Access to publications is granted to bona-fide researchers, by prior appointment. Availability of some lists may be restricted due to Data Protection. Shelf: Shelf Eb1 - Archive Rolling Racking
3 GB 2014 WS-02-PUB-01-02-02 Individual School Lists 1856-1949 1856-1949 [gaps] Access to publications is granted to bona-fide researchers, by prior appointment. Availability of some lists may be restricted due to Data Protection. Shelf: Shelf Eb2 - Archive Rolling Racking
4 GB 2014 WS-02-PUB-01-02-03 Grumea Scholastica 1883-1901 1883-1901 Access to publications is granted to bona-fide researchers, by prior appointment. Availability of some lists may be restricted due to Data Protection. Shelf: Shelf Eb2 - Archive Rolling Racking
5 GB 2014 WS-02-PUB-01-02-04 Pink Lists 1928-2009 1928-2009 [gaps] Access to publications is granted to bona-fide researchers, by prior appointment. Availability of some lists may be restricted due to Data Protection. Shelf: Shelf Ea2 - Archive Rolling Racking