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People & Organisations
GB-2014-WSA-02343 · Person · 1861-1938

ASTON, SIR GEORGE GREY, son of Lieut. -Col. Henry Aston, EICS Bombay, by Katherine, dau. of Rev. Abraham Faure, Cape Town, South Africa; b. 2 Dec 1861; adm. QS 9 Oct 1876; left Aug 1879; RNC Greenwich 1879-81; 1st Lieut., Royal Marine Artillery 1 Sep 1879; Capt. 25 Jan 1888; Professor of Fortification, RNC Greenwich 1896-9; Maj. 2 Mar 1898; Brevet Lieut. -Col. 29 Nov 1900; Brevet Col. 24 May 1905; Lieut. -Col., Royal Marine Artillery 6 Feb 1908; Brig. -Gen. 4 Apr 1908 - 20 Jan 1913, 25 Aug 1914-7; Col., 2nd Commandant, Royal Marine Artillery 7 May 1913, Col. Commandant 24 Sep 1914; retd. with hon. rank Maj. -Gen. 24 Sep 1917; served Egyptian expedition 1884 and South African War 1900-1, despatches LG 10 Sep 1901; commanded expeditions to Ostend and Dunkirk 1914; served in War Cabinet Secretariat 1918-9; CB 26 Jun 1902; KCB 3 Jun 1913; ADC to King 26 Jun 1911-7; Busby Trustee from May 1919; author, Letters on Amphibious Wars, 1911, and other works; m. 1 Jun 1909 Dorothy Ellen, youngest dau. of Vice-Adm. William Wilson, Clyffe Manor, Swindon, Wilts.; d. 2 Dec 1938. DNB.

GB-2014-WSA-02344 · Person · 1701-1748

ASTON, HON. HENRY HERVEY, brother of John Hervey, 2nd Baron Hervey of Ickworth (qv); b. 5 Jan 1700/1; adm. 27 Jan 1711/2; QS (Capt. ) 1716; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1719, matr. 8 Jun 1719, Westminster Student 23 Dec 1719 - void 18 Dec 1723; Cornet, 11th Dragoons 25 Mar 1724; Capt., 11th Foot 13 May 1735; 1st Dragoon Guards 21 Dec 1738; retd. 8 Jul 1742; ordained priest (Ely) Sep 1743; Rector of Shotley, Suffolk, from 30 Sep 1743; Gonville and Caius Coll. Cambridge, adm. pens. 31 Oct 1743; MA 1744; assumed additional surname of Aston by private Act of Parliament (17 Geo. II, c. xxii); earned the gratitude of Dr. Johnson, who in speaking of Hervey to Boswell said “he was a vicious Man, but very kind to me : if you call a dog Hervey, I shall love it” (Boswell’s Johnson, ed. G. B. Hill, i, 106); a charity sermon preached by him in May 1745 and published under his name was written by Dr. Johnson; m. 2 Mar 1730 Catherine, eldest dau. of Sir Thomas Aston, Bart.; d. 16 Nov 1748.

Aston, John, 1879-1937
GB-2014-WSA-02345 · Person · 1879-1937

Aston, John, son of the Rev. John Walter Aston, Vicar of Ambleside, Westmorland, by Constance Helena, daughter of William Hinkes Cox, of Wimbledon; b. Nov. 18, 1879; adm. from Harrow School Sept. 28, 1893 (R); Q.S. Sept. 27, 1894; elected to an exhibition at Ch. Ch. Oxon. (with Triplett) July 1898, matric. Michaelmas 1898; B.A. 1902; M.A. 1908; asst. master at Hill Side School, Godalming, 1902-6, and at St. Clare, Walmer, 1906-9, Head Master at St. Clare from 1910; served in France as 2nd Lieut. 12th Batt. East Surrey Regt. Sept. 1916 -July 1917; dangerously wounded near Hollebeke, July 27, 1917 and was discharged for wound Feb. 1918 and gazetted Lieut.; author of sketches of Christ Church, Oxford (1902) and other works; d. Jan. 12, 1937.

GB-2014-WSA-018875 · Person · 1869-1930

ASTON, RANDOLPH LITTLETON, brother of William Clifford Aston (qv); b. 6 Sep 1869; adm. as exhibitioner (G) 31 May 1883, having previously been at Cheltenham Coll. ; left May 1884; at Berkhamsted Sch. 1884-5, Tonbridge Sch. 1885-8, Smythe exhibitioner 1888; Gonville and Caius Coll. Cambridge, adm. pens. 1 Oct 1888, matr. Mich. 1888; BA 1891; MA 1905; played Rugby football for Cambridge Dec 1889, Mar 1891, for England v. Scotland and England v. Ireland 1890, and for English team in South Africa 1891-2; member of committee, Rugby Football Union 1906-10; assistant master, Blairlodge Sch. , Perthshire 1891-2; assistant master, Tonbridge Sch. 1892-23, house master there 1910-23; 2nd Lieut. Tonbridge Sch. OTC 22 May 1915, temp. Lieut. 2 Oct 1915; d. 3 Nov 1930.

GB-2014-WSA-02346 · Person · 1769-1845

ASTON, WALTER HUTCHINSON, 8TH BARON ASTON (S), eldest son of Walter Aston, 7th Baron Aston (S), and Anne, dau. of Peter Hutchinson, Gales, Yorks.; b. 15 Sep 1769 ‘; adm. 31 May 1780; KS 1785; one of the contributors to The Trifler, 1788-9; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1789, matr. 12 Jun 1789, Westminster Student 24 Dec 1789 - 10 Jun 1803 (void, on expiry year of grace as PC Caversham); BA 1793; MA 1796; ordained priest (York) 3 Jul 1796; Curate, Barton in Farbis, Notts., 1796; Perpetual Curate, Caversham, Oxfordshire (year of grace as from 10 Jun 1802); succ. father as 8th Baron Aston (S) 29 Jul 1805; Rector and Vicar of Hartfield, Sussex, 6 Apr 1807-15; presented petition to Crown claiming barony of Aston of Forfar (S) Feb 1819; Vicar of Tardebigg, Worcs., from 10 Oct 1821; Vicar of Tanworth, Warwickshire 12 Aug 1829 – May 1832; author, Select Psalms in Verse, 1811; m. 14 Jun 1802 Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Nathan Haines DD, Vicar of St. Mary’s, Nottingham; d. 21 Jan 1845.

GB-2014-WSA-02347 · Person · 1858-1904

ASTON, WILLIAM CLIFFORD, fourth son of Rev. John Astbury Aston, Vicar of St. Luke’s, Cheltenham, and Emily Laura Cox, Wimbledon, Surrey; b. 10 Oct 1858; adm. (G) 22 Jan 1869; exhibitioner 1872; QS 1873; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1877, matr. 24 May 1877; BA 1879; MA 1884; played Association Football for Oxford 1881; ordained deacon 18 Dec 1881, priest 21 Dec 1882 (both Gloucester & Bristol); Curate, St. Luke’s, Cheltenham 1881-3; Curate, Holy Trinity, Chelsea 1883; Perpetual Curate of St. George’s, Brighton 24 Jan 1884-8; Curate, Holy Trinity, Richmond, Surrey 1888-90; Curate, Ross, Herefs. 1890-3; Curate in charge, St. John’s, Polegate, Sussex 22 Aug 1893-5; Curate, Leckhampton, Gloucs., from 1895; also Rector of Beeston St. Andrew, Norfolk (sinecure), from 1886; m. 17 Apr 1884 Annie Nevile, youngest dau. of George Nevile Wyatt, Cheltenham, Gloucs., landowner; d. 13 Feb 1904.

GB-2014-WSA-02349 · Person · 1922-2007

Atchley, William Ames, son of Dana Winslow Atchley MD, physician, of Englewood, NJ, USA, and Mary Cornelia, d. of Walter Bell Phister of Chicago, USA; b. 17 May 1922; adm. Apr. 1938 (B); left July 1938; Harvard Univ. Med. Sch., MD 1946; practised in Marin County, CA, USA, to retirement 1991; assoc. Prof. medicine, Univ. of California, San Francisco; Fellow, American Coll. Physicians; founder, International Bioethics Institute; m. 1st, 14 Apr. 1945 (div. 1955) Anstis Manton, d. of William Russell Burwell of Cleveland, OH, USA; 2nd, 23 Oct 1955 (div. 1973) Margaret Feiring, d. of Jesse Feiring Williams; 3rd, 9 Aug 1981 Anna Elisabeth Vischer; d. 9 Aug. 2007.

GB-2014-WSA-02350 · Person · 1834-1898

ATHERLEY, EDWARD GAMBIER ELIOT, third son of Rev. Arthur Atherley, Vicar of Heavitree, Devon, and Prebendary of Chichester, and Amelia Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Dawkins, Commissioner of Excise; b. 18 Dec 1834; adm. 4 Oct 1849 (Rigaud's); Ensign, 45th Foot 3 Nov 1852; Lieut., 13 Oct 1854; Capt., 6 Nov 1860; 60th Rifles 2 Dec 1862; retd. 25 Oct 1864; d. 10 Oct 1898.

GB-2014-WSA-02351 · Person · 1837-1878

ATHERLEY, SIDNEY KERR BULLER, brother of Edward Gambier Eliot Atherley (qv); b. 22 Oct 1837; adm. 4 Oct 1849 (Rigaud's); went to Eton; Trin. Coll. Camb., adm. pens. 4 Apr 1854, readm. 23 Feb 1855, matr. Mich. 1855; m. 3 Apr 1877 Georgiana Louise, youngest dau. of Grenville Charles Lennox Berkeley, Commissioner of Customs; d. 27 Feb 1878.

GB-2014-WSA-02352 · Person · 1883-1936

Atherley-Jones, Ernest Egbert Stanley Bright, son of His Hon. Llewellyn Archer Atherley­ Jones, K . C., of Brayswick, Berks, Judge of the City of London Court, by Elizabeth Fanny, daughter of James David Lambert, of Chapel House, Durham; b. May 5, 1883; adm. May 6, 1897 (R); left July 1902; Magd. Coll. Oxon., matric. Michaelmas 1902; subsequently migrated to Worcester Coll.; called to the bar at the Inner Temple May 10, 1911; Midland Circuit; asst. private sec. to Lord Rhondda, Ministry of Food, and sometime Grain Officer, South Midlands, during Great War I; m. 1st June 29, 1911, Charlotte Abney, only child of Col. H. Walker, of the West Yorks Regt.; wd Oct. 26, 1922, Betty Fanny, daughter of the Rev. Henry William Richards, Rector of Stanwick, Northants; d. Feb. 25, 1936.