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Cleaver, Euseby, 1745-1819
GB-2014-WSA-04951 · Persona · 1745-1819

CLEAVER, EUSEBY, brother of John Cleaver (qv); b. 8 Sep 1745; adm.; KS 1759; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1763, matr. 9 Jun 1763, Westminster Student 24 Dec 1763 – void 10 May 1775 (expiry year of grace as R. Spofforth from 12 May 1774), Tutor 1767-74; BA 1767; MA 1770; BD and DD 1783; DD Trinity Coll. Dublin 1788; tutor to Earl of Egremont at Christ Church 1767; ordained deacon (Oxford) 20 Dec 1772; Rector of Spofforth, Yorks., 9 May 1774-83; Rector of Tillington, Sussex, 13 Mar 1783-9; Rector of Petworth, Sussex, 5 Apr 1783-9; Prebendary of Chichester 21 Feb 1787 – res by May 1789; Chaplain to Marquis of Buckingham when Lord Lieut. Ireland, 1787-9; consecrated Bishop of Cork and Ross 28 Mar 1789, translated to Ferns and Leighlin 13 Jun 1789; suffered heavy losses during rebellion of 1798, having his palace plundered and his library destroyed; Archbishop of Dublin from 25 Aug 1809; m. 2 May 1788 Catherine, dau. of Right Hon. Owen Wynne PC (I) MP (I), Hazlewood, co. Sligo; d. 10 Dec 1819. DNB.

Clarke, Thomas, ca. 1703-1764
GB-2014-WSA-04926 · Persona · ca. 1703-1764

CLARKE, SIR THOMAS, younger son of Thomas Clarke, St. Giles’s in the Fields, Holborn, carpenter, “whose wife kept a pawnbroker’s shop”; b.; adm. (aged 11) 10 Jan 1714/5; Min. Can. 1716; KS 1717; elected to Trinity Coll. Cambridge 1721, adm. pens. 10 Jun 1721, scholar 6 Apr 1722; 2nd in ordo 1724/5; BA 1724/5; MA 1728; Minor Fellow, Trinity Coll., 2 Oct 1727, Major Fellow 6 Jul 1728; adm. Gray’s Inn 20 Oct 1727, called to bar 21 Jun 1729; KC 1740; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 4 May 1742, Bencher 17 May 1754; MP St. Michael’s 1747-54, Lostwithiel 1754-61; Master of the Rolls from 25 May 1754; knighted 25 May 1754; Privy Councillor 21 Jun 1754; FRS 14 Nov 1754; author, Fleta seu Commentarius Juris Anglicani, 1735 (issued anonymously); d. 13 Nov 1764. DNB.

Chetwynd, William, 1721-1791
GB-2014-WSA-04773 · Persona · 1721-1791

CHETWYND, WILLIAM, 4TH VISCOUNT CHETWYND (I), eldest son of William Richard Chetwynd, 3rd Viscount Chetwynd (qv); b. 25 Nov 1721; adm. Mar 1727/8; KS 1733; left 1737; Hart Hall, Oxford, matr. 2 Dec 1737; [perhaps William Richard Chetwynd who was an Under-Secretary of State Dec 1744- Apr 1748]; MP Stockbridge 1747-54; Equerry to George II 24 May 1758- Oct 1760; succ. father as 4th Viscount Chetwynd (I) 3 Apr 1770; disinherited by father; m. 19 Nov 1751 Susannah, youngest dau. of Sir Jonathan Cope, Bart, MP; d. 12 Nov 1791.

GB-2014-WSA-04772 · Persona · ca. 1684-1770

CHETWYND, WILLIAM RICHARD, 3RD VISCOUNT CHETWYND (I), brother of Walter Chetwynd, 1st Viscount Chetwynd (qv); b.; adm.; KS 1699; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1703, matr. 8 Jun 1703, aged 19, Westminster Student 20 Dec 1703 - void 1715; adm. Middle Temple 8 Dec 1707, called to bar 7 May 1714; secretary to elder brother John when Envoy at Turin 1705-6, 1706-13; British Resident, Genoa, Jun 1708 - Mar 1711, Envoy Extraordinary there Mar 1711 - Feb 1713; MP Stafford 1715-22, Plymouth 1722-7, Stafford from 1734; a Lord of the Admiralty, 16 Apr 1717 - Aug 1727; Master of the Mint 29 Dec 1744 - 3 Jun 1769; succ. his brother as 3rd Viscount Chetwynd (I) 21 Jun 1767; m. 1715 Honora, dau. of William Baker, Consul at Algiers; d. 3 Apr 1770. DNB.

Cecil, Algernon, d. 1676
GB-2014-WSA-04601 · Persona · d. 1676

CECIL, HON. ALGERNON, fifth son of William Cecil, 2nd Earl of Salisbury (qv); b.; adm.; KS (Capt. ) 1641; among the Steward’s accounts at Hatfield for the year 1640-1 are payments “to Mr Busby for diet for the two gentlemen [William and Algernon Cecil] at the rate of £60 per ann., and their servant at £15 per ann. ”, for “potation money” at Easter 5s., and on “Mr Algernon’s admittance to be a King’s Scholar” £3. 15s. 9d.; Trinity Coll. Cambridge, adm. fellow commoner 28 Apr 1645, MA 1644 (check); MP Old Sarum 1660, but his election was disputed and he did not take his seat; m. Dorothy, dau. of Sandford Nevile, Chevet, Yorks.; d. Nov. 1676.

Carter, Thomas, ca. 1761-1835
GB-2014-WSA-04530 · Persona · ca. 1761-1835

CARTER, THOMAS, eldest son of Thomas Richard Carter (qv); b.; adm. 1 Jun 1774; KS 1775; convicted with four other Westminster boys at Middlesex Quarter Sessions, 21 May 1779, of a gross assault on a man in Dean’s Yard (Annual Register, 1779, 213); elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1779, matr. 3 Jun 1779, aged 18, Westminster Student 24 Dec 1779 - Nov 1790, Faculty Student 10 Nov 1790 - void on marriage 25 Nov 1791; BA 1783; MA 1786; adm. Middle Temple 5 Jun 1780, called to bar 9 Feb 1787; [? also adm. Inner Temple, year 1785/6]; private secretary to William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland (qv), when Home Secretary, 5 Jan 1795 - 6 Aug 1798; MP Tamworth 1796-1802, Callington 1807 - Apr 1810; High Sheriff, Northamptonshire 1806; m. Nov 1791 Glencairn, dau. of Walter Campbell, Shawfield, Lanarkshire, and Islay, Argyllshire; d. 10 Jun 1835.

Carleton, Dudley, 1574-1632
GB-2014-WSA-04469 · Persona · 1574-1632

CARLETON, DUDLEY, 1ST VISCOUNT DORCHESTER, son of Anthony Carleton, Brightwell Baldwin, Oxfordshire, and his second wife Jocosa, dau. of John Goodwin, Winchington, Bucks.; b. 10 Mar 1573/4; adm.; QS ; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1591, matr. 11 Feb 1591/2, Westminster Student to 1607; BA 1595; MA 1600 (incorp. Camb. 1626); DCL 31 Aug 1636; Secretary to Sir Thomas Parry, Ambassador to Paris, 1602; MP St. Mawes Mar 1603/4 - Feb 1610/1, Hastings Jan 1625/6 - May 1626; ? adm. Grays Inn 21 Feb 1604/5; Secretary to Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland; suspected of complicity in the Gunpowder Plot, but succeeded in clearing himself while under arrest; Ambassador to Venice 1610-5, The Hague 1616-25; knighted Sep1610; Vice-Chamberlain of the Household 1625-6; Privy Councillor 1626; Envoy to Paris 1626, The Hague 1626-8; created Baron Carleton 22 May 1626 and Viscount Dorchester 25 Jul 1628; Secretary of State from 18 Dec 1628; the most sagacious and successful British diplomat of his day; m. 1st, Nov 1607 Anne, dau. of George Gerrard, Dorney, Bucks., and step-dau. of Sir Henry Savile (founder of Savilian Professorship at Oxford); m. 2nd, 1630 Anne, widow of Paul Bayning, 1st Viscount Bayning, and dau. of Sir Henry Glemham, Little Glemham, Suffolk; d. 15 Feb 1631/2. Buried Westminster Abbey, monument in St. Paul’s Chapel. DNB.

Byng, George, ca. 1735-1789
GB-2014-WSA-04297 · Persona · ca. 1735-1789

BYNG, GEORGE, eldest son of Hon. Robert Byng MP, Commissioner of the Navy, subsequently Governor of Barbados, and Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan Forward, St. Mary at Hill, London, contractor of transports; b.; adm. (aged 7) Mar 1742/3 (Watts'); KS 1749; elected to Trin. Coll. Camb. 1753, but was never adm.; Ensign, 24th Foot, 1753; Lieut., 1756; Capt., 83rd Foot, 21 Oct 1758; 24th Foot, 1760; Maj., commanding 99th Foot, 1761; left Army 1773 (?); adm. Gray’s Inn 2 Jul 1765; MP Wigan 1768-80, Middlesex 1780-4; an active Whig politician; of Wrotham Park, South Mimms, Middlesex; m. 5 Mar 1761 Anne, sister of Thomas Conolly (qv); d. 27 Oct 1789.

Burke, William, 1730-1798
GB-2014-WSA-00365 · Persona · 1730-1798

BURKE, WILLIAM, eldest son of John Burke (or Bourke), Middle Temple and St. James’s, London, and his first wife Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Burke, London, vintner; b.; adm. (aged 13) Sep 1742 (Durand's); KS 1743; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1747, matr. 26 Jun 1747, Westminster Student 24 Dec 1747 - 26 Jun 1761 (void), leave of absence on appt. as Secretary, Guadeloupe, 25 Aug 1759; BCL 1755; adm. Middle Temple 26 May 1750, called to bar 28 Nov 1755; Secretary and Registrar, Guadeloupe, 1759-63; Under-Secretary of State, Jul 1765 - Feb 1767; MP Great Bedwyn 16 Jun 1766-8, 29 May 1768-74; lost substantial sums of money in speculations on the Stock Exchange, 1769; in India 1777-8, becoming agent for Rajah of Tanjore; again in India 1780-93, initially at Madras, subsequently at Calcutta; Deputy Paymaster of the Forces, East Indies, 1782-93; present at OWW dinner at Calcutta 1783 (Hickey, Memoirs, iii, 245-6); figures in Goldsmith’s Retaliation; lived on intimate terms with his distant kinsman Edmund Burke, with whom he wrote An Account of the European Settlements in America, 1757; author of two pamphlets on the peace negotiations, 1759 and 1761; d. Mar 1798. DNB.

Buller, Anthony, 1780-1866
GB-2014-WSA-04092 · Persona · 1780-1866

BULLER, SIR ANTHONY, brother of John Francis Buller (qv); b. 26 Jul 1780; adm. 29 Feb 1788; KS 1794; played cricket against Eton 25 Jul 1796; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 21 Jul 1797, called to bar 12 May 1803; MP West Looe 1812 - Mar 1816; Puisne Judge, Supreme Court, Madras, 6 Sep 1815, transferred to Bengal 10 Apr 1816; knighted 23 Apr 1816; retd. 1 Jan 1827; again MP West Looe 1831-2; of Pound, Devon; m. 4 Feb 1805 his cousin Isabella Jane, sister of William Lemon (qv); d. 27 Jun 1866.