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People & Organisations
GB-2014-WSA-14570 · Person · 1899-1995

Reid, Clive Ronald, brother of Douglas Houstoun Rupert Reid (q.v.); b. Feb. 13, 1899; adm. Sept. 26, 1912 (R); left Easter 1915; enlisted in 28th Batt. London Regt. June 29, 1917; 2nd Lieut. R.F.A. Aug 5, 1918; d. 1995.

GB-2014-WSA-14574 · Person · 1895-?

Reid, Douglas Houstoun Rupert, son of Sir George Houstoun Reid, K.C.M.G., by Flora, daughter of John Bromby, of Cressy, Tasmania; b. April 27, 1895; adm. Sept. 22, 1910 (R); left Dec. 1911; Lieut. R.F.A. July 1, 1917; served in France; sustained shell-shock at the battle of Arras and invalided home; assist. secretary to the Allied Nitrate of Soda Executive in London.

GB-2014-WSA-14643 · Person · 1916-1984

Rice-Stringer, Peter Gerald Fitzgerald, son of Harold James Rice-Stringer, mining engineer, and Helen Josephine, d. of Herbert Bayley Mack of Liverpool; b. 26 Oct. 1916; adm. Apr. 1931 (R); left July 1935; trooper Life Guards 1939, RASC 1940-5 (Maj.), despatches (twice), Polish Cross of Valour; a racehorse trainer; d. 27 June 1984.

GB-2014-WSA-14661 · Person · 1880-1961

Richards, Francis Ashburner, son of Francis Gardiner Richards, of Gardiner, Maine, U.S.A., by Anne, daughter of Samuel Ashburner, of London; b. Feb. 22, 1880; adm. Jan. 19, 1893 (R); left July 1894; readm. Sept. 27, 1895; left Nov. 1898; New Coll. Oxon., matric. Michael­mas 1899; B.A. 1902; M.A. 1912; an architect; served in Great War I; Lieut. R.N.V.R. Aug. 19, 1914; m. 1st Jan. 11, 1921, Lilian Mary, daughter of William Francis Hungerford Grey, of London; 2nd Veronica; d. June 13, 1961.

GB-2014-WSA-14681 · Person · 1916-1999

Richardson, Albert Butler, son of Arthur Berry Richardson, chairman and pres. Chesebrough­ Ponds Inc., of New York, and Annah Parkman, d. of Albert Wheaton Butler, shipbuilder, of Rockland, Maine, USA; b. 5 Apr. 1916; adm. Sept. 1929 (R); left July 1932; Andover Acad., Mass., 1932-5; Princeton Univ., AB 1939; USNR 1943-6 (Ltjg), served Atlantic and Pacific the­ atres; vice-pres. and dir. Chesebrough-Ponds Inc. 1946-73, retd 1973; m. Nov. 1949 Joan Alice, d. of Leon Edward Thompson, builder and land developer USA; d. 10 Mar. 1999.

GB-2014-WSA-14684 · Person · 1918-1983

Richardson, Frederick Fales, brother of Albert Butler Richardson (qv); b. 2 Aug. 1918; adm. May 1932 (R); left July 1936; Princeton Univ.; Esso Standard Oil Co. Bombay; m. 11 Dec. 1947 Piloo Rustem, d. of Rustem Khaikhusru Albless of Bombay; d. 9 July 1983.

GB-2014-WSA-14695 · Person · 1912-1998

Richmond, Robin Robert Athol Stephenson, son of William Stephenson Richmond FRCS, of Rustington, Sussex, and Barbara, d. of Hamilton Archibald of Chelsea; b. 21 Apr. 1912; adm. Jan. 1926 (R); left July 1929; a theatre organist and BBC producer; m. 1st 9 Nov. 1935 Richwarde Margaret Elizabeth, d. of S. E. A. Whiteway of Littlehampton, Sussex; 2nd Rénee Toussaint of Paris; d. 27 July 1998.

GB-2014-WSA-14712 · Person · 1925-2004

Rider, Frank Antony Gilligan, son of Frank Percy Rider, building contractor, of Sydenham, Kent, and Alice Kathleen, d. of William Austin Gilligan of Bognor Regis, Sussex; b. 1 Apr. 1925; adm. Sept. 1938 (R); left July 1943; Ch. Ch. Oxf., matric. 1943; RAFVR 1945 (FO); man. dir. T. Rider & Son, building contractors, 1950-76, chmn. 1963; a fund-raising consult. 1978-; Master Tylers’ & Bricklayers’ Co. 1971, Clerk 1985-; hon. sec. Elizabethan Club 1970-9, chmn. 1986-8; chmn. Westminster Sch. Soc. 1988-2000; vice-pres. Surrey CCC 1978-; m. 15 Dec. 1955 Mary Hope, d. of Daniel Cottier Wilson CBE, partner George Steuart & Co, Colombo, Sri Lanka; d. 6 Mar. 2004.

GB-2014-WSA-01870 · Corporate body · 18th century -

The earliest years of Rigaud’s are unclear, but we know it began as an independent boarding house in the late 18th century, changing its name several times until it became Rigaud’s, after the Reverend Stephen Rigaud, a master at Westminster from 1846-1850, who later became Bishop of Antigua.

In 1821, when the house was named ‘Mother Best’s’, a boarder died from over-eating after a ‘broshier’, or an attempt to exhaust the supply of food in protest at its quality.

GB-2014-WSA-14743 · Person · 1905-?

Rintoul, James Mackenzie, son of James Young Rintoul, of Ealing, by Mary Learmonth Mackenzie; b. Aug. 5, 1905; adm. Sept. 26, 1918 (R); left Aug. 1922; Associate Chartered Institute of Secretaries 1947; on the staff of the British Electricity Authority; retired; 2nd Lieut. Hon. Artillery Company 1929; 2nd Lieut. R.E. Nov. 27, 1940; Major; mentioned in despatches (N.W. Europe) L.G. April 4, 1946; T.D. April 21, 1950; m. July 6, 1958, Margaret, daughter of William Henry Lane, of Gillingham, Kent.