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People & Organisations
GB-2014-WSA-03805 · Person · 1924-2002

Briggs, Nigel Mansfield, son of Arthur Briggs, banker, and Lilian, d. of Robert Oldfield; b. 6 Feb. 1924; adm. Sept. 1937 (B); left July 1940; RAC (Westminster Dragoons) 1943, Oxf. & Bucks LI 1944 (Capt. ); Steel Bros & Co., East India merchants, man. dir. Italy 1953-5, Iraq 1955-8; m. 21 Aug. 1954 Molly Enid, d. of Harry A. Rickwood; d. 13 Oct. 2002.

GB-2014-WSA-03623 · Person · 1933-1999

Bower, Edward Allan, son of Sir Frank Bower CBE, pres. Assn. of Brit. Chambers of Commerce, and Ethel, d. of Henry Shaw of Lancaster; b. 7 Nov. 1933; adm. Sept. 1946 (B); left July 1952; St Catharine’s Coll. Camb., matric. 1952, BA 1955, MA 1959; VetMB MRCVS 1958; PhD 1962; Fellow of Emmanuel Coll. Camb. 1963; sen. demonstrator in Physiology, Univ. of Camb., 1961-6, lecturer 1966-95; m. 22 May 1960 Yvette, d. of Dr G. J. Hervey, of Oxford; d. 11 May 1999.

GB-2014-WSA-03491 · Person · 1914-1943

Bone, Alexander Drummond, son of Drummond Bone of Buenos Aires and Jane Johnstone, d. of David Hume of Enniskillen, co. Fermanagh; b. 22 Dec. 1914; adm. Sept. 1928 (B); left July 1929; re-adm. Sept. 1931 (H); left July 1933; Univ. of Lond., MB BS MRCS LRCP 1939; RNVR 1940-3 (Surg. Lieut.); served in HMS Dorsetshire at the sinking of the Bismarck, torpedoed in HMS Lively; DSC (Med.) Nov. 1942; lost with HMS Dulverton 13 Nov. 1943.

Alexander Drummond Bone was born at Battersea, Surrey on the 22nd of December 1914 the only son of Drummond Bone, a consulting engineer, and Jean Johnston (nee Hume) Bone of 64, Prince of Wales’ Mansions, Battersea, later of 122, Sloane Street in London. He was christened at St Mary’s Church, Wandsworth on the 3rd of March 1917.
He was educated at Westminster School where he was up Busby’s from September 1928 to July 1929. He was readmitted in September 1931 when he was up Homeboarders until July 1933. He went on to the St Thomas’ Hospital, University of London from 1933, achieving MB BS MRCS and LRCP in 1939. On the outbreak of war he was working as a House Physician at St Thomas’ Hospital in London. He was commissioned as a Surgeon Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve on the 14th of May 1940.
He was serving on board the heavy cruiser HMS Dorsetshire when she was involved in the sinking of the Bismarck in May 1941. He was serving with the destroyer HMS Lively when she was torpedoed and sunk in the Mediterranean on the 11th of May 1942. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross: - “For bravery and devotion to duty while serving in HM Ship Lively in the Mediterranean.” which was announced in the London Gazette of the 17th of November 1942.
He was later posted to the destroyer HMS Dulverton (L63).
In October 1943 HMS Dulverton, under the command of Commander Stuart Austen Buss MVO DSC RN, formed part of a force which was supporting the capture the islands of Kos and Leros from the Germans. On the 22nd of October she fired on shore targets at Levitha and she transported troops and stores to Leros on the 27th of October when she came under sustained attack from enemy aircraft and E Boats before she returned to Alexandria.
On the 12th of November HMS Dulverton returned to the area to support the garrison on Leros, which had just been attacked by German paratroopers. At around 1.45am on the 13th of November 1943, she was some five miles off the coast of Kos when she was attacked by Do217 aircraft of KG 100 which were using Hs 293 glider bombs. During the attack she was hit abreast of the bridge by one of the bombs, which blew off her bow section and started a number of fires on board. While the destroyer HMS Echo (H23) began rescuing the survivors, the escort destroyer HMS Belvoir (L32) continued firing on the enemy aircraft. By 3.20am the now abandoned destoyer was burning fiercely and orders were given to HMS Belvoir to scuttle her with a torpedo. HMS Dulverton was hit by the torpedo and sank at 3.33am. Six officers and one hundred and fourteen ratings had been rescued but three officers and seventy five ratings had been lost in the attack. Alexander Bone was among the dead.
He is commemorated on the St Thomas’ Hospital Roll of Honour
He is commemorated on the Plymouth Naval Memorial Panel 84, Column 2.

Boas, Robert Owen, 1927-2006
GB-2014-WSA-03455 · Person · 1927-2006

Boas, Robert Owen, son of Guy Herman Sidney Boas, HM Sloane Sch., Chelsea, and Cicely, d. of Sir James Beethom Whitehead KCMG, sometime HM Minister Belgrade; b. 31 Mar. 1927; adm. Sept. 1939 (B); left July 1940 and went to Eton Coll.; Ch. Ch. Oxf., matric. 1948; a schoolmaster; d. 15 Apr. 2006.

GB-2014-WSA-03337 · Person · 1940-2010

Black, John Robert, son of Stanley Black of St John’s Wood, and Doris, d. of Joseph Aaron Isaacson of Westminster; b. 9 Jan. 1940; adm. Sept. 1953 (B); left July 1958; merchant banking 1963-; m. 18 June 1980 Margaret, d. of Gilles Cornelus Brandt of Dordrecht, Netherlands; d. 1 Aug. 2010.

GB-2014-WSA-03336 · Person · 1938-1998

Black, Jacob Misha, son of Sir Misha Black OBE RDI FSIAD MInstRA, Prof. of Industrial Design, Roy. Coll. of Art, and Helen Lillian, d. of Frank Foster Evans; b. 26 Oct. 1938; adm. Sept. 1952 (B); left July 1957; Ch. Ch. Oxf., matric. 1958, BA 1961, MA 1966; SOAS, Univ. of Lond. 1966-71, MPhil 1969; guest lecturer, Bergen Univ., Norway, 1971; sociological consult. to Quebec Govt., Canada, 1973-5; m. 1962 Nicole Chouanne; d. 1 Jan. 1998.

GB-2014-WSA-03257 · Person · 1915-1996

Bindloss, Edward Rendell, son of Edward Alexander Morgan Bindloss (qv); b. 17 Jan. 1915; adm. Sept. 1928 (B); left July 1933; Pemb. Coll. Camb., matric. 1933, BA 1936; Dip. Ed. (Lond.) 1937; Rifle Brigade 1941-5 (Capt.); asst master Tonbridge Sch. 1946- 7 7, seconded Prince of Wales Sch., Nairobi, 1950-1; Scout Assoc. Silverwolf; Queen's Jubilee Medal 1977; m. Feb. 1942 Elizabeth Berrisford, d. of Maj. H. Hanford of Northampton; d. 2 Apr. 1996.

GB-2014-WSA-03255 · Person · 1917-2005

Bindloss, Arthur Alexander, brother of Edward Rendell Bindloss (qv); b. 27 May 1917; adm. Sept. 1930 (B); left July 1935; Wye Agric. Coll., BSc, Dip. Agric. 1938; agric. field advisory service Unilever Ltd 1947, agric. devel. officer Unilever Group 1951-75; Pres. EEC Scient. Committee of animal feed manufacturers 1972-5; retd 1975; m. 12 Apr. 1941 Joan Elizabeth Marcelle, d. of Reginald Benjamin Featherstone (qv); d. 26 Aug. 2005.

GB-2014-WSA-03214 · Person · 1923-1999

Bevis, Alfred Anthony Thornton, son of Alfred Herbert Bevis, stockbroker, and Rebe Kate, d. of George Thornton Tubbs; b. 24 Oct. 1923; adm. Sept. 1937 (B); left July 1938; tech. asst. Min. of Aircraft Production 1941-55; Nat. Physical Lab., Teddington, 1955-; retd. 1983; m. 8 July 1961 Joan Margaret Felton; d. 11 Dec. 1999.

GB-2014-WSA-03032 · Person · 1925-2014

Benn, Anthony Neil Wedgwood, brother of Hon. Michael Julius Wedgwood Benn (qv); b. 3 Apr. 1925; adm. Sept. 1938 (B); left July 1942; New Coll. Oxf., matric. 1942, BA 1946, MA 1949, hon. Fellow 2005; RAFVR 1943-5, RNVR 1945-6; Pres. of Oxford Union 1947; producer BBC N. American Service 1949-50; MP (Lab. ) Bristol South-East Dec. 1950-60 and Aug. 1963-83, Chesterfield Mar. 1984-2001; succ. his father as 2nd Viscount Stansgate 17 Nov. 1960; unsuccessfully attempted to renounce his succession in 1955 and 1960, and after winning a by-election at Bristol South-East in May 1961 was disqualified from taking his seat; later instigated the Peerage Act 1963, and renounced the title for life; chmn. Fabian Soc. 1964; Postmaster-General 1964-6, founding the PO Giro; PC 1964; Min. of Technology 1966-70, assuming responsibility for Aviation in 1967, for Power 1969; hon. LLD Strathclyde Univ. 1969, hon. DTech Bradford Univ. 1969, hon. DSc Aston Univ., 1970; Sec. of State for Industry 1974-5, for Energy 1975-9; member NEC, Lab. Party 1959-60, 1962-93, chmn. 1971-2; pres., Campaign Group of Labour MPs 1987-2001; pres., Stop the War Coalition 2004-14; author of a number of works on political subjects; published nine volumes of his diaries; m. 17 June 1949 Caroline, d. of James Miltonn De Camp of Cincinnati, USA; d. 14 Mar. 2014.