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People & Organisations
GB-2014-WSA-07959 · Person · 1775-1826

GOODENOUGH, ROBERT PHILIP, son of Samuel Goodenough (qv); b. 19 Oct 1775; adm. 7 Jun 1784; KS (aged 13) 1788; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1792, matr. 6 Jun 1792, Westminster Student 24 Dec 1792 – void 30 Mar 1807 (expiry year of grace as R. Carlton in Lindrick), Tutor 1800-7; BA 1796; MA 1799; Public Examiner 1802-3, 1807-9; ordained deacon 1798, priest 1799 (both Oxford); Curate, Drayton, Oxfordshire 1803, Binsey, Oxfordshire 1805; Chaplain to William Markham, Archbishop of York (adm. 1733, qv), and afterwards to his own father, the Bishop of Carlisle; Rector of Carlton in Lindrick, Notts., from 29 Mar 1806; Prebendary of Southwell from 5 Apr 1806; Prebendary of Carlisle from 13 Aug 1811; Rector of Beelsby, Lincs., from 31 Mar 1819; m. 6 Dec 1808 Cecilia, seventh dau. of William Markham (adm. 1733, qv); d. 20 Apr 1826.

GB-2014-WSA-07960 · Person · 1809-1880

GOODENOUGH, ROBERT WILLIAM, son of Robert Philip Goodenough (qv); b. 2 Sep 1809; adm. 17 Sep 1821 (G); KS (Capt. ) 1822; elected head to Christ Church, Oxford 1826, matr. 3 May 1826, Westminster Student; BA 1830; MA 1832; ordained deacon (Rochester) 23 Dec1832, priest (York) 17 Nov 1833; Vicar of Whittingham, Northumberland, from 8 Jul 1835; m. 30 Jun 1836 Elizabeth Anne, dau. of Anthony Littledale; d. 21 Oct 1880.

GB-2014-WSA-07961 · Person · 1774-1858

GOODENOUGH, SAMUEL JAMES, son of Edmund Goodenough (KS 1758, qv); b. 3 Jan 1774; adm. 7 Jun 1784; Wadham Coll. Oxford, matr. 27 Jun 1791, Goodridge exhibitioner 1791, scholar 1792-8, Hody (Hebrew) exhibitioner 1793-8; BA 1795; MA 1802; ordained; Rector of Broughton Poggs, Oxfordshire 1798; Vicar of Hampton upon Thames, Middlesex 18 Feb 1803-44; Prebendary of Carlisle from 28 Aug 1810; Rector of Aikton, Cumberland 1844; m. 14 Dec 1797 Anne, dau. of Giles Prickett [Oxford, attorney ?]; d. 15 Mar 1858, aged 84.

GB-2014-WSA-07962 · Person · 1743-1827

GOODENOUGH, SAMUEL, third son of Rev. William Goodenough, Rector of Broughton Poggs, Oxfordshire, and Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Serle, Winchester; b. 29 Apr 1743; adm.; KS 1756; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1760, matr. 9 Jun 1760, Westminster Student 24 Dec 1760 – void 26 Jul 1770, expiry year of grace as V. Brize Norton from 7 Aug 1769; BA 1764; MA 1767; DCL 1772; ordained deacon 27 Oct 1765, priest 14 Jun 1767 (both Oxford); an Usher at the School 1766-70; Rector of Broughton Poggs, Oxfordshire, 14 Jul 1769; Vicar of Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, 18 Jul 1769; conducted a preparatory school at Ealing, Middlesex 1772-96; V. Cropredy, Oxfordshire, 1797-1802 (disp. to hold with Brize Norton); Canon of Windsor 3 Feb 1798 – Aug 1802; Dean of Rochester 27 Aug 1802-8; Vicar of Boxley, Kent 1804-8; consecrated Bishop of Carlisle 13 Mar 1808; first Treasurer and Vice-Pres., Linnean Society 1787; FRS 14 May 1789; the first to cultivate sea-kale (see Lusus Alt. Westm., 2nd series, 12); m. 17 Apr 1770 Elizabeth, sister of Thomas Ford (qv); d. 12 Aug 1827. Buried North Cloister, Westminster Abbey. DNB.

GB-2014-WSA-07963 · Person · 1833-1898

GOODENOUGH, SIR WILLIAM HOWLEY, fourth son of Edmund Goodenough (KS 1797, qv); b. 5 Apr 1833; adm. 28 Mar 1845 (G); Gentleman Cadet, Royal Artillery 8 Jul 1847; 2nd Lieut., 19 Dec 1849; 1st Lieut., 1 Apr 1851; 2nd Capt., 23 Feb 1856; 1st Capt., 22 Feb 1863; Maj., 20 Jul 1858; Lieut. -Col., 25 Mar 1869; Col., 5 Jul 1877; Maj. -Gen., 1 Apr 1886; Lieut. -Gen., 19 May 1891; served in Indian Mutiny 1857-8, severely wounded at capture of Fort Bisrah; Military Attaché, Vienna 31 May 1871 – Feb 1874; Assistant Adj. -Gen., Woolwich Garrison 5 Apr 1874 – 5 Feb 1876; Brig. -Gen. commanding Royal Artillery, Expeditionary Force, Egypt, 1882; Inspector-Gen. of Artillery 17 Aug 1886 – July 1890; Commander-in-Chief, British Forces, Cape of Good Hope, from 1894; CB 17 Nov 1882; KCB 22 Jan 1897; m. 1 Sep 1874 Anna, Gräfin Kinsky, third dau. of Eugen, Graf Kinsky, Vienna; d. at Cape Town, South Africa 24 Oct 1898.

GB-2014-WSA-07964 · Person · 1773-1854

GOODENOUGH, WILLIAM, son of Edmund Goodenough (KS 1758, qv); bapt. Broughton Poggs, Oxfordshire 24 Jan 1773 (IGI); adm. 15 Jan 1785; KS 1785; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1790, matr. 9 Jun 1790, Westminster Student 24 Dec 1790 – void by marriage 7 Jun 1797; BA 1794; MA 1797; ordained priest (Peterborough) 18 Mar 1797; an Usher at the School 1796-7; succeeded his uncle Samuel Goodenough (qv) as Master of the Preparatory School at Ealing; Vicar of Warkworth, Northumberland, 25 Sep 1811 – May 1818; Rector of Mareham-le-Fen, Lincs., from 22 Apr 1818; Archdeacon of Carlisle and Rector of Great Salkeld, Cumberland, from 20 Jun 1827; m. 1 June 1797 his cousin Mary Anne, eldest dau. of Samuel Goodenough (qv); d. 13 Dec 1854, aged 82.

Goodere, Edward, ca. 1717-?
GB-2014-WSA-07965 · Person · ca. 1717-?

GOODERE, EDWARD; b.; adm. (aged 10) Jan 1727/8; left 1731.

GB-2014-WSA-07966 · Person · 1841-1888

GOODEVE, LOUIS ARTHUR, only surviving son of Joseph Goodeve, barrister, Prof. of English Law, Presidency College, and Master in Equity, Supreme Court, Calcutta, India [mother probably Louisa Stuart Barker (IGI)]; b. 11 Jan 1841; adm. 20 Jan 1853 (James'); QS 1855; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1859, matr. 16 Jun 1859; BA 1862; appointed Indian Civil Service Jul 1861, but had to resign because of ill health; adm. Inner Temple 19 Nov 1862, called to bar 9 Jun 1865; went out to India, where he practised as an advocate, Supreme Court, Calcutta; editor and secretary, Bengal Law Reports 1868; Superintendent of Law and Legislation, Presidency College 1871; Examiner of Pleaders for Bengal Government 1872-3; Assistant Secretary, Bengal Government 1873; returned to England; Western Circuit; Lecturer in Law, Univ. Coll. Bristol 1878-80; author, The Modern Law of Real Property, 1883, and other works; m. 23 Nov 1869 Florence Everilda, youngest dau. of Thomas John Knowlys, Heysham Tower, Lancs.; d. 13 Mar 1888.