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Hunt, Frederick Seager, 1838-1904
GB-2014-WSA-09757 · Persona · 1838-1904

HUNT, SIR FREDERICK SEAGER, BART., eldest son of James Edward Hunt, Clapham Common, Surrey, railway contractor, and Eliza, sister of Thomas Whittaker Seager (qv); b. 27 Apr 1838; adm. 22 Sep 1848 (G); left 1853; went out to India, where he remained until 1859; succeeded to business of Seager Evans & Co, distillers, Millbank, on death of grandfather; chairman, Earle’s Shipbuilding Co.; contested (Cons) Marylebone 1880; MP (Cons) Marylebone West 1885-95, Maidstone 1895-8; created baronet 13 Oct 1892; DL co. London; m. 29 Oct 1867 his cousin Alice Harriet, dau. of Alfred Hunt, Hannover, Germany; d. 21 Jan 1904.

Jephson, William, d. 1691
GB-2014-WSA-10100 · Persona · d. 1691

JEPHSON, WILLIAM, second son of William Jephson, Froyle, Hampshire; b.; at school in 1657; KS 1663; adm. Middle Temple 8 May 1665, called to bar 9 May 1673; MP East Grinstead Oct 1679 – Jan 1681, Chipping Wycombe from 1689; Private Secretary to William III Nov 1688-Jul 1689; Secretary to the Treasury from Apr 1689; m. c. 1674 Mary, dau. of William Lewis MP, The Van, Glamorgan; d. 7 Jun 1691.

Gower, Richard Leveson, 1726-1753
GB-2014-WSA-08081 · Persona · 1726-1753

GOWER, HON. RICHARD LEVESON, fourth son of John Leveson Gower, 1st Earl Gower (qv), and his first wife; b. 30 Apr 1726; adm. Sep 1735 (Edwards'); KS (Capt. ) 1739; Capt. of the School 1743; elected head to Christ Church, Oxford 1744, matr. 28 May 1744, Westminster Student 24 Dec 1744 – void 30 Jun 1750; MP Lichfield from 1747; joint Secretary with Edward Wortley Montagu (qv) to Plenipotentiaries at Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle 1748; Under-Secretary of State 1749-51; d. unm. 19 Oct 1753.

GB-2014-WSA-00184 · Persona · 1757-1829

ABBOT, CHARLES, 1ST BARON COLCHESTER, younger brother of John Farr Abbot (qv); b. 14 Oct 1757; adm. Mar 1763; KS (Capt) 1770; both “acted and looked Thais extremely well in the Eunuchus” of 1772 (Random Recollections of George Colman the Younger, 1830, i, 74); Captain of the School 1774; elected head to Christ Church, Oxford 1775, matr. 14 June 1775, Westminster Student 22 Dec 1775 - 20 Oct 1783, Faculty Student 20 Oct 1783 - res 17 Dec 1796; Chancellor’s Prize for Latin Verse 1777; Vinerian Scholar 1781, Fellow 1786-92; BCL 1783; DCL 1793; Geneva Univ. 1778-9; adm. Middle Temple 14 Oct 1768, called to bar 9 May 1783, Bencher 12 Feb 1802; in brother’s chambers at 11 Kings Bench Walk, Temple, Nov 1779; adm. Inner Temple 25 Nov 1784 and 29 Apr 1785, tenant of chambers there Nov 1784 - May 1788; adm Lincoln’s Inn 26 May 1785; FSA 13 Dec 1792; FRS 14 Feb 1793; Clerk of the Rules, Court of King’s Bench 1794-1801; MP Helston 19 Jun 1795-1802, Woodstock 1802-6, Oxford University 1806-Jun 1817; made his parliamentary reputation as chairman, Select Committee on Finance 1797-8; introduced first Census Act into House of Commons Dec 1800; Chief Secretary for Ireland Feb 1801-Feb 1802, also Secretary of State for Ireland Jun 1801 - Feb 1802; Privy Councillor 21 May 1801; Recorder of Oxford May 1801-Oct 1806; Keeper of Privy Seal (I) from May 1801; hon. LLD Trinity Coll. Dublin 6 Jun 1801; elected Speaker of the House of Commons 10 Feb 1802; resigned on account of ill-health 28 May 1817; cr. Baron Colchester 3 Jun 1817; travelled on European Continent 1819-22; on return took active part in politics until death; a Busby Trustee from 18 May 1802; his Diary and Correspondence were published by his son Charles Abbot, 2nd Baron Colchester (qv), in 1861; m. 29 Dec 1796 Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir Philip Gibbes, Bart., Spring Head, Barbados, West Indies; d. 8 May 1829; buried in North Transept, Westminster Abbey. Arms up School. DNB.

Lyttelton, Oliver, 1893-1972
GB-2014-WSA-11542 · Persona · 1893-1972

Lyttelton, Oliver, Viscount Chandos of Aldershot, only son of the Right Hon. Alfred Lyttelton, M. P., sometime Secretary of State for the Colonies, by his second wife, Edith Sophy, daughter of Archibald Balfour (q.v.); b. March 15, 1893; adm. Sept. 22, 1904 (R); left Easter 1906 and went to Eton; Trin. Coll. Camb., matric. Michaelmas 1912; Lieut. Grenadier Guards July 15, 1915; temp. Capt. Oct. 18, 1915; served in Great War I; mentioned in despatches L. G. Jan. 4 and Dec. 11, 1917; D.S.O., Oct. 20, 1916; M.C. July 26, 1918; played golf for Cambridge 1913; M. P. Aldershot 1940-54; Controller of Non-Ferrous Metals 1939-40; P. C. 1940; President of the Board of Trade 1940-1 and May-July 1945; Minister of State and Member of War Cabinet 1941-2; Minister of Production and Member of War Cabinet 1942-5; Secretary of State for the Colonies 1951-4; created Viscount Chandos of Aldershot Sept. 10, 1954; chairman of Associated Electrical Insudtries Ltd. 1945-51 and since 1954; m. Jan. 30, 1920, Lady Moira Godolphin Osborne, fourth daughter of George, 10th Duke of Leeds; d. 21 Jan. 1972.

Hamilton, William, Sir, 1730-1803
GB-2014-WSA-00738 · Persona · 1730-1803

HAMILTON, SIR WILLIAM, brother of Archibald Hamilton (adm. 1737, qv); b. 13 Dec 1730; adm. Jan 1739/40 (Heath's); left 1746; Ensign, 3rd Foot Guards 27 Jan 1747; Lieut. and Capt., 8 Jun 1753; retd. 1757; Equerry to George III 1760 – 7 Nov 1782; MP Midhurst Mar 1761 – Aug 1764; Envoy Extraordinary at Naples 1764-7, Minister Plenipotentiary there 1767- Apr 1800; KB 15 Jan 1772; Privy Councillor 8 Jun 1791; sold a collection of Greek vases and antiquities to British Museum 1772, and another collection to Thomas Hope of Deepdene 1801; purchased the Warwick Vase from Gavin Hamilton and the Portland Vase from James Byres; entertained Nelson at Naples after the Battle of the Nile 1798; accompanied the Neapolitan Court to Palermo Dec 1798; FRS 6 Nov 1766, Copley Medal 1770; FSA 6 Feb 1772; Society of Dilettanti 1777; DCL Oxford 30 Jul 1802; author, Campi Phlegraei, 1776; m. 1st, 25 Jan 1758 Catherine, eldest dau. of Hugh Barlow, Lawrenny Hall, Pembs.; m. 2nd, 6 Sep 1791 Emma Hart (DNB), dau. of Henry Lyon, Neston, Cheshire, blacksmith; d. 6 Apr 1803. DNB.

GB-2014-WSA-00976 · Persona · 1830-1916

MARKHAM, SIR CLEMENTS ROBERT, son of David Frederick Markham (qv); b. 20 Jul 1830; adm. 26 May 1842 (Benthall); Min. Can. 1843; left Jun 1844; Cadet, Royal Navy 18 Jul 1844; Midshipman 28 Jun 1846; served in Capt. Austin’s Arctic expedition in search of Sir John Franklin May 1850 – Oct 1851; left Navy 28 Dec 1851; travelled in Peru 1852-3; Clerk, Legacy Duty Office, Inland Revenue Dec 1853 – Jul 1854; Clerk, Board of Control Jul 1854; Clerk, Correspondence Dept., India Office; Private Secretary to T. G. Baring MP when Parliamentary Under-Secretary, India Office 1862-4; Assistant Secretary, Public Works Dept., India Office 1867-71, Judicial Public and Revenue Dept. 1871-7; CB 17 May 1871; KCB 20 May 1896; introduced the cultivation of cinchona into British India from Peru 1859-61; geographer with British Army in Ethiopia 1867-8; took an active interest in Polar expedition and largely responsible for the despatch of Sir George Nares’s expedition in 1874 and that of Capt. R. F. Scott in 1901; Secretary, Hakluyt Society 1858-86, President 1886-1909; Secretary to Royal Geographical Society 1863-88, Gold Medallist 1888, President 1893-1905; President, International Geographical Congress, London 1895; FSA 12 Dec 1861; FRS 12 Jun 1873; DSc Cambridge 12 Jun 1907, Leeds 11 Jun 1910; an enthusiastic Old Westminster; acted as Secretary to OW Crimean and Indian Memorial Committee, and Chairman of the Committee for the decoration of the School walls with the arms of distinguished OWW; contemplated writing his reminiscences of the School, and left in MS his recollections as a small boy up Benthall’s in 1842-4; President, Elizabethan Club 1898-1912; Busby Trustee from 16 May 1899; a Governor of the School 16 Nov 1899 – 28 Jul 1913; a voluminous writer on Peru and the history of geographical discovery; m. 23 Apr 1857 Mary Anne (Minna), dau. of Rev. James Hamilton John Chichester, Rector of Arlington, Devon; d. 30 Jan 1916, after a shock from a fire in his room by which he was seriously injured. DNB.

Bladen, Martin, 1680-1746
GB-2014-WSA-00302 · Persona · ca. 1681-1745

BLADEN, MARTIN, son of Nathaniel Bladen, Bolton Percy, Yorks., and Isabella, dau. of Sir William Fairfax, Kt., Steeton, Yorks.; b.; adm.; KS 1695; left 1697; St. John’s Coll. Cambridge, adm. pens. 17 Apr 1697, aged 16, matr. 1697; adm. Inner Temple, 23 Mar 1696/7; Ensign, Col. T. Fairfax’s Regt. of Foot, 12 Dec 1697; Ensign of a company added to this Regt. in Ireland, 1 Mar 1702; Capt., Sir Charles Hotham’s new Regt. of Foot, 25 Mar 1705; served in Low Countries and Spain; ADC to Lord Galway; attained rank of Brevet Col.; Col. of a British Regt. raised in Spain, 26 Oct 1709; sold out 26 Jun 1710; Comptroller of the Mint, 23 Dec 1714-27; MP Stockbridge 1715-34, Maldon 1734-41, Portsmouth from 1741; Joint Secretary to Lord Justices of Ireland and to Lord Lieut. of Ireland Sep 1715 - Apr 1717; MP (I) Bandon Bridge 1715-27; Privy Councillor (I) 1 Nov 1715; director, Royal African Company, 1717-26; a Commissioner of Trade and Plantations from 13 Jul 1717; Joint Commissioner to Court of France for settling plantation boundaries in America, 1719-20; First Commissioner and Plenipotentiary to the Conference for settling commerce at Antwerp, Jun 1732 - Feb 1742; one of Sir Robert Walpole’s steadiest supporters in the House of Commons; author of Solon (a tragi-comedy), 1705, and of an English translation of Caesar’s Commentaries, 1712; m. 1st, Mary, dau. of Col. --- Gibbs; m. 2nd, 29 Mar 1728 Frances, widow of John Foche, Aldborough Hatch, Essex, and niece of Col. Joseph Jory, West India merchant; d. 15 Feb 1745/6. DNB.

Mostyn, Roger, 1734-1796
GB-2014-WSA-12692 · Persona · 1734-1796

MOSTYN, SIR ROGER, BART., elder son of Sir Thomas Mostyn, Bart. (adm. 1716, qv); b. 13 Nov 1734; adm. Apr 1745 (Hawkins'); left 1751; Christ Church, Oxford, matr. 19 Jun 1751; succ. father as 5th baronet 24 Mar 1758; Grand Tour (Italy) 1763; MP Flintshire from 26 Apr 1758; Lord Lieut., Flintshire, from 1761; Col., Flintshire Militia (occurs 1774); m. 19 May 1766 Margaret, dau. of Rev. Hugh Wynne LLD, Prebendary of Salisbury; d. 26 Jul 1796.

Moysey, Abel, 1743-1831
GB-2014-WSA-12721 · Persona · 1743-1831

MOYSEY, ABEL, son of Abel Moysey MD, Bath, and Hinton Charterhouse, Somerset, medical practitioner, and Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. John Fortrie, Vicar of Washington, Sussex; b. 23 Aug 1743; adm.; KS (Capt., aged 12) 1756; elected head to Christ Church, Oxford 1760, matr. 9 Jun 1760, Westminster Student 24 Dec 1760 – void 25 Jun 1774; BA 1764; MA 1767; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 2 Feb 1758, called to bar 31 Mar 1767, Bencher 18 Jun 1802, Treasurer 1811; a Commissioner of Bankrupts 1771-4; Second Justice of Brecon 1777-1819; Deputy to King’s Remembrancer, Exchequer 16 Jun 1795-1824; one of the four Registrars of Deeds, Middlesex 1796-1813; MP Bath 1774-90; m. 26 Dec 1774 Charlotte, fourth dau. of Sir Richard Warwick Bampfylde, Bart. MP; d. 3 Jul 1831.