Affichage de 336 résultats

Notice d'autorité
Bruce, James, 1769-1798
GB-2014-WSA-04005 · Personne · 1769-1798

BRUCE, HON. JAMES, brother of Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin and 11th Earl of Kincardine (S) (qv); b. 23 Mar 1769; adm. 5 Oct 1778; KS (Capt. ) 1782; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1786, matr. 14 Jun 1786, Westminster Student from 23 Dec 1786; BA 1790; MA 1793; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 9 Oct 1790; chargé d’affaires, Brussels, 1793-4; MP Marlborough 1796 - Nov 1797; précis writer, Foreign Office, from Oct 1797; drowned in the river Don, near Barneby Down, while attempting to ford it on horseback, 10 Jul 1798.

Brydges, James, 1731-1789
GB-2014-WSA-04035 · Personne · 1731-1789

BRYDGES, JAMES, 3RD DUKE OF CHANDOS, only son of Henry Brydges, 2nd Duke of Chandos (qv); b. 27 Dec 1731; adm. Jun 1742 (Hawkins'); left 1749; MP Winchester 1754-61, Radnorshire 1761-8; DCL Oxford 1 Oct 1755; a Lord of the Bedchamber 25 Nov 1760 - Jul 1764; Lord Lieut. Hampshire 15 Jun 1763- 20 Aug 1764, 6 Feb 1771- 10 May 1780; succ. father as 3rd Duke of Chandos 28 Nov 1771; Privy Councillor 12 May 1775; Lord Steward of the Household from 26 Dec 1783; DCL Oxford 1 Oct 1755; m. 1st, 22 Mar 1753 Margaret, dau. of John Nicoll, Southgate, Middlesex; m. 2nd, 20 Jun 1777 Anne Eliza, widow of Roger Hope Elletson, and dau. of Richard Gamon, Datchworthbury, Herts.; d. 29 Sep 1789.

Barwell, Richard, 1741-1804
GB-2014-WSA-02807 · Personne · 1741-1804

BARWELL, RICHARD, brother of William Barwell (qv); b. 8 Oct 1741; adm. Jan 1749/50 (Grant's); in school list 1754; Writer, EICS Bengal 1756; Sub-Accomptant 1763; Resident, Malda, 1766, Rampur Boalia, 1769; member, Supreme Council 1769-75; chief at Dacca, 1772; member of Bengal Council, Calcutta, 20 Oct 1774 - res 3 Mar 1780; a supporter of Warren Hastings (qv) against the party on the Council led by Philip Francis; returned to England 1780 with a substantial fortune; purchased Stansted estate, Sussex 1781; MP Helston 12 Mar 1781-4, St. Ives 1784-90, Winchelsea 1790-6; m. 1st, 13 Sep 1776 Elizabeth Jane (the “reigning beauty” of Calcutta), dau. of Robert Sanderson; m. 2nd, 24 Jun 1785 Catherine, dau. of Nathaniel Coffin, Bristol, formerly Cashier of Customs, Boston, Mass., USA; d. 2 Sep 1804. DNB.

Bayntun, Samuel Adlam, 1804-1833
GB-2014-WSA-02893 · Personne · 1804-1833

BAYNTUN, SAMUEL ADLAM, eldest son of Rev. Henry Bayntun, Rector of Bromham, Wilts., and Lucy ---; b. 15 Mar 1804; adm. 18 Sep 1817 (Packharness'); left Christmas 1817; Pembroke Coll. Oxford, matr. 15 Jan 1821; BA 1824; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 5 Nov 1825; Cornet, 1st Dragoon Guards, 20 Jul 1826; Cornet and Sub-Lieut., 1st Life Guards, 27 Jul 1828; Lieut., unattached, 7 Jun 1831; 1st Life Guards, 5 Jul 1831; retd. 23 Mar 1832; MP York from 1830; d. 28 Sep 1833.

Beechman, Nevil Alexander, 1896-?
GB-2014-WSA-02974 · Personne · 1896-?

Beechman, Nevil Alexander, son of Charles Beechman, of Hampstead, Middlesex, by Emily, daughter of S. Frankel, of Hampstead; b. Aug. 5, 1896; adm. Sept. 22, 1910 (H); migrated up Rigaud's; non-resident K.S. 1911; left (with Triplett) July 1915; Ball. Coll., Oxon., Domus Exhibitioner (Classics) 1915, matric. Michaelmas 1919; joint editor and founder of the Oiford Outlook 1919; Secretary of the Union Society 1920, President 1921; B.A. 1922; 2nd Lieut. E. Surrey Regt. May 28, 1915, attached 21st Batt. K. R. R. C.; Capt. July 20, 1917; served in France from Sept. 1916 until he was wounded Sept. 21, 1917; M.C. Sept. 26, 1917; called to the bar at the Inner Temple Jan. 26, 1923; K.C. 1947; M. P. for St. Ives 1937-50; Parliamentary Private Sec. to the Minister of Health 1941-2; Chief Whip of the Liberal National Party 1942-45; a Lord Commissioner of the Treasury 1943-5; m. July 11, 1953; Mary Gwendolen, widow of Capt. Garth Caradoc Williams, R.E.

GB-2014-WSA-03060 · Personne · ca. 1743-1814

BENNETT, RICHARD HENRY ALEXANDER, only son of Bennett Alexander Bennett (qv); stepson of Richard Bull (qv); b.; adm. (aged 9) Jun 1752 (Morel's); in school list 1754; MP Newport (Cornwall) 12 Feb 1770-4; of North Court, Shorwell, Isle of Wight; FSA 20 Jun 1765; FRS 10 Dec 1767; m. 20 Jan 1766 Elizabeth Amelia, eldest dau. of Peter Burrell MP, Beckenham, Kent, Surveyor-Gen. of Crown Lands, and sister of Peter Burrell, 1st Baron Gwydir; d. 14 Mar 1814.

GB-2014-WSA-02003 · Personne · 1910-1985

Aitken, Sir John William Maxwell Bt, son of William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron Beaverbrook PC, newspaper proprietor, and his first wife Gladys, d. of Brig.-Gen. Charles William Drury CB of Halifax, Nova Scotia; b. 15 Feb. 1910; adm. Jan. 1924 (R); left July 1928; Pemb. Coll. Camb., matric. 1928; played football for Cambridge 1930 and 1931; dir. Beaverbrook Newspapers Ltd, chairman 1964-77, pres. 1977; RAuxAF 1935, RAF 1939-45 (Group Capt.); DFC 1940, DSO 1942, Czech War Cross, despatches; fighter pilot during Battle of Britain, commanded night fighter squadron 1941-2, strike Mosquito wing Norwegian waters 1943; succ. father as 2nd Baronet 9 June 1964, but disclaimed succession to Barony; MP (C) Holborn 1945-50; dir. Assoc. TV Corpn and Price Bros Ltd; m. 1st 26 Aug. 1939 Cynthia, d. of Col. Hugh Glencairn Monteith OBE DSO RAMC; 2nd 15 Aug. 1946 Jane (formerly wife of Peter Lindsay), d. of Maj. Robert Orlando Rudolph Kenyon-Slaney, of Halton Grange, Shropshire; 3rd 1 Jan. 1951 Vio­let, d. of Sir Humphrey de Trafford, Bt; d. 30 Apr. 1985.

Amherst, William Pitt, 1805-1886
GB-2014-WSA-02118 · Personne · 1805-1886

AMHERST, WILLIAM PITT, 2ND EARL AMHERST, son of William Pitt Amherst, 1st Earl Amherst (qv) and his first wife; b. 3 Sep 1805; adm. 1 Apr 1818 (Packharness'); KS 1820; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1824, matr. 28 May 1824, Westminster Student; BA 1828; styled Viscount Holmesdale 1826-57; MP East Grinstead Feb 1829-32; succ. his father as 2nd Earl Amherst 13 Mar 1857; Busby Trustee 18 May 1869; DL JP Kent; m. 12 Jul 1834 Gertrude, sixth dau. of Hon. and Right Rev. Hugh Percy DD, Bishop of Carlisle; d. 26 Mar 1886.

Chetwynd, William Richard, ca. 1684-1770
GB-2014-WSA-04772 · Personne · ca. 1684-1770

CHETWYND, WILLIAM RICHARD, 3RD VISCOUNT CHETWYND (I), brother of Walter Chetwynd, 1st Viscount Chetwynd (qv); b.; adm.; KS 1699; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1703, matr. 8 Jun 1703, aged 19, Westminster Student 20 Dec 1703 - void 1715; adm. Middle Temple 8 Dec 1707, called to bar 7 May 1714; secretary to elder brother John when Envoy at Turin 1705-6, 1706-13; British Resident, Genoa, Jun 1708 - Mar 1711, Envoy Extraordinary there Mar 1711 - Feb 1713; MP Stafford 1715-22, Plymouth 1722-7, Stafford from 1734; a Lord of the Admiralty, 16 Apr 1717 - Aug 1727; Master of the Mint 29 Dec 1744 - 3 Jun 1769; succ. his brother as 3rd Viscount Chetwynd (I) 21 Jun 1767; m. 1715 Honora, dau. of William Baker, Consul at Algiers; d. 3 Apr 1770. DNB.

Clive, Henry, ca. 1778-1848
GB-2014-WSA-04994 · Personne · ca. 1778-1848

CLIVE, HENRY, third son of George Clive MP, Whitfield, Herefs., and Arlington Street, Westminster, and Sydney, dau. of Thomas Bolton, Knock, co. Louth; b.; at school 1791 (Clapham); still at school 1794; Christ Church, Oxford, matr. 3 Feb 1795, aged 17; BA 1798; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 13 Nov 1794, called to bar 29 Jan 1802; Oxford circuit; MP Ludlow 1807-18, Montgomery 1818-32; Under-Secretary of State, Home Office Apr 1818 - Jan 1822; m. 27 Nov 1809 Charlotte Jane, sister of John Buller (qv); d. 16 Mar 1848.