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People & Organisations
GB-2014-WSA-18441 · Person · ca. 1760-1825

WINGFIELD, JOHN, brother of William Wingfield (qv); b.; adm. 5 Feb 1770; KS (aged 13) 1773; Capt. of the School 1777; elected head to Trinity Coll. Cambridge 1778, adm. pens. 17 Jun 1778, scholar 23 Apr 1779, matr. 1780; BA 1782; MA 1785; BD 1794; DD 1799; Minor Fellow, Trinity Coll. 2 Oct 1783, Major Fellow 6 Jul 1785; an Usher at the School 1781-8, Under Master 1788-1802, Head Master 13 Sep – Dec 1802; ordained; Prebendary of Worcester from 27 Jan 1803; Perpetual Curate of Putney, Surrey Jan – Dec 1804; Vicar of Kempsey, Worcs., 27 Nov 1804-15; Rector of Easton, Hampshire 29 Nov 1804; Prebendary of York from 27 Sep 1812; Rector of Whitbourne, Herefs., from 14 Sep 1815; Vicar of Bromsgrove, Worcs., from 27 Oct 1815; m. 8 Sep 1803 Mary, eldest dau. of Rev. Thomas James DD, Head Master, Rugby Sch.; d. 9 Dec 1825.

Wilson, John, ca. 1586-1635
GB-2014-WSA-18387 · Person · ca. 1786-1635

WILSON, JOHN, of Middlesex; b.; adm.; QS; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1602, matr. 5 Nov 1602, aged 16, Westminster Student to 1612; BA 1606; MA 1609; DD 1619; adm. Gray’s Inn 2 Feb 1612/3; a joint patent of the Head Mastership of the School was granted to Richard Ireland (qv) and himself 25 Jan 1609/10; on Ireland’s escape to France a few months later he became Head Master; a joint patent of the Head Mastership was granted to him and to Lambert Osbaldeston (qv) 7 Dec 1621, Osbaldeston succeeding him as Head Master in 1622; ordained; Rector of Bedale, Yorks., from 8 Aug 1621; Vicar of Burneston, Yorks., 1 Jul 1622-34; Rector of St. Mary, Castlegate, York 1625; Prebendary of Westminster Oct 1623 – res 1635, of Ripon 14 Aug 1623 and of Lincoln from 3 Mar 1629/30; Dean of Ripon from 1624; Master of the Savoy; lic. to m. 22 Apr 1616 Johanna, dau. of William Stanlake, King Street, Westminster, grocer; d. 19 Feb 1634/5.

Nicoll, John, 1683-1765
GB-2014-WSA-13036 · Person · 1683-1765

NICOLL, JOHN, son of Rev. John Nicoll, Preston Capes, Northants, schoolmaster, and Mary, eldest dau. of Richard Butler, Preston Capes; b. 6 Nov 1683; adm.; KS 1700; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1704, matr. 23 Jun 1704, aged 19, Westminster Student 22 Dec 1704 – void 1722 (expiry year of grace as R. Hannington from 1721), Tutor 1713; BA 1708; MA 15 Mar 1710/1; DD 1733; ordained deacon 23 Feb 1711; succeded George Tollet (qv) as Under Master 1714, but patent not sealed until 20 Mar 1714/5; Head Master, Westminster School May 1733 (patent sealed 5 Feb 1733/4) – res Feb 1753; Rector of Hannington, Hampshire 1721-8; Rector of Meon Stoke with Soberton, Hampshire 31 Aug 1728 – Mar 1755; Prebendary of Westminster from 6 Oct 1740; Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, from 30 Dec 1751; Proctor in Convocation, for Chapter of Westminster Abbey (Chamberlayne 1748); Busby Trustee 24 Feb 1729/30; m. 2 Jan 1723/4 Alice, widow of John Lewis, London, and mother of William Lewis (adm. 1722, qv); d. 19 Sep 1765. Buried Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford.

Knipe, Thomas, ca. 1639-1711
GB-2014-WSA-10597 · Person · ca. 1639-1711

KNIPE, THOMAS, son of Rev. Thomas Knipe, Middlesex; b.; adm.; BB in 1652; KS (Capt. ) 1656; elected head to Christ Church, Oxford 1657, matr. 31 Jul 1658, Westminster Student; BA 22 Feb 1660/1; MA 1663; BD and DD 1695; an Usher at the School 1661, Under Master 1663-95, Head Master from 6 Apr 1695; ordained; Prebendary of Westminster from 17 Oct 1707; one of the original trustees of Busby’s will; author of several grammars for use of the School; m. 1st, (by 1669) Anne, dau. of Devereux Wolseley, Ravenstone, Staffs.; m. 2nd, 1 Feb 1693/4 Alice Talbot, St. Margaret’s, Westminster, widow; d. 6 Aug 1711, aged 72. Buried North Cloister, Westminster Abbey, monument in South Aisle of Choir. DNB.

Ireland, Richard, 1571-1636
GB-2014-WSA-09909 · Person · 1571-1636

IRELAND, RICHARD, son of Richard Ireland, King Street, Westminster, fishmonger, and Margaret Floud; bapt. 15 Jul 1571; at school (aged 11) 2 Jul 1582; QS; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1587, matr. 9 Feb 1587/8, Westminster Student to 1598; BA 1591; MA 1594; Head Master of the School 1598- still Jan 1610, when in consideration of his health a joint patent of the Head Mastership, dated 25 Jan 1609/10, was granted to him and to John Wilson (elected Oxford 1602, qv); a few months later he became a Roman Catholic and fled to France; resident at Collège d’Arras, Paris, at 10 Jan 1617; living in London as a RC priest in 1623 (Foley, History of the English Province, i, 680); d. c. 1636 (will dated Douai 9 Oct 1636, proved Paris 12 Jul 1637).

GB-2014-WSA-09284 · Person · ca. 1732-1794

HINCHLIFFE, JOHN, son of Joseph Hinchliffe, Swallow Street, Westminster, livery stable keeper, and Elizabeth Mantle; b.; adm. (aged 9) Jul 1741; KS 1746; elected to Trinity Coll. Cambridge 1750, adm. pens. 14 Jun 1750, scholar 26 Apr 1751, matr. 1750/1; BA 1754; MA 1757; DD 1764; Minor Fellow, Trinity Coll. 2 Oct 1755, Major Fellow 6 Jul 1757; ordained deacon 28 Dec 1756, priest 19 May 1757 (both Ely); Usher at the School by 1755, apparently holding appointment for seven years; travelling tutor to his future brother-in-law John Crewe, 1st Baron Crewe (qv), on Grand Tour in Germany, Italy and Switzerland 1761-3; Head Master, Westminster School 8 Mar – Jun 1764, resigning on grounds of health; tutor to William, 5th Duke of Devonshire 1764-6; he had made the friendship of Augustus, 3rd Duke of Grafton, the future Prime Minister, when in Italy in 1762, and he owed his principal subsequent preferments to him; Vicar of Greenwich, Kent 1766-9; Master of Trinity Coll. Cambridge 16 Feb 1768-89; Vice-Chancellor, Cambridge Univ. 1768-9; Chaplain in Ordinary to George III 1768-9; consecrated Bishop of Peterborough 17 Dec 1769; offended the Government by his liberal speeches in the House of Lords, and while retaining his bishopric, was required to resign the Mastership of Trinity, in exchange for being appointed Dean of Durham; Dean of Durham from 16 Oct 1788; m. 16 May 1767 Elizabeth, sister of John Crewe, 1st Baron Crewe (qv); d. 11 Jan 1794. DNB.

Carey, William, 1769-1846
GB-2014-WSA-04460 · Person · 1769-1846

CAREY, WILLIAM, son of Richard Carey, Worcester, and Margaret --- (IGI); b. 18 Nov 1769; adm. 9 Sep 1783; KS 1784; Capt. of the School 1788; elected head to Christ Church, Oxford 1789, matr. 12 Jun 1789, Westminster Student 24 Dec 1789 - res 23 Dec 1803, Tutor 1794-1800, Junior Censor 1798-1801; BA 1793; MA 1796; BD 1804; DD 1807; ordained; Curate, Cowley, Oxfordshire, 1800; Head Master of the School Jan 1803 - Dec 1814; Prebendary of York 22 May 1802 – res 15 May 1815; Sub-Almoner to the King 16 Feb 1808 - c. 1815; Prebendary of Westminster 18 Mar 1809 - Apr 1830; Vicar of Sutton in the Forest, Yorks., 15 Apr 1813-20; consecrated Bishop of Exeter 12 Nov 1820; translated to St. Asaph, 7 Apr 1830; gave the scenery for the Latin Play that was in use between 1808 and 1858; gave during his lifetime £20, 000 Consols for the better maintenance of the bachelor students at Christ Church, Oxford, elected from Westminster; Busby Trustee 3 May 1804; m. 2 Jan 1804 Mary, only dau. of Rev. William Sheepshanks, Minister of St. John’s, Leeds, and Prebendary of Lincoln and Carlisle; d. 13 Sep 1846. DNB.

By an indenture dated 17 Feb 1842 he gave £10,000 3 per cent Consolidated Bank Annuities, which, by an indenture dated 13 Feb 1843, he afterwards increased to £20,000, to trustees, the income from which was to be applied “to found certain exhibitions (the same to continue after his own death and that of his wife) for the better education and advancement in sound learning and religious knowledge of such Students of [Christ Church, Oxford] elected from Westminster School, as have their own way to make in the world”. In 1846 he gave £200 towards the fund for the improvement of the College Dormitory. In addition he gave the set of scenery for the Play which was in use from 1808 until 1858.

GB-2014-WSA-019373 · Person · d. 1659

OSBALDESTON (or OSBOLSTON), LAMBERT, brother of William Osbaldeston (qv); b. ; adm. ; KS 16 Jan 1608/9; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1612, matr. 20 Oct 1615, Westminster Student; BA 1616; MA 1619 (incorp. Cambridge 1628); adm. Gray’s Inn 25 Oct 1615; a joint patent of the Head Mastership of the School was granted to John Wilson (elected to Oxford 1602, qv) and to Osbaldeston 7 Dec 1621; succeeded Wilson as Head Master 1622, his patent being dated 5 Dec 1622; ordained; Prebendary of Lincoln 18 Jul 1629 – deprived Feb 1638/9, restored 28 May 1641; Prebendary of Westminster 22 Jul 1629 – deprived Feb 1638/9, restored 28 May 1641; Rector of Wheathampstead, Herts. , 1637 – deprived Feb 1638/9, later restored; sentenced to the pillory by Court of Star Chamber 14 Feb 1638/9, for calling Archbishop Laud “the little meddling hocus-pocus”, also incurring two fines of £5000 each and the forfeiture of the Head Mastership and his ecclesiastical preferments; lived in concealment in Drury Lane until meeting of Parliament in Nov 1640; restored to preferments other than Head Mastership 1641; Prebendary of Wells from 2 Nov 1641; an annuity of £100 was granted to him by the Governors of Westminster School after the abolition of Deans and Chapters by Parliament in 1649; his living of Wheathampstead seems to have been again sequestered; spent last few years of life in retirement; Osbaldeston was a learned man and a good schoolmaster; Wood says that he was “very fortunate in breeding up many wits” (Ath. Oxon. , iii, 363), and Fuller states that in 1638 there were “above fourscore doctors in the two universities and three learned faculties all gratefully acknowledging their education under him” (Church History, ed. Brewer, vi, 158); unm. ; buried South Aisle, Westminster Abbey 7 Oct 1659. DNB.

Page, William, 1778-1819
GB-2014-WSA-01088 · Person · 1778-1819

PAGE, WILLIAM, eldest son of William Emmanuel Page (qv); b. 18 Feb 1778; adm.; KS 1791; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1795, matr. 3 Jun 1795, Westminster Student 24 Dec 1795 – void by marriage 5 Nov 1803, Tutor 1799; BA 1799; MA 1802; BD 1809; DD 1815; ordained 1802; Under Master, Westminster School 1802-14, Head Master Jan 1815 – Aug 1819; Vicar of Willen, Bucks., from 25 Feb 1806; Vicar of Steventon, Berks., 1812-7; Rector of Nunburnholme, Yorks., 1812-7; Rector of Quainton, Bucks., Dec 1817; Sub-Almoner to King from c. 1815; Busby Trustee 8 Jun 1816; m. 12 Aug 1803 Mary, dau. of Thomas Davis, Bicester, Oxfordshire, surgeon; d. 20 Sep 1819.

Markham, William, 1719-1807
GB-2014-WSA-00977 · Person · 1719-1807

MARKHAM, WILLIAM, eldest son of Maj. William Markham, Barrack-Master of Kinsale, co. Cork, and Elizabeth, dau. of George Markham, Worksop, Notts.; bapt. 9 Apr 1719; adm. (aged 14) 21 Jun 1733; KS (Capt. ) 1734; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1738, matr. 6 Jun 1738, Westminster Student 23 Dec 1738 – void by marriage 18 Jun 1759, Tutor 1742-52, Junior Censor 1751; BA 1742; MA 1745; BCL and DCL 1752; adm. Gray’s Inn 29 Jan 1742/3; ordained priest (Oxford) 17 Dec 1748; Head Master of the School Feb 1753 – Mar 1764; Chaplain in Ordinary to George II 1756 (still 1760); Prebendary of Durham 22 Jun 1759 – Feb 1771; Dean of Rochester 20 Feb 1765 – Oct 1767; Vicar of Boxley, Kent 1765-71; Dean of Christ Church, Oxford 23 Oct 1767 – Jan 1777; consecrated Bishop of Chester 17 Feb 1771; Preceptor to Prince of Wales and Prince Frederick 12 Apr 1771 – 28 May 1776; Archbishop of York from 20 Jan 1777; Lord High Almoner from 21 Jan 1777; Privy Councillor 31 Jan 1777; attacked in House of Lords by Duke of Grafton and Earl of Shelburne 30 May 1777, for having preached doctrines subversive of the Constitution in a sermon at St. Mary-le-Bow Feb 1777; Markham’s “pernicious” doctrines were also attacked by Earl of Chatham; had a narrow escape at his house in Bloomsbury Square during Gordon Riots; at one time an intimate friend of Edmund Burke, whose Philiosophical Enquiry, 1756, he corrected for the press, and afterwards revised; a staunch friend and supporter of Warren Hastings (qv); “our great glory”, wrote Jeremy Bentham (qv), “was Dr. Markham : he was a tall portly man and “high he held his head” … We stood prodigiously in awe of him; indeed he was an object of adoration” (Bentham, Works, 1843, x, 30); during his Head mastership the old Granary in Dean’s Yard was removed and the houses on the Terrace probably built; donor of the scenes for the Latin Play, designed by James Stuart and in use from 1758 to 1808; Busby Trustee 18 Mar 1756; m. 16 Jun 1759 Sarah, dau. of John Goddard, Rotterdam, merchant; d. 3 Nov 1807. Buried North Cloister, Westminster Abbey. DNB.