ABBOT, CHARLES, 1ST BARON COLCHESTER, younger brother of John Farr Abbot (qv); b. 14 Oct 1757; adm. Mar 1763; KS (Capt) 1770; both “acted and looked Thais extremely well in the Eunuchus” of 1772 (Random Recollections of George Colman the Younger, 1830, i, 74); Captain of the School 1774; elected head to Christ Church, Oxford 1775, matr. 14 June 1775, Westminster Student 22 Dec 1775 - 20 Oct 1783, Faculty Student 20 Oct 1783 - res 17 Dec 1796; Chancellor’s Prize for Latin Verse 1777; Vinerian Scholar 1781, Fellow 1786-92; BCL 1783; DCL 1793; Geneva Univ. 1778-9; adm. Middle Temple 14 Oct 1768, called to bar 9 May 1783, Bencher 12 Feb 1802; in brother’s chambers at 11 Kings Bench Walk, Temple, Nov 1779; adm. Inner Temple 25 Nov 1784 and 29 Apr 1785, tenant of chambers there Nov 1784 - May 1788; adm Lincoln’s Inn 26 May 1785; FSA 13 Dec 1792; FRS 14 Feb 1793; Clerk of the Rules, Court of King’s Bench 1794-1801; MP Helston 19 Jun 1795-1802, Woodstock 1802-6, Oxford University 1806-Jun 1817; made his parliamentary reputation as chairman, Select Committee on Finance 1797-8; introduced first Census Act into House of Commons Dec 1800; Chief Secretary for Ireland Feb 1801-Feb 1802, also Secretary of State for Ireland Jun 1801 - Feb 1802; Privy Councillor 21 May 1801; Recorder of Oxford May 1801-Oct 1806; Keeper of Privy Seal (I) from May 1801; hon. LLD Trinity Coll. Dublin 6 Jun 1801; elected Speaker of the House of Commons 10 Feb 1802; resigned on account of ill-health 28 May 1817; cr. Baron Colchester 3 Jun 1817; travelled on European Continent 1819-22; on return took active part in politics until death; a Busby Trustee from 18 May 1802; his Diary and Correspondence were published by his son Charles Abbot, 2nd Baron Colchester (qv), in 1861; m. 29 Dec 1796 Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir Philip Gibbes, Bart., Spring Head, Barbados, West Indies; d. 8 May 1829; buried in North Transept, Westminster Abbey. Arms up School. DNB.
ABERCROMBY, JAMES, third son of Alexander Abercromby MP, Tullibody, Clackmannanshire, and Mary, dau. of Alexander Duff, Braco, Banffshire; bapt. Alloa, Clackmannanshire 24 Aug 1708; adm. (aged 13) Jan 1719/20; in under school list 1721; Leyden Univ. 1724-5; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 29 Jan 1725/6, called to bar 2 May 1738; resident in South Carolina 1730-44; Attorney-General, South Carolina 30 Nov 1730-45; agent, North Carolina 1748-57; agent, North Carolina Assembly 1758-60; agent, Virginia 1745-61; agent, Virginia government and council 1761-74; deputy auditor-general for plantations 1757-65; purchased Brucefield estate, Clackmannan, c. 1758-9; MP Clackmannanshire 1761-8; dead by Nov. 1775 (will proved PCC 20 Dec 1775). [Perhaps kin to William Duff, adm. Jan. 1719/20 (qv), same month]
ADAIR, SIR ROBERT, only son of Robert Adair, Stratford Place, Marylebone, London, Serjeant-Surgeon to George III and Surgeon-Gen. to the Forces, and Lady Caroline Keppel, sister of George Keppel, 3rd Earl of Albemarle (qv); b. 24 May 1763; adm. 7 Jul 1773; left 1778; Göttingen Univ; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 16 Feb 1780, called to bar 27 Apr 1785; MP Appleby 18 Jun 1799-1802, Camelford 1802-12; Minister Plenipotentiary to Austria 7 May 1806-8 and to Turkey 5 Jul 1808, Ambassador Extraordinary Apr 1809-10; on special mission to Belgium 3 Aug 1831-5, and Prussia 28 Jul 1835-6; Privy Councillor 23 Jul 1828; GCB 3 Aug 1831; a consistent Whig and intimate friend of Charles James Fox; author, Historical Memoir of a Mission to the Court of Vienna in 1806, with a selection of dispatches, 1844, and other works; m. 27 Jul 1805 Gabrielle Angélique, dau. of Charles Joseph, Marquis de L’Escuyer, Seigneur de Hagnicourt, Maréchal de Camp in the French army; d. 3 Oct 1855. DNB.
ADEANE, JAMES WHORWOOD, only son of Simon Adeane, Chalgrove, Oxfordshire, and Mary, dau. of Hon. Henry Brydges (qv); bapt. 14 Dec 1740; adm. (aged 9) Jun 1750 (Porten's); in school list 1754; entered army 1755; Lieut., 71st Foot 29 Sep 1757; Capt., 67th Foot 22 Feb 1761; Lieut. & Capt., 1st Troop Horse, Grenadier Guards 21 Dec 1763; Maj., 8 Jun 1768; Capt. & Lieut. -Col., 1 Aug 1770; Col., 19 Feb 1779; ADC to King George III 27 Feb 1779; Maj-Gen., 20 Nov 1782; Col., 45th Foot, from 11 Sep 1788; Lieut. -Gen., 3 May 1796; Gen., 1801; an Extra Groom of the Bedchamber 20 Aug 1784 - Jan 1788, Groom of the Bedchamber from 20 Jan 1788; MP Cambridge 1780 - May 1789, Cambridgeshire from 19 May 1789; of Babraham, Cambs.; m. 5 Mar 1763 Anne, dau. of Robert Jones MP, Babraham, Cambs.; d. 15 Apr 1802.
AFFLECK, JOHN, second son of Gilbert Affleck MP, Dalham Hall, Suffolk, and Anne, dau. of John Dolben (at school in 1676, qv); b. 12 Feb 1710; adm. Jan. 1721/2; Christ Church, Oxford, matr. 31 Oct 1727; adm. Inner Temple 26 Oct 1728; MP Suffolk 23 Mar 1743-61, Amersham 4 Dec 1767-8; m. Aug 1736 Sarah, only dau. of James Metcalfe, Roxton, Beds.; d. 17 Feb 1776.
AGAR, JAMES CHARLES HERBERT WELBORE ELLIS, 3RD EARL OF NORMANTON (I), eldest son of Welbore Ellis Agar, 2nd Earl of Normanton (qv); b. 18 Sep 1818; adm. 9 Jul 1832; cox of eight in race against Eton 4 May 1837; Trinity Coll. Cambridge, adm. nob. 29 Jan 1838, matr. 1838; MA 1842; MP (Conservative/Peelite) Wilton 1841-52; succeeded as 3rd Earl of Normanton (I) 26 Aug 1868; created Baron Somerton (UK) 9 Apr 1873; took Liberal whip in House of Lords; a Liberal Unionist from 1886; DL Hampshire, Wiltshire; m. 9 Apr 1856 Hon. Caroline Susan Augusta Barrington, dau. of William Keppel Barrington, 6th Viscount Barrington (I) (qv); d. 19 Dec 1896.
AGAR, JAMES, 1ST VISCOUNT CLIFDEN (I), eldest son of Henry Agar MP (I), Gowran Castle, co. Kilkenny, by Anne, only surviving dau. of Welbore Ellis (KS 1676, qv); b. 25 Mar 1734; adm. Nov. 1746 (Grant's); left 1752; Christ Church, Oxford, matr. 20 Apr 1752; MP (I) Gowran 1753-60, Co. Kilkenny 1761-76, Gowran 1776; a Commissioner of the Irish Revenue 3 Feb 1772-85, and of the Irish Excise 13 Jul 1776-85; created Baron Clifden (I) 27 Jan 1776; Viscount Clifden (I) 12 Jan 1781; joint Postmaster-General, Ireland 16 Jul 1784-9; Privy Councillor (I) 16 Oct 1784; m. 20 Mar 1760 Lucy, widow of Hon. Henry Boyle Walsingham MP (I), and eldest dau. of Col. John Martin, Dublin; d. 1 Jan 1789.
AGAR-ELLIS, GEORGE JAMES WELBORE, 1ST BARON DOVER, only son of Henry Welbore Agar-Ellis, 2nd Viscount Clifden (qv); b. 14 Jan 1797; adm. Lady Day 1811; left 1811; Christ Church, Oxford, matr. 27 Jan 1814; BA 1816; MA 1819; MP Heytesbury 1818-20, Seaford 1820-6, Ludgershall 1826-30, Okehampton 1830-1; Privy Councillor 22 Nov 1830; Chief Commissioner of Woods and Forests Dec 1830 - Feb 1831; created Baron Dover 20 Jun 1831; a Whig politician, and a connoisseur of pictures who suggested the purchase of the Angerstein collection and the formation of a National Gallery in 1823; member, Society of Dilettanti 1821; FSA (by 1831); Trustee, British Museum and National Gallery; edited The Ellis Correspondence, 1829; author, The true history of the state prisoner commonly called the Iron Mask, 1826, and other works; m. 7 Mar 1822 Lady Georgiana Howard, dau. of George Howard, 6th Earl of Carlisle KG PC, Lord Privy Seal; d. 10 Jul 1833. DNB.
AGAR-ELLIS, HENRY WELBORE, 2ND VISCOUNT CLIFDEN (I), eldest son of James Agar, 1st Viscount Clifden (qv); b. 22 Jan 1761; adm. 12 Jun 1770; KS (Capt. ) 1774; elected head to Christ Church, Oxford 1778, matr. 19 Jun 1778; BA 1782; Grand Tour (Italy) 1783; MP (I) Co. Kilkenny 1783-9; Recorder of Gowran 1783; Clerk of the Privy Council, Ireland 1785-1817; succ. as 2nd Viscount Clifden (I) 1 Jan 1789; MP Heytesbury 28 May 1793 - 2 Feb 1802, when he succeeded his great-uncle Welbore Ellis (qv) as 2nd Baron Mendip (GB); assumed additional surname of Ellis 4 Feb 1804; supported Whig party in House of Lords; FSA (by 1831); m. 10 Mar 1792 Lady Caroline Spencer Churchill, eldest dau. of George Spencer Churchill, 4th Duke of Marlborough KG PC, Lord President of the Council; d. 13 Jul 1836.
Aitken, Sir John William Maxwell Bt, son of William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron Beaverbrook PC, newspaper proprietor, and his first wife Gladys, d. of Brig.-Gen. Charles William Drury CB of Halifax, Nova Scotia; b. 15 Feb. 1910; adm. Jan. 1924 (R); left July 1928; Pemb. Coll. Camb., matric. 1928; played football for Cambridge 1930 and 1931; dir. Beaverbrook Newspapers Ltd, chairman 1964-77, pres. 1977; RAuxAF 1935, RAF 1939-45 (Group Capt.); DFC 1940, DSO 1942, Czech War Cross, despatches; fighter pilot during Battle of Britain, commanded night fighter squadron 1941-2, strike Mosquito wing Norwegian waters 1943; succ. father as 2nd Baronet 9 June 1964, but disclaimed succession to Barony; MP (C) Holborn 1945-50; dir. Assoc. TV Corpn and Price Bros Ltd; m. 1st 26 Aug. 1939 Cynthia, d. of Col. Hugh Glencairn Monteith OBE DSO RAMC; 2nd 15 Aug. 1946 Jane (formerly wife of Peter Lindsay), d. of Maj. Robert Orlando Rudolph Kenyon-Slaney, of Halton Grange, Shropshire; 3rd 1 Jan. 1951 Violet, d. of Sir Humphrey de Trafford, Bt; d. 30 Apr. 1985.