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People & Organisations
Waterfield, Henry, 1837-1913
GB-2014-WSA-17720 · Person · 1837-1913

WATERFIELD, SIR HENRY, third son of Thomas Nelson Waterfield (qv); b. 30 Jun 1837; adm. 22 May 1845; QS (Capt. ) 1851; left 1853; Clerk, Board of Control 1853-9; Private Secretary to Earl of Ellenborough, President Board of Control, 1858; Assistant Private Secretary to Lord Stanley, President Board of Control, 1858-9 and to Lord Stanley and Sir Charles Wood as successive Secretaries of State for India 1859-63; employed India Office 1859-1902, serving as Secretary, Statistic and Commerce Dept., 1874-9 and Secretary, Financial Dept., 1879 – Jul 1902, ret.; CB 31 Dec 1885; KCSI 3 Jul 1893; GCIE 26 Jun 1902; joint founder with William Waterfield (qv) of the Waterfield Prize Fund at the School; m. 1st, 24 Sep 1868 Katharine Jane, only dau. of George Edward Wilmot Wood (qv); m. 2nd, 23 Jun 1885 Mary Augusta, dau. of Edward Obré Shee, Newcastle, co. Down, Ireland, barrister; d. 5 Jul 1913.

GB-2014-WSA-17719 · Person · 1864-1951

WATERFIELD, HARRY WINGFIELD, eldest son of Edward Waterfield (qv); b. 29 Dec 1864; adm. 21 Jun 1878 (D), exhibitioner; QS 1879; Capt. of the School Sep 1882-3; elected head to Trinity Coll. Cambridge 1883 (with Triplett), adm. sub-sizar 5 Oct 1883, matr. 1883; BA 1886; MA 1890; Assistant Master, Bradfield Coll. 1888-96; ordained deacon 1900, priest 1901 (both Rochester); Curate, Mortlake, Surrey 1900-2; head Master, Temple Grove Sch., East Sheen, Surrey (later at Eastbourne, Sussex) 1902-35, Chaplain 1935-45; Chaplain, Bayham Abbey, Sussex, from 1945; m. 30 Jul 1896 Maria Winifred, youngest dau. of Rev. George Armitage, Vicar of St. Luke’s, Gloucester; d. 16 Mar 1951.

GB-2014-WSA-17718 · Person · 1879-1940

Waterfield, Frederick, son of Sir Henry Waterfield (q.v.), by his first wife; b. Dec. 27, 1879; adm. Sept. 22, 1892 (R); Q.S. Jan. 23, 1893; Captain of the School 1897; elected to Ch. Ch. Oxon. July 1898, matric. Michaelmas 1898; 1st class Classics (Mods.) 1900; 2nd class Lit. Hum. 1902; B.A. 1902; I.C.S. (Bengal) 1902; arrived in India Nov. 30, 1903; Asst. Com­missioner, Punjab; m. Oct. 27, 1905, Barbara, only child of John Pritt Gardner, of Rugeley, Staffs.; d. at Pau, France, July 1940.

GB-2014-WSA-17717 · Person · 1835-1902

WATERFIELD, EDWARD, second son of Thomas Nelson Waterfield (qv); b. 18 Feb 1835; adm. 6 Jan 1844; at Haileybury Coll. 1852-4; Writer, EICS Bengal 1854; Assistant to Magistrate and Collector, Balasore; Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Muzaffarnagar 1872-3; ret. 26 Jul 1874; Assistant Librarian, India Office 1876-81; m. 30 Nov 1860 Matilda Georgina, dau. of John Gossip, Hatfield Hall, Yorks.; d. 28 Nov 1902.

GB-2014-WSA-17716 · Person · 1876-1925

Waterfield, Edward Hope, son of William Waterfield (q.v.), hy his first wife; b. Aug. 12, 1876; adm. as Q.S. Sept. 28, 1889; elected to Ch. Ch. Oxon. July 1895, matric. Michaelmas 1895; B.A. 1899; I.C.S. (Bombay) 1899; arrived in India Nov. 24, 1900; Asst. Coll. and Magis. 1900; District and Sessions Judge Dec. 1919; m. Jan. 19, 1903, Winifred Gane, youngest daughter of the Rev. Charles Bradford Wardale, Vicar of Bowes, Yorks; d. March 22, 1925.

GB-2014-WSA-17715 · Person · 1900-?

Waterfield, Donald Corrie, son of Harry Wingfield Waterfield (q.v.); b. May 10, 1900; adm. as K.S. Sept. 24, 1914; left April 1917; Midshipman R.N. June 14, 1918; a teaplanter in Ceylon; Paymaster Sub-Lieut. R.N.V.R. Sept. 20, 1939; Paymaster Lieut. Dec. 20, 1940; m. Aug. 10, 1923, Jean Meta, second daughter of Malcolm Langton Hepburn, M.D., of London.

GB-2014-WSA-17714 · Person · 1806-1871

WATERFIELD, CHARLES, brother of Thomas Nelson Waterfield (qv); b. 23 May 1806; adm. 10 Jan 1815; Min. Can. 1821; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 18 Jun 1828, called to bar 27 Jan 1834; Deputy Registrar, Court of Bankruptcy, Leeds, and afterwards at Birmingham; m. 31 Aug 1830 Katharine Olivia, sister of George Edward Wilmot Wood (qv); d. 7 Jan 1871.

GB-2014-WSA-17713 · Person · 1866-1934

WATERFIELD, ARTHUR SWAINSON, son of Edward Waterfield (qv); b. 16 Jul 1866; adm. 16 Jul 1880 (D), exhbitioner; QS 25 Sep 1881; left May 1885; Non-Coll. Oxford, matr. 16 Oct 1886; migr. to Merton Coll.; BA 1889; MA 1894; Assistant Master, Guildford GS 1890-2, Beverley GS 1892; ordained 1899; Curate, Bromyard, Herefs., 1899-1903; Rector of Brimfield, Herefs., 1903-26; Rector of Stockton-on-Teme, Worcs., from 1926; m. 6 Sep 1890 Laura, dau. of Thomas Botterell, Head Master Bromyard GS; d. 20 Jul 1934.

GB-2014-WSA-17712 · Person · 1840-1871

WATERFIELD, ALFRED, fourth son of Thomas Nelson Waterfield (qv); b. 4 Apr 1840; adm. 6 Jun 1849; Cadet, EICS Bengal 1857; Cornet, Cavalry 4 Oct 1857; Kieut., 4th European Light Cavalry 18 May 1858; Capt., 16 Jul 1864; ret. 11 Dec 1867; served in Indian Mutiny; d. unm. at Valetta, Malta 9 Feb 1871.

GB-2014-WSA-17711 · Person · 1888-1965

Waterfield, Sir Alexander Percival, son of William Waterfield (q.v.) by his second wife; b. May 16, 1888; adm. as K.S. Sept. 26, 1901; Mure Scholar 1904; Capt. of the School 1906; elected head to Ch. Ch. Oxon., 1907, matric. Michaelmas 1907; Public School Medal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1907; 1st class Classics (Mods.) 1909; Hertford Scholar 1909; prox. acc. Craven Scholar 1909; 1st class Lit. Hum. 1911; B.A. and M.A. 1943; hon. LL. D. Wesleyan Univ., Ohio, U.S.A.; a second-class clerk in the Treasury 1911, a principal clerk 1919; Treasury Remembrancer and acting principal asst. secretary in Ireland 1920-2; member of the Overseas Settlement Board 1936; of the Palestine Partition Commission 1938; First Civil Service Commissioner 1939; one-man commission on Wages and Salaries in Malta 1957; retired 1951; C.B. Jan. 1, 1923; knighted 1951; K.B.E. June 3, 1952; m. Oct. 16, 1920, Doris Mary, daughter of Otto Siepmann, of Godalming, Surrey; d. 1965.