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People & Organisations
GB-2014-WSA-03020 · Person · 1886-1932

Bendall, Geoffrey Skeat Manley, brother of Philip Manley Bendall (q.v.); b. Oct. 2, 1886; adm. Sept. 28, 1899 (A); K.S. (non-resident) Sept. 26, 1901; left Dec. 1904; a Director of Mark Mayhew, Ltd., Flour Millers, 1907-13; Capt. Oct. 21, 1915; and Adjutant June 1, 1916, 58th London Divisional Train R.A.S.C.; mentioned in despatches L.G. Dec. 30, 1918; d. 1 Jan. 1932.

GB-2014-WSA-03021 · Person · 1884-1948

Bendall, Philip Manley, son of Samuel John Bendall, of Norbury, Surrey, a member of the London Stock Exchange, by Ellen, eldest daughter of William Stone, of London; b. Oct. 24, 1884; adm. Sept. 30, 1897 (A); left July 1901; became a member of the London Stock Exchange 1907; went out to the Federated Malay States Sept. 1910 and engaged in rubber­planting, returned home in May 1915; joined the Inns of Court O. T. C. and became Capt. and Adjt. 19th Batt. London Regt.; served in France June - Nov. 1916, Salonica Dec. 1916 - June 1917, and Palestine June 1917 - Aug. 1919; M.C. Jan. 1, 1919, and Order of the Nile (4th class) Aug. 1919; returned to the Federated Malay States March 1920; m. March 6, 1920, Ethel Maude Liddell, daughter of Morton Peto Betts, of Mentone, France; d. Aug. 23, 1948.

GB-2014-WSA-03072 · Person · 1907-1979

Bensley, Wimond Egbert Cornelis, son of George Egbert Bensley MRCS, and Adeline, d. of S. Evans of Alfreton, Derbyshire; b. 30 Mar. 1907; adm. Sept. 1920 (A); left Dec. 1923; d. 30 May 1979.

GB-2014-WSA-03075 · Person · 1914-1987

Benson, James Gillies, brother of John Arthur Gillies Benson (qv); b. I 7 July 1914; adm. May 1928 (A); left Dec. 1930; a chartered surveyor, ACIS 1937; RAFVR 1940-5 (Wing Cdr); a distin­guished fighter pilot, with many successes against German night fighters and flying bombs; DFC 1942, bar 1944; DSO 1945; div. dir. Esso Petroleum Co., retd 1974; FCIS 1970; m. 7 May 1943 Jean Muriel, d. of P. J. Roy Waugh, of Kenley, Surrey; d. 12 July 1987.

GB-2014-WSA-03076 · Person · 1912-1974

Benson, John Arthur Gillies, son of Alfred Barker Benson and Isobel, d. of Duncan John Gillies of Achnahoish, Argyllshire; b. 2 Dec. 1912; adm. Jan. 1927 (A); left Apr. 1930; asst Superintend­ent of Customs, Sarawak 1935, Superintendent 1946, dep. Commissioner 1956; escaped from Sarawak during WW2 and joined RAAF; Intell. Corps 1945 (Capt.); d. 23 Jan. 1974.

GB-2014-WSA-03105 · Person · 1902-1982

Bentwich, Joseph Solomon, son of Herbert Bentwich, of Fountain Court, Temple, barrister­at-law, by Susannah, daughter of Joseph Solomon, of Maida Vale, London; b. Feb. 3, 1902; adm. as a non-resident K.S. Sept. 24, 1914 (A); elected to Trin. Coll. Camb. (with Samwaies) July 1920, having previously obtained an open scholarship there for science, matric. Michaelmas 1920; senior scholar 1921; 1st class Math. Trip., part 1, 1921; Wrangler, part 2, 1923; Stewart of Rannock Scholar (Hebrew) 1922; B.A. 1923; M.A. 1928; teacher, Gymnasium, Tel-Aviv, Palestine, 1925; district inspector, Jewish schools, Palestine, 1928; senior inspector 1937; asst. director 1944; Headmaster, Reali Secondary School, Haifa, 1948; Lecturer in Education, Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem 1955; senior inspector, Ministry of Education, since 1960; m. Sept. 11, 1924, Sarah, daughter of Hilleh Yofe, of Haifa; d. 1982.

GB-2014-WSA-03108 · Person · 1917-1944

Béranger, Stewart Charles Walsh, son of Henri Lucien Béranger of Paris, and Marguerite Louisa Minnie, d. of Lionel George Lawrence Walsh; b. 19 June 1917; adm. Sept. 1930 (A); left Apr. 1935; enlisted in 206th Infantry Regt, French Army; p.o.w.; killed while attempting to escape 21 May 1944.

Stewart Charles Walsh Béranger was born at Kensington, London on the 19th of June 1917 the only son of Henri Lucien “Harry” Béranger, an architect, and Marguerite Louisa Minnie (nee Walsh) Béranger of 62, Philbeach Gardens, Earls Court in London. He was christened at Holy Trinity Church, Brompton on the 30th of July 1917. He was educated at Westminster School on an Exhibition where he was up Ashburnham from September 1930 to April 1935. He played of part of Sidney Gibson in the farce “The Private Secretary” at the Westminster Theatre on the 29th of July 1933. He was a member of the Chess team and of the 1st Football XI from 1932 to 1935, where he played as goalkeeper and continued to play in the same position for the Old Westminsters XI. The Elizabethan wrote the following on his 1932/33 football season: - “Emerged from obscurity and from his very first game showed high promise of becoming a great goalkeeper. He has a fine sense of position, good hands and is very reliable. Does not yet punt the ball very well.”
On leaving school he moved to Paris as a student and lived at 89, Rue de Lille.
On the outbreak of war, he enlisted in the 206th Infantry Regiment, French Army in 1939 and was captured at the fall of France in June 1940.
He was interned in a labour camp at Bruck sur la Mur where he was shot and killed while attempting to escape.
His father donated £100 towards the Westminster School war memorial appeal in his memory.
His place of burial is unknown.

GB-2014-WSA-03206 · Person · 1918-1945

BeuteII, Robert Gerard, son of Alfred William Beutell MIEE, of Streatham, and Ida Augusta, d. of Augustus Combe Locke; b. 1 Mar. 1918; adm. Sept. 1931 (A); left July 1934; a lighting engi­neer; RAFVR 1943 (Flt Lieut.), met. branch; lost on air operations (N. Atlantic) 21 Jan. 1945.

Robert Gerard Beuttell was born in London on the 1st of March 1918 the younger son of Alfred William Beuttell MIEE, an electrical engineer and inventor, and Ida Augusta (nee Locke) Beuttell of 42, Prince of Wales Mansions, Battersea Park in London and of Malmesbury in Wiltshire. He was christened at St Paul’s Church, Chiswick on the 11th of May 1918.
He was educated at Westminster School where he was up Ashburnham from September 1931 to July 1934. He won the Junior Toplady Prize for Scripture in 1932.
On leaving school he attended the Royal College of Science where he gained a degree in 1937 after which he went to work as a lighting engineer.
He enlisted in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve and by September 1941 he was serving as a Corporal based at the Meteorological Office at RAF Dishforth.
He wrote the following in a letter to his father on a flight he had taken in a Whitley aircraft: - "Had a wonderful flip the other day in the front turret of a Whitley, you get a wonderful view from there. Across the Pennines to the Isle of Man, up to Prestwick in Scotland and home, a 3.5 hour trip. I don't envy the AG his job, sitting in one position for hours on end, and next time I shall put on two pairs of undies, it was a bit draughty. It was a wonderful trip all the same, the high spot being when we "shot up" the beach at Prestwick. Of course it's strictly forbidden, but having experienced the thrill and irresistible amusement of it, I'd really have to forgive any culprit. Of course you are connected to all the crew the whole time by the intercommunication system, by which everybody speaks to everybody else. For the fun of coming along the shore at about 1000 ft, stuck right in the nose of the machine, then swooping to about 150 ft off the sands, then soaring up again, with the wit and cross-chat of the crew thrown in, a switch-back just doesn't compare. Then round again, "We might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb. - Just one more", nose down, the sands streaking up to meet you, people gaping, scattering, ducking, - scooting along at about 50 ft, then pressed into your seat with the climb, almost aching with laughter, it was grand. Then the rather chilly trip home, though mostly in bright sunshine."
He transferred to the High Altitude Flight at Boscombe Down later the same year and collaborated with A.W. Brewer in inventing the integrating nephelometer.
He was accepted as a Metrological Observer and was commissioned with the rank of Flying Officer in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve on the 6th of March 1943, which was followed by two months of training. He was appointed as Meteorological Air Observer Leader and served briefly with 517 Squadron before being attached to the 25th Bomb Group at RAF Watton. He then joined 518 Squadron, based at RAF Tiree in Scotland and was promoted to Flight Lieutenant on the 20th of January 1944.
Robert Beutell and his crew took off from RAF Tiree at 11.53pm on the 20th of January 1945 in Halifax Mk V LL123 517/C for a long range “Bismuth” meteorological mission. Wing Commander Norman Morris, the Squadron commanding officer, was to fly as 2nd pilot and had personally selected the crew for the mission. The aircraft was to fly a triangular route to the north of RAF Tiree in order to find the depth of a deep depression. Having taken off, the aircraft flew at a height of 1,800 feet until it reached a position some 250 nautical miles to the west of Tiree where it took its first meteorological observation at 3.28am and reported its findings at 4.44am. Having flown another 350 nautical miles further out to sea, the aircraft climbed to 18,000 feet and turned to the northeast.
Due to poor reception, nothing further was received until 7.12am when the next transmission reported that the aircraft was flying at 10,500 feet and that there was a problem with the starboard engine. At 8.08am a SOS message came in from the aircraft followed by another at 8.18am, which ended suddenly after which nothing further was heard. The aircraft crashed into the sea with the loss of the entire crew.
The crew was: -
Wing Commander Norman Foster Morris (2nd Pilot)
Flight Lieutenant Arthur John Bacon (Pilot)
Flight Lieutenant Robert Gerard Beuttell (Meteorological Observer)
Flight Sergeant William Douglas Stone (Wireless Operator/Air Gunner)
Flight Sergeant Robert Kiddle (Wireless Operator/Air Gunner)
Flight Sergeant Rennie Arthur Loader (Wireless Operator/Air Gunner)
Flight Sergeant Albert Howard Andrews (Flight Engineer)
Warrant Officer Anton David Anderson RAAF (Navigator/Air Bomber)

Although the wireless operator had been transmitting for ten minutes before the aircraft crashed, he did not report its position. A fix was obtained on the position where the aircraft was likely to have ditched as being approximately 59N 11-13 W. Aircraft were dispatched by 281 Squadron who searched the area for the next three days in the hope of finding survivors but, with the weather conditions being very poor, the search was abandoned at 11.14am on the 24th of January.
Robert Beuttell had written a letter to his father shortly before he was killed in which he said that he did not expect to survive the war.
A friend wrote of him: - “Gerard was an extremely gifted scientist whose important work on instruments of visual range was posthumously recognised and published. His death was a serious blow to his father, who never quite recovered his formidable drive and energy afterwards”.
He is commemorated on the war memorial at Malmesbury.
He is commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial Panel 265.

GB-2014-WSA-03212 · Person · 1881-?

Beveridge, Harold William, son of Andrew Beveridge, of Clapham Common, Surrey, solicitor and parliamentary agent, by Catherine, daughter of Robert Twentyman Lightfoot, M. D., of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; b. Feb. 20, 1881; adm. Sept. 27, 1894 (A); left Dec. 1898; Ch. Ch. Oxon., matric.; B.A. 1902; called to the bar at the Inner Temple June 24, 1903; parliamentary draftsman; N. E. Circuit; played golf for Oxford against Cambridge 1900, 1901, and 1902, for Scotland v. England 1908, and for the Amateurs v. the Professionals in the Coronation Foursomes June 24, 1911; Capt. R. A. S. C. Feb. 27, 1917; demob. Feb. 1919; m. March 23, 1912, Marion, daughter of Frederick Bailey, of Mileham, Norfolk.

GB-2014-WSA-03273 · Person · 1905-1970

Binyon, Denis Edmund Fynes-Clinton, son of John Frederick Binyon, solicitor, of Grange­-over-Sands, Lancs, and Mabel, d. of Rev. Osbert Fynes-Clinton, Vicar of Didsbury, Lancs; b. 29 May 1905; adm. Sept. 1919 (A), KS 1920; left July 1924; Merton Coll. Oxf., matric. 1924, BA 1928 (1st class hons Classical Mods); asst lecturer in Latin, Univ. of Leeds, 1928, sen. lecturer 1950; m. 25 Mar. 1933 Nancy, d. of John Emmerson of Harrogate, Yorks; d. 11 Apr. 1970.