Showing 1051 results

People & Organisations
GB-2014-WSA-17259 · Person · 1921-2004

Ustinov, Sir Peter Alexander, son of lona von Ustinov, journalist, and Nadia, d. of Louis Benois of St Petersburg; b. 16 Apr. 1921; adm. Sept. 1934 (B), (A) Sept. 1935; left July 1937; London The­atre Studio; Roy. Sussex Regt in WW2, seconded RAOC (Army Film Service); a playwright, author, film director, actor and entertainer; Benjamin Franklin Medal RSA 1958; FRSA FRSL; Rector Dundee Univ. 1968-73; Order of Yugoslav Flag (with Golden Laurels) 1974; hon. degrees at many universities; a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF; CBE 197 5; Kt June 1990; Chancellor Durham Univ. J 992; author of plays The Love of Four Colonels, Romanoff and Juliet, Photo Finish, and autobiography Dear Me 1977; m. 1st 8 Aug. 1940 Isolde Denham; 2nd 15 Feb. 1954 Suzanne, d. of Edmond Cloutier, Queen's Printerto the Canadian Govt; 3rd 17 June 1972 Hélène du Lau d' Allemans; d. 28 Mar. 2004.

GB-2014-WSA-17270 · Person · 1923-2007

Van Praagh, John Arthur Wellesley, son of Arthur John Van Praagh and Hyacinthe Maud Wellesley, d. of W. H. Frizell; b. 11 Nov. 1923; adm. Sept. 1937 (A); left July 1942; RAF 1944-6 (Flt. Sgt. ); Corpus Christi Coll. Oxf., matric. 1948, BA 1951, MA 1955; PR Rank Organisation until 1965; antiques and fine arts dealer 1965-88, retd.; m. 11 Sept. 1954 Barbara, d. of William Fish of St Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex; d. 2007.

GB-2014-WSA-17287 · Person · 1905-1940

Vanner, William Engelbert, son of John Vanner of Stoke Newington and Edith Sophia, d. of Harry Stanley of Stoke Newington; b. 24 June 1905; adm. Jan. 1920 (A); left Dec. 1921; adm. a solicitor Jan. 1928; practised in London and Pinner; m. 5 Oct. 1933 Violet, d. of Rowland Aston of Golders Green; d. 1940.

GB-2014-WSA-17417 · Person · 1942-2015

Vogel, Anthony Leslie, son of John Julius Vogel, author, of Richmond, Surrey, and Isle Clare, d. of Hayno Knud Focken of Jever, North Friesland, Germany; b. 29 June 1942; adm. Sept. 1955 (A); left July 1960; RADA 1963; actor, films and TV; d. 27 July 2015.

GB-2014-WSA-17419 · Person · 1921-2019

von Ribbentrop, Rudolf Joachim, son of Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Ambassador to United Kingdom, subsequently Foreign Minister, and Annelies, d. of Otto Henkell, champagne producer, of Wiesbaden, Germany; b. 11 May 1921; adm. Oct. 1936 (A); left July 1937; German Army tank unit in WWII, Knight’s Insignia Iron Cross (Byelgorod); partner, Henkell & Co, wine producers; dir. Bankhaus Hermann Lampe Kommanditgesellschaft, Düsseldorf, Germany; author, Joachim von Ribbentrop: Mein Vater, Erlebnisse und Erinnerungen 2008; m. 13 Aug. 1960 Ilse-Marie, d. of Baron Münchhausen of Vitzenburg, Thüringen, Germany; d. 20 May 2019.

GB-2014-WSA-17454 · Person · 1943-2006

Wainwright, Edgar Worthington, son of John Andrew Worthington Wainwright (qv); b. 17 Mar. 1943; adm. Sept. 1956 (A); left July 1960; chartered shipbroker Wainwright Bros Ltd. and associated cos 1960-, dir. 1988-, chmn. and man. dir.; FICS 1972, FInstFF 1978; m. 14 June 1969 Jill Rosamond, d. of Anthony Wilmott Adams, solicitor, of Haywards Heath, Sussex; d. 22 Jan. 2006.

GB-2014-WSA-17456 · Person · 1918-1993

Wainwright, John Andrew Worthington, brother of Lewis Edgar William Worthington Wain­wright (qv); b. 11 Jan. 1918; adm. Jan. 1931 (A); left. July 1934; a chartered ship and insurance broker, FICS FlnstFF; chairman and man. dir. Wainwright Bros Ltd, London, Liverpool and Southampton, and associated cos; Freeman City of London; Liveryman Worshipful Company of Shipwrights; member Baltic Exchange; m. 1st 16 May 1939 Kathleen Marion, d. of Douglas Edward Gillibrand of Twyford, Hants; 2nd 8 Dec. 1948 Betty Margaret, d. of Edward W. Schluter; d. 31 Mar. 1993.

GB-2014-WSA-17498 · Person · 1914-1985

Walker, Daniel Pickering, son of Frederick Pickering Walker of Hampstead and Miriam, d. of Francis Henry Crittall; b. 30 June 1914; adm. May 1928 (A); left Apr. 1932; Ch. Ch. Oxf., matric. 1932, BA 1935, MA DPhil 1940; lecturer in French Univ. Coll. London; Reader in Renaissance Studies Warburg Inst. 1961, Prof. of the History of the Classical Tradition 1975-81; FBA 1974; author of Spiritual and Demonic Magic 1958, The Decline of Hell 1964, The Ancient Theology 1972; d. 10 Mar. 1985.

GB-2014-WSA-17499 · Person · 1883-?

Walker, Edward Clare, son of Charles Edward Walker, of Ealing, by Clara, daughter of John Letcher, of Llanelly, co. Carmarthen; b. May 19, 1883; adm. Jan. 20, 1898 (A); left July 1900; R.M.A. Woolwich 1901; 2nd Lieut. Royal Engineers July 31, 1902; Lieut. Jan. 25, 1905; Capt. July 31, 1913; Major July 31, 1917; served in India 1914-8; Lieut.-Col. Nov. 20, 1928; C.R.E. Lahore Dec. 3, 1929; Col. Nov. 20, 1932; Deputy Chief Engineer, Northern Command, India, Dec 13, 1932; temp. Brig. and Chief Engineer, Southern Command, 1935; retired 1939; m. 1st. July 4, 1913, Winifred Helen, daughter of Thomas W. T. Wheeler; m. 2nd July 14, 1931, Winifred Mary, daughter of Marshall Tilley, D.L., of Londonderry; d. 26 Aug. 1969.

GB-2014-WSA-17506 · Person · 1884-?

Walker, Harold Charles, brother of Edward Clare Walker (q.v.); b. Nov. 5, 1884; adm. Sept. 22, 1898 (A); left April 1900.