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People & Organisations
Busby, Richard, 1606-1695
GB-2014-WSA-00002 · Person · 1606-1695

BUSBY, RICHARD, second son of Richard Busby, Lutton, otherwise Sutton St. Nicholas, Lincs., and ---, sister of Henry Robinson, Westminster ; b. 22 Sep 1606 ; adm. ; KS (Capt.) ; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1624, matr. 10 Feb 1625/6, Westminster Student to 1661, Tutor 1632-7 ; BA 1628 (incorp.Camb.1628) ; MA 1631 ; DD 1660 ; acted the part of Cratander in Cartwright’s Royal Slave before the King and Queen at Christ Church 30 Aug 1636, with great success ; ordained ; appointed Head Master of the School in the place of Lambert Osbaldeston (qv) in 1638/9, but not confirmed in that office until 23 Dec 1640 ; Prebendary of Wells and Rector of Cudworth, Somerset, 1 Jul 1639 ; ejected from his stall and rectory during the Commonwealth, but was allowed to retain his Studentship at Christ Church and his post at Westminster ; there is no evidence that he took either the Covenant or the Engagement, and of his loyalty both to Church and King there is no question ; Robert South (qv) relates that “the King was publicly prayed for in this school but an hour or two (at most) before his sacred head was struck off”, while John Owen, Dean of Christ Church, used often to say that “it would never be well with the nation till this School was suppressed” (Sermons preached upon several occasions by Robert South, 1865, i, 420-32) ; his chief trouble during the Commonwealth seems to have been with the Under Master, Edward Bagshaw (qv), who was eventually dismissed from the School by the Governors, May 1658 ; restored as Prebendary of Wells on the Restoration, also Canon Residentiary and Treasurer from 11 Aug 1660 ; Proctor in Convocation, Diocese of Bath and Wells ; Prebendary of Westminster from 5 Jul 1660, Treasurer 1660-72, Archdeacon from 1672 ; carried the ampulla at the Coronation of Charles II, 23 Apr 1661, and the orb and cross at the Coronation of James II, 23 Apr 1685 ; a great schoolmaster and a most successful teacher ; “the soil”, says Steele, “which he manured, always grew fertile” ; gained the respect and veneration of his pupils in spite of his excessive use of the birch ; his chair is preserved up School, and many of the books which he bequeathed to the School are still in the Busby Library, built by him at his own expense ; the Busby Trustees, thirteen in number and always OWW, still carry out the charitable trusts of his will for the benefit of the poorer clergy and others ; author, Graecae Grammaticae Rudimenta, 1663, and other books for the use of the School ; d. unm. 5 Apr 1695 ; buried in the Choir, Westminster Abbey, in front of the steps leading to the Sacrarium, under the black and white marble pavement of which he was the donor ; monument by Bird in Poet’s Corner. DNB ; see also G.F.Russell Barker, Memoir of Richard Busby, 1695.

Locke, John, 1632-1704
GB-2014-WSA-00006 · Person · 1632-1704

LOCKE, JOHN, elder son of John Locke, Pensford, Somerset, attorney, and Agnes, dau. of Edmund Keene, Wrington, Somerset, tanner; b. 29 Aug 1632; adm. 1647 (lodging with Mrs. Susan Bates); KS 1650 (WAM 43057); elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1652, matr. 27 Nov 1652, Westminster Student to Jan 1674/5, Faculty Student Jan 1674/5 – expulsion 15 Nov 1684, Tutor and Censor; BA 14 Feb 1655/6; MA 1658 (incorp. Cambridge 1663); MB 6 Feb 1674/5; adm. Gray’s Inn 10 Dec 1656; Secretary to Sir Walter Vane, Envoy to Elector of Brandenburg 1665-6; obtained royal dispensation to retain his Studentship at Christ Church, notwithstanding his failure to take orders, 14 Nov 1666; practised medicine; resident physician to Lord Ashley (afterwards 1st Earl of Shaftesbury) 1667; FRS 26 Nov 1668; Secretary to the Lords Proprietor of Carolina 1669 – Jun 1675; Secretary of Presentations to Lord Shaftesbury when Lord Chancellor in 1672-3; Secretary to Council of Trade Oct 1673 – Mar 1674/5; lived in France 1675-9; expelled from his Faculty Studentship 15 Nov 1684 for his supposed complicity in Shaftesbury’s plots; lived in Netherlands 1683-9; returned to England in Feb 1688/9; from spring 1691 lived mostly in retirement at the seat of Sir Francis Masham at Oates, Essex; a Commissioner of Appeals in Excise from 20 May 1689; member, Board of Trade 15 May 1696 – Jun 1700; his first letter on Toleration was published in 1689, his Essay concerning Human Understanding and his The Treatises of Government appeared in 1690, and his treatise On Education in 1693; called by J. S. Mill “the unquestioned founder of the analytic philosophy of mind”; his Collected Works were published in 1714; d. unm. 28 Oct 1704. DNB.

Vincent, William, 1739-1815
GB-2014-WSA-00013 · Person · 1739-1815

VINCENT, WILLIAM, fifth surviving son of Giles Vincent, Lime Street Ward, London, packer and Portugal merchant, and Sarah, dau. of Francis Holloway, Newnham Murren, Oxfordshire; nephew of Richard Vincent (QS 1708, qv); b. 2 Nov 1739; adm. Sep 1748 (Hutton's); KS 1753; elected to Trinity Coll. Cambridge 1757, adm. pens. 9 Jun 1757, scholar 21 Apr 1758, matr. 1758; BA 1761; MA 1764; BD and DD 1776; Usher at the School 1762-71, Under Master 28 May 1771-88, Head Master 1788-1802; ordained deacon (Norwich, lit. dim. from Rochester) 19 Dec 1763, priest (London) 22 Sep 1765; Vicar of Longdon, Worcs., 1778; Rector of All Hallows the Great, London 17 Dec 1778-1803; Chaplain in Ordinary to George III (occurs 1778-93), Sub-Almoner 28 Nov 1783 - Feb 1808; Dean of Westminster from 7 Aug 1802; Prolocutor, Lower House of Convocation 1802, 1806, 1807; Rector of St. John’s, Westminster 28 May 1803 - Jan 1807; Rector of Islip, Oxfordshire, from 31 Jan 1807; one of the soundest scholars of his day, although he resembled Busby in his love for the rod; when Dean of Westminster obtained an annual grant from Parliament for the restoration of Henry VII’s Chapel; his name is perpetuated by Vincent Square, preserved through his influence as playing fields for the School; Busby Trustee 22 Apr 1790; author, Defence of Public Education, 1801, and of a number of highly regarded works on ancient geography and other subjects; m. 15 Aug 1771 Hannah, fourth dau. of George Wyatt, Chief Clerk of Vote Office, House of Commons; d. 21 Dec 1815. Buried St. Benedict’s Chapel, Westminster Abbey (monument facing Poets’ Corner, with inscription composed by himself). DNB.

Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818
GB-2014-WSA-00014 · Person · 1732-1818

HASTINGS, WARREN, second son of Rev. Penyston Hastings, Vicar of Bledington, Gloucs., and Hester, dau. of Thomas Warren, Stubhill, near Twining, Gloucs.; b. 6 Dec 1732; adm. May 1743 (Gibson's); KS (Capt.) 1747; left 1749; Writer, EICS Bengal 1749; landed at Calcutta 8 Oct 1750; Resident, Murshidabad 1757-60; member of council, Calcutta 1761-4; returned to England 1764; gave evidence on India to a committee of the House of Commons 1766; Second on Council, Madras 1769-72; Governor of Bengal 13 Apr 1772 – Oct 1774, Governor-Gen. of Bengal 20 Oct 1774 – Feb 1785; reorganised financial and judicial system in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa; assisted Nawab of Oudh against the Rohillas; took measures against dacoits; named as first Governor-General of Bengal in Act of 1773; opposed by majority on new Council; charged with corruption by Nuncomar, who was subsequently arrested on a charge of forgery in a private suit instigated by an Indian, and hanged; took measures to improve the EI Company’s finances; supported by Supreme Court, Calcutta, which ignored the acceptance by the Company’s directors of his provisional resignation; fought a duel with Sir Philip Francis, who had persistently opposed him in Council, 17 Aug 1780; drove Haidar Ali out of the Carnatic; deposed Chait Singh, Zemindar of Benares, and seized his treasure 1781; suspected of conniving at the imprisonment of the Begums of Oudh and the seizure of their property; concluded treaty with Tippoo Sultan in 1783 which laid foundation for British supremacy in India; founded Asiatic Society of Bengal and the Calcutta Madrisa; left India Feb 1785; returned to England 13 Jun 1785; his impeachment on ground of corruption and cruelty in his administration of Bengal voted by a large majority in the House of Commons 3 Apr 1787; his trial in Westminster Hall occupied 145 days between 13 Feb 1788 and 23 Apr 1795, but resulted in an acquittal; retired to estate at Daylesford, Worcs., purchased by him in 1788; Privy Councillor 6 May 1814; FRS 25 Jun 1801; DCL Oxford 30 Jun 1813; one of donors of Warren Hastings Cup; m. 1st, 1757 Mary, widow of Capt. John Buchanan, Craigieven; m. 2nd, 8 Aug 1777 Anna Maria Apollonia, mother of Sir Charles Imhoff (qv), widow of Baron Christopher Adam Carl von Imhoff, and dau. of Baron von Chapuset; d. 22 Aug 1818. DNB. Monument in North Transept, Westminster Abbey.

Southey, Robert, 1774-1843
GB-2014-WSA-00017 · Person · 1774-1843

SOUTHEY, ROBERT, son of Robert Southey, Bristol, linen draper, and Margaret, dau. of Edward Hill, Bedminster, Somerset, attorney; b. 12 Aug 1774; adm. 2 Apr 1788 (Ottley); Min. Can. 1789; an elegy written by him on his sister’s death was refused for publication by the editors of The Trifler; he, Grosvenor Charles Bedford (qv), and Charles Watkin Williams-Wynn (adm. 1784, qv) founded The Flagellant, which appeared for the first time 1 Mar 1792, but he was expelled from the School for writing the article against excessive flogging in the fifth number, dated 29 Mar 1792; refused admittance to Christ Church, Oxford, and went to Balliol Coll. Oxford, matr. 3 Nov 1792, where he resided for a year and a half, making the acquaintance of S. T. Coleridge; author, Joan of Arc 1796; adm. Gray’s Inn 7 Feb 1797; author, Thalaba 1801; settled at Keswick, Cumberland 1803; author, Madoc 1805, The Curse of Kahama, 1810; Poet Laureate from 12 Aug 1813; author, Life of Nelson 1813, Life of Wesley 1820; MP Downton 1826 – Dec 1826, when unseated for not possessing a sufficient property qualification; during his career his political and religious opinions altered, the republican becoming a Tory and the independent thinker a champion of the established church; author of a large number of books, including the standard edition of William Cowper’s (qv) Works in 15 vols, 1833-7; contributed 95 articles to the Quarterly Review; m. 1st, 14 Nov 1795 Edith, dau. of Stephen Fricker, Westbury, Wilts.; m. 2nd, 4 Jun 1839 Caroline Anne, poetess, dau. of Capt. Charles Bowles, EICS Bengal, Buckland Cottage, Lymington, Hampshire; d. 21 Mar 1843. Monument in Poets’ Corner, Westminster Abbey. DNB.

GB-2014-WSA-00019 · Person · 1732-1809

IMPEY, SIR ELIJAH, brother of Michael Impey (adm. 1730, qv); b. 13 Jun 1732; adm. Sep 1740; KS 1747; Capt. of the School 1751; Trinity Coll. Cambridge, adm. pens. 28 Jan 1752, scholar 24 Apr 1752, matr. Easter 1754; Chancellor’s Second Medal 1756; BA 1756; MA 1759; Minor Fellow, Trinity Coll. 3 Oct 1757, Major Fellow 4 Jul 1759; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 8 Nov 1751, called to bar 23 Nov 1756; Western Circuit; Recorder of Basingstoke 11 Apr 1766-73; adm. Inner Temple 20 Nov 1766, tenant chambers there 21 Nov 1766 – 16 Jun 1768; Counsel for East India Company before House of Commons 1772; Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Bengal 22 Mar 1774 – 1 Nov 1787; knighted 30 Mar 1774; confirmed committal of Nuncomar for forgery and sentenced him to death 1775; ruled that Warren Hastings (qv) had not resigned the post of Governor-General 1777; his judicial powers were restricted by a compromise between Hastings and Philip Francis 1779; President of new Appeal Court (Sadar Diwani Adalat) over local tribunals 1780-2; recalled to defend himself against charges of illegality brought by Francis 1783; defended himself successfully against six charges at bar of House of Commons 1788, including the proceedings against Nuncomar and the exercise of extended judicial powers contrary to his patent; MP New Romney 1790-6; his biography was written by his son, Elijah Barwell Impey (qv), and published in 1846; m. 18 Jan 1768 Mary, dau. of Sir John Reade, Bart., Shipton Court, Oxfordshire; d. 1 Oct 1809. DNB.

GB-2014-WSA-00184 · Person · 1757-1829

ABBOT, CHARLES, 1ST BARON COLCHESTER, younger brother of John Farr Abbot (qv); b. 14 Oct 1757; adm. Mar 1763; KS (Capt) 1770; both “acted and looked Thais extremely well in the Eunuchus” of 1772 (Random Recollections of George Colman the Younger, 1830, i, 74); Captain of the School 1774; elected head to Christ Church, Oxford 1775, matr. 14 June 1775, Westminster Student 22 Dec 1775 - 20 Oct 1783, Faculty Student 20 Oct 1783 - res 17 Dec 1796; Chancellor’s Prize for Latin Verse 1777; Vinerian Scholar 1781, Fellow 1786-92; BCL 1783; DCL 1793; Geneva Univ. 1778-9; adm. Middle Temple 14 Oct 1768, called to bar 9 May 1783, Bencher 12 Feb 1802; in brother’s chambers at 11 Kings Bench Walk, Temple, Nov 1779; adm. Inner Temple 25 Nov 1784 and 29 Apr 1785, tenant of chambers there Nov 1784 - May 1788; adm Lincoln’s Inn 26 May 1785; FSA 13 Dec 1792; FRS 14 Feb 1793; Clerk of the Rules, Court of King’s Bench 1794-1801; MP Helston 19 Jun 1795-1802, Woodstock 1802-6, Oxford University 1806-Jun 1817; made his parliamentary reputation as chairman, Select Committee on Finance 1797-8; introduced first Census Act into House of Commons Dec 1800; Chief Secretary for Ireland Feb 1801-Feb 1802, also Secretary of State for Ireland Jun 1801 - Feb 1802; Privy Councillor 21 May 1801; Recorder of Oxford May 1801-Oct 1806; Keeper of Privy Seal (I) from May 1801; hon. LLD Trinity Coll. Dublin 6 Jun 1801; elected Speaker of the House of Commons 10 Feb 1802; resigned on account of ill-health 28 May 1817; cr. Baron Colchester 3 Jun 1817; travelled on European Continent 1819-22; on return took active part in politics until death; a Busby Trustee from 18 May 1802; his Diary and Correspondence were published by his son Charles Abbot, 2nd Baron Colchester (qv), in 1861; m. 29 Dec 1796 Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir Philip Gibbes, Bart., Spring Head, Barbados, West Indies; d. 8 May 1829; buried in North Transept, Westminster Abbey. Arms up School. DNB.

GB-2014-WSA-00244 · Person · 1663-1732

ATTERBURY, FRANCIS, brother of Lewis Atterbury (qv); b. 6 Mar 1662/3; adm.; KS 1674; elected head to Christ Church, Oxford 1680, matr. 17 Dec 1680, aged 17, Westminster Student 18 Dec 1680-94 (void, perhaps on marriage), Tutor 1687-90; BA 1684; MA 1687; BD and DD 5 May 1701; replied to Obadiah Walker’s attack upon the Reformation 1687; assisted his pupil Hon. Charles Boyle in his defence of the genuineness of the Epistles of Phalaris against Bentley; ordained; Lecturer, St. Bride’s, London 1701; Chaplain in Ordinary to William III and Queen Mary, subsequently to Queen Anne; warmly opposed Erastianism and protested against the suppression of Convocation; Archdeacon of Totnes 11 Jun 1701-13; Prebendary of Exeter 6 May 1704; Dean of Carlisle 2 Oct 1704; Prolocutor of Lower House of Convocation 1710; Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, 28 Sep 1711-3; installed Dean of Westminster 16 Jun 1713 and consecrated Bishop of Rochester 15 Jul 1713; although he took part officially in the coronation of George I, he refused to sign the declaration of confidence in the government after the rebellion of 1715, and subsequently was in direct communication with the Jacobites; arrested and imprisoned in the Tower 24 Aug 1722, for his alleged connection with an attempt to restore the Stuarts; a bill of pains and penalties was passed through the House of Commons, and carried in the House of Lords by 83 votes to 43; deprived of all his ecclesiastical preferments 1 Jun 1723, and banished from the kingdom; visited in the Tower by some of the senior King’s Scholars before his departure; resided first at Brussels and afterwards in France as general adviser to the Old Pretender; a man of marked attainments, but cursed with an imperious and aggressive temper, and possessed of “a rare talent for fomenting discord”; his old friend George Smalridge (qv), who succeeded him both at Carlisle and at Christ Church, used to say that “Atterbury comes first and sets everything on fire, and I follow with a bucket of water”; regarded as one of the leading preachers of his day, and in Addison’s opinion was “one of the greatest geniuses of his age”; much to the annoyance of Old Westminsters, Atterbury removed the Election in 1718 from the School to the Jerusalem Chamber, and put down the Election Dinner (HMC Portland MSS, v, 561, vii, 275); owing to his insistence the new Dormitory was built on its present site, the first stone being laid 24 Apr 1722; Busby Trustee from 27 Feb 1705/6; m. c. 1695 Catherine Osborne; d. in exile in Paris 22 Feb 1731/2 and buried privately in the south aisle of the nave of Westminster Abbey 12 May 1732. DNB.

Bentham, Jeremy, 1748-1832
GB-2014-WSA-00288 · Person · 1748-1832

BENTHAM, JEREMY, son of Jeremiah Bentham, attorney-at-law, Red Lion Street, Houndsditch, London, and his first wife Alicia, widow of --- Whitehorne, and sister of George Woodward Grove (qv); b. 15 Feb 1747/8; adm. 1755; (Morel's according Bentham's memoir); elected KS 1759, but remained a Town Boy; left Aug 1760; Queen’s Coll. Oxford, matr. 28 Jun 1760; BA 1764; MA 1767; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 26 Jan 1763, called to bar 6 Nov 1769; did not practise his profession, but resident in chambers in Middle Temple 1766-9, Lincoln’s Inn from 1769; turned his mind to science and to speculations on politics and jurisprudence; his Fragment on Government, a masterly criticism of Blackstone’s Commentaries, appeared anonymously in 1776; friend and protege of Earl of Shelburne (later 1st Marquis of Lansdowne); a successful promoter of law reform and one of the ablest propagandists of the doctrine of utilitarianism; exercised great influence in the fields of ethics and jurisprudence; his published works were collected and edited by Sir John Bowring and John Hill Burton, in an eleven-volume edition published in 1843; his reminiscences of his school-days at Westminster appear in vol. x, 26-35, where it will be seen that his opinion of the instruction, discipline and usages of the School in his day was by no means flattering; two small MS volumes containing school and college exercises by him are preserved in the School Library; d. unm. 6 Jun 1832; his skeleton is preserved at University Coll., London. DNB.

GB-2014-WSA-00300 · Person · 1658-1743

BLACKBURNE, LANCELOT, son of Richard Blackburne, London; b. 10 Dec 1658; adm.; KS 1671; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1676, matr. 20 Oct 1676, Westminster Student 24 Dec 1676-85 (void); BA 1680; MA (in his absence) 28 Jan 1683/4; ordained 1681; went to Antigua, West Indies, soon after his ordination; a protegé of Sir Jonathan Trelawny, Bart. (q. v. ), Bishop of Exeter; Prebendary of Exeter 15 Jun 1691, Sub-Dean 1695-1702, 1704-5; Rector of Calstock, Cornwall, 29 May 1696 (dispensation to hold with Bishopric of Exeter 1716/7); Vicar of Altarnun, Cornwall, 1699 (dispensation to hold with Calstock, 1699); Dean of Exeter 3 Nov 1705 - Feb 1716/7; Archdeacon of Cornwall 24 Jan 1714/5 - Feb 1716/7 (but dispensation to hold with Bishopric of Exeter, 1716/7 ?); Chaplain in Ordinary to George I (Chamberlayne 1716); DD Lambeth 28 Jan 1716; consecrated Bishop of Exeter 24 Feb 1716/7; Lord Almoner from 26 Oct 1723; Archbishop of York from 8 Nov 1724; Privy Councillor 10 Dec 1724; Busby Trustee from 18 Feb 1725/6; a gay and witty divine of remarkably free manners, which gave rise to many scandalous stories; was described by Horace Walpole as “the jolly old Archbishop of York who had all the manners of a man of quality, though he had been a buccaneer, and was a clergyman; but he retained nothing of his first profession, except his seraglio” (Walpole, Memoirs of the Reign of George II, 1847, i, 87); m. 2 Sep 1684 Catherine, widow of Walter Littleton, Lichfield, Staffs., and dau. of William Talbot, Stourton Castle, Staffs.; d. 23 Mar 1742/3. DNB.