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People & Organisations
GB-2014-WSA-06253 · Person · 1875-1919

Doherty, Hugh Lawrence, brother of William Vernon Doherty (q.v.); b. Oct. 8, 1875; adm. Sept. 25, 1890 (H); left April 1894; Trin. Hall, Camb., matric. Easter 1896; played lawn tennis (singles and doubles) against Oxford 1896-8; won the English championship (singles) 1902-6, (doubles) with Reginald Frank Doherty (q.v.) 1897-1901 and 1903-5, the American championship (doubles) with R. F. Doherty 1902-3, the Irish championship (singles) 1902, (doubles) with R. F. Doherty 1898-1902, the Scottish championship (singles) 1898, (doubles) with R. F. Doherty 1897-8, the English Covered Court championship (singles) 1901-6, (doubles) with R. F. Doherty 1898-1903 and 1906, with G. W. Hillyard 1904-5; Paris Olympics 1900, won gold for tennis singles and men's doubles (with R.F. Doherty), and bronze for mixed doubles; served in Great War I as Sub-Lieut. R. N. R.; d. Aug. 21, 1919.

GB-2014-WSA-06254 · Person · 1872-1910

Doherty, Reginald Frank, brother of William Vernon Doherty (q.v.); b. Oct. 14, 1872; adm. Sept. 28, 1883 (H); left Dec. 1890; Trin. Hall, Camb., matric. Michaelmas 1894; played lawn tennis (singles and doubles) against Oxford 1895 and 1896; won the English championship singles 1897-1900, (doubles) with Hugh Lawrence Doherty (q.v.) 1897-1901 and 1903-5, the American championship (doubles) with H. L. Doherty 1902-3, the Davis Cup (singles and doubles) 1903, (doubles) 1904-6, the Irish championship (singles) 1899-1901, (doubles) with H. L. Doherty 1898-1902, the Scottish championship (singles) 1895-7, (doubles) with H. L. Doherty 1897-8, the English Covered Court championship (doubles) with H. L. Doherty 1898-1903 and 1906; won at the Paris 1900 Olympics, men's doubles (gold, with H.L. Doherty), mixed doubles (gold) and singles (bronze), won at the 1908 London Olympics, men's doubles (gold); d. Dec. 29, 1910.

GB-2014-WSA-01995 · Person · 1895-?

Ainsworth-Davis, John Creyghton, son of Professor James Richard Ainsworth-Davis, sometime Principal of the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, Gloucs., by Jessie, daughter of James Coutts, of Edinburgh; b. April 23, 1895; adm. Jan. 14, 1909 (H); left (with Triplett) July 1914; Christ's Coll. Camb., exhibitioner, matric. Michaelmas 1914; ran second in the hundred yards and in the quarter-mile at the Special Camb. Univ. Sports in May 1919; ran against Oxford in the quarter-mile in 1920; ran for England in the Olympic Games 1920; Gold Medal for 4 x 400 metres relay; B.A. 1920; St. Bartholomew's Hospital; M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1923; M.A., B. Ch. 1924; M.B. 1925; F.R.C.S. (Edin.) 1926; F.R.C.S. 1929; M. D. 1933; a consulting urological surgeon practising in London; sometime president of the Hunterian Society; author of Essentials of Urology (1952); 2nd Lieut. 4th Batt. Rifle Brigade Dec. 16, 1914, attached to 6th Batt.; Capt.; Royal Flying Corps; served 1914-19 in France, Salonika, Egypt and Palestine and was taken prisoner; Sqdn. Ldr. (Medical) R.A.F.V.R., Sept. 18, 1939; Wing-Cdr. Sept. 1, 1941; in charge of surgical division of a R.A.F. hospital 1939-45; m. rst 1920; wd 1947, Irene, daughter of Alfred Hope, of Wolverhampton.

Verdon, Philip, 1886-1960
GB-2014-WSA-17339 · Person · 1886-1960

Verdon, Philip, son of Henry Walter Verdon, M.D., of Streatham, Surrey; b. Feb. 22, 1886; adm. Sept. 27, 1900 (H); left April 1901; Jesus College Camb., matric. Michaelmas 1905; B.A. 1908; St. Thomas's Hospital; M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. 1912; B.Ch. (Camb.) 1923; won silver medal for rowing (men's coxless pairs) at the 1908 London Olympics; served in Great War I; Capt. R.A.M.C. Dec. 1, 1916; Lieut. Indian Medical Service Aug. 8, 1917; Capt. Dec. 7, 1918; Major Dec. 1, 1927; Lieut.-Col. Dec. 1, 1935; professor in ophthal­mology, Madras, S. India 1935-40; served in World War II, consulting ophthalmologist, India, with rank of Colonel, 1943; m. Feb. 28, 1922, Doris Kathleen, youngest daughter of Maj. Gen. W. Hendley, C.S.J., K.H.S., of Cambridge; d. June 18, 1960.