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      Terme générique Houses


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            49 Description archivistique résultats pour Ashburnham

            49 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
            Ashburnham House Ledger 1902-1915
            GB 2014 WS-02-HOU-06-01-02 · Pièce · Autumn 1902 - Spring 1915
            Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

            This ledger was kept by the Head of House and gives details of sporting results and accounts of matches, notes on the characters of team members, names of those who received colours, names boys who had arrived and boys who had left the House, details of tannings, those representing the House in school societies, and any other events which the Heads thought interesting to record. Some entries include general summaries of the term or year. At the front of the volume are details of Head of House, Monitors, Housemasters and those who gained pinks. There is also a list of those who received double pinks at the back of the volume. Inserted throughout the volume are House lists, newspaper cuttings and various other notices of events in the House.

            Ashburnham House Ledger 1923-1927
            GB 2014 WS-02-HOU-06-01-04 · Pièce · Spring 1923 - Summer 1927
            Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

            This ledger was kept by the Head of House and gives details of new boys and boys who had left, sporting results and accounts of matches, comments on the characters of House members, names of those who received colours, notes on the 'Ash Tree' (the House magazine), details of tannings, names of Head of House and monitors and any other events which the Heads thought interesting to record. Some entries include summaries and general notes on the previous term. At the front of the volume are details of Head of House, Monitors, Housemasters and those who gained pinks. Also inserted at the front of the volume are notes on the ledger from a researcher. Throughout the volume are inserts of House lists as well as other letters and notices, including a guide on tanning. One entry mentions the General Strike in May 1926 and the various roles Ashburnhamites took on during the strike.

            Ashburnham House Ledger 1927-1937
            GB 2014 WS-02-HOU-06-01-05 · Pièce · Sep 1927 - Jul 1937
            Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

            This ledger was kept by the Head of House and gives details of new boys and boys who had left each year, sporting results and accounts of matches, comments on the characters of boys after they left the House, names of those who received colours, notes on music competitions, details of tannings, names of Head of House and monitors and any other events which the Heads thought interesting to record. Some entries include summaries of the previous term. Not all Heads of House contributed to the ledger each year. At the front of the volume are details of Head of House, Monitors, House Masters and those who gained pinks. There is also a list of Heads of Ashburnham House on the first page and at the back of the volume. Inserted by a researcher are markers throughout the book as well as some loose pages which contain notes on the volume.

            Ashburnham House Ledger 1953-1960
            GB 2014 WS-02-HOU-06-01-07 · Pièce · 1953 - c. 1960
            Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

            The first entry is continued from the previous volume. This ledger was kept by the Head of House, in which they would note down details of boys who arrived and left each year, those who received the House colours, details of the 'Ash Tree' (the House magazine), comments on the characters of members of the House, comments on discipline within the House, details of sporting results, art events and music competitions, general notes and summaries of events in the House and anything else the Head of House thought interesting. Some entries describe the Play Supper. At the front of the volume are details of Housemasters, Heads of House, Monitors and the names of those who were awarded pinks and double pinks. Those awarded double pinks are also listed at the back of the volume. Inserted throughout the volume are house lists as well as notes by a researcher. There is also a list of members of Ashburnham who were killed in the Second World War inserted towards the end.

            Ashburnham House Ledger 1960-1968
            GB 2014 WS-02-HOU-06-01-08 · Pièce · Autumn 1960 -Autumn 1968
            Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

            This ledger was kept by the Head of House, in which they would note down details of boys who arrived and left each year, those who received the House colours, details of the 'Ash Tree' (the House magazine), comments on the characters of members of the House, comments on discipline within the House, details of sporting results, art events and music competitions, accounts of the House Supper, general notes and summaries of previous terms and anything else the Head of House thought interesting. There are also account of various plays performed by the House. At the front of the volume are details of Housemasters, Heads of House, Monitors and the names of those who were awarded pinks and double pinks. Those awarded double pinks are also listed at the back of the volume. Inserted throughout the volume are house lists, as well as newspaper cuttings relating to events at the House.

            List of Boys in Ashburnhman House
            GB 2014 WS-02-HOU-06-02-01 · Dossier · c. 1956 - c. 1963
            Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

            This file contains details of boys of Ashburnham House. It includes their name, home address, date of birth, date they entered the school, comments on the boy from their preparatory school, a list of subjects in which they achieved 'O' and 'A' levels and comments on their academic development, qualities and interests. Some entries also include comments on the boys' parents and their occupations, and notes on when boys were confirmed. The entries are arranged alphabetically by surname.

            Ashburnham House Absentee Register
            GB 2014 WS-02-HOU-06-02-03 · Pièce · Autumn 1953 - Autumn 1955
            Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

            This book gives a list of boys in alphabetical order by surname and notes the days on which they were absent or late each term. There is a list giving details of the Head of House and Monitors at the start of each term's entry.

            Ashburnham House Absentee List
            GB 2014 WS-02-HOU-06-02-04 · Pièce · 21/09/1955 - 15/10/1955
            Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

            This book gives the names of boys who were absent or late each day in Ashburnham Upper form and their reasons for being absent or late. It also includes other details such as those who forgot to bring in various forms, and warnings and punishments given out for bad behaviour. At the end of the book is a list of House footballers, watermen and fencers which also indicates those who had received pinks.

            GB 2014 WS-02-HOU-06-04 · Sous-série · Autumn 1913 - Summer 1949
            Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

            The two books in this series give details of warnings and punishments given to the boys for bad behaviour.