Gray, Stephen Marius, 1934-2013

Identity area

Type of entity


Authorized form of name

Gray, Stephen Marius, 1934-2013

Parallel form(s) of name

Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

Other form(s) of name

Identifiers for corporate bodies

Description area

Dates of existence



Gray, Stephen Marius, son of Basil Gray CB CBE FBA, Keeper of Oriental Antiquities, British Museum, and Nicolette Gray, art historian and lettering expert, d. of Laurence Binyon CH, poet and Keeper of Prints & Drawings, British Museum; b. 3 Aug. 1934; adm. Sept. 1947 (B); left July 1952; New Coll. Oxf., matric. 1955, BA 1958; a chartered accountant, ACA 1962, FCA; partner Dixon Wilson 1967, sen. partner 1981-98; dir., Abingworth Plc 1973-2001, chmn. 1994-2001; dir., Associated Newspaper Holdings 1983-2009, Daily Mail and General Trust 1985-2009; dir., British Biotech Plc 1982-99; Tower Hamlets Health Authority 1982-; chmn., London Hosp. Special trustees 1974-2000; governor, London Hosp. Med. Coll. 1984-9; chmn., management committee, The King’s Fund 1985-98; CVO June 2011; m. 2 Sept. 1961 Clare Anthony, d. of Sir Anthony Horace Milward Kt. CBE, chmn. British European Airways; d. 29 Jan. 2013.


Legal status

Functions, occupations and activities

Mandates/sources of authority

Internal structures/genealogy

General context

Relationships area

Access points area

Subject access points

Place access points


Control area

Authority record identifier


Institution identifier

GB 2014

Rules and/or conventions used

International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) 2nd edition



Level of detail


Dates of creation, revision and deletion

Prepared for import into AtoM by Westminster School Archive staff, 2019-2020




The Record of Old Westminsters: A biographical list of all those who are known to have been educated at Westminster School from Play 1937 to Election 2015, Volume 5, London, 2017

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