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55 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-40 · Pièce · c.1911
Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'“Charterhouse is our big match” I was told as a new boy in 1918, “and they generally beat us”. Too true!
It was not until 1974 that I paid a brief visit to Charterhouse, and in view of all those wonderful games facilities on their doorstep, I marvelled we were ever able to hold up our heads before a School nearly double our size. Yet in days of Taylor & Lowe, we did.
I have vivid memories of a nail-biting last cricket draw in 1920, very much in our favour, when I.A.W. Gilliatt alone saved Charterhouse.
Better by far in 1922 - when Taylor and Lowe shot out Charterhouse to 25 (!!) and themselves knocked off the runs required before lunch! I arrived (alas, none too soon!) in time to see the last wicket fall at 18. (If only McBride could have held that catch in the long-field at that total!)
Then - Football, I witnessed that agonising goal-less draw in 1923 *(actually (I see) a lost 0-1), played (for some reason) not on Big Game Ground but B Ground. We had the better of the play. In the second half the Charterhouse goal-keeper lay on the ball. Our 3 inside-forwards proceeded to propel him into the goal with their feet (legitimate in those days). But the Ref: “fearing he might be hurt” blew the whistle and saved him and Charterhouse.'

Sci's watching a match up fields
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-41 · Pièce · c.1911
Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Memories 1918-1924
The Scis (especially the smaller brand perched on the railings) were our most loyal supporters at both football and cricket matches. We were their “local side” and, in good and (more frequent) bad times alike their enthusiasm never faltered. Their cheering put ours to shame (except at House Matches, when there was a non-stop roar, Westminster cheering was tame). They knew all the 1st XI players by name. (“Bulldog” Keily - their nickname for him- was their special idol).
And we treated them abominably - thoughtlessly blocking their view by standing on the side nearest the railings (more shelter there) and affecting to ignore them or treat them with patronising disdain! (A ‘snob school’ indeed)
A quick-witted Cockneys, the Scis subjected ‘Scholars’ (as they called us) to a good deal of banter on the way up or down Fields - eg “Hey, Scholar! Lend me a dollar! Pay you back tomorrer!” K.SS they sometimes hailed as “Cup ‘n’ saucers” (ref. to College Cops)
To our shame be it said we took very little interest in the School Mission in Vincent Square, despite the noble services of (later Rev) R.E.C. Houghton. I (for one) only visited it once in all my six years.'

GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-43 · Pièce · c.1911
Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Memories 1918-1924
Gym was regarded as an honourable ‘occupat’ but attracted only a limited number of enthusiasts. Like the majority, I only saw the inside of Gym, on the occasion of annual inter-House contests. I have memories of D.B. (‘Spud’) Murphy, K.S., competing in (and I think retaining) the Championship only a few weeks after a very nearly fatal bout of pneumonia.
I also remember all boarders (and I think day-boys too) having to turn up in Gym for another purpose, turn by turn, during Lent 1920. The new HM (H.C.W.) had decreed that all the School should be weighed and measured (in the nude) in order to check-up on our avowedly poor physique in post-War years. We also had to blow three times down a tube into a machine which purported to register our “Vital Capacity”. I failed in this abjectly, and was accorded a life-span of about 25 years! Fortunately none of us took this gadget too seriously.'

Art Room
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-47A · Pièce · c.1911
Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
The Art Room cannot but evoke memories of that peppery Manxman WILLIAM KNEEN who presided there from 1884 till just before his death in 1921. He was regarded not without reason as the most peculiar member of the staff. His diction (much imitated!) was extraordinary, e.g. ‘Will you give me at-tenshon?’ or (by way of punishment) ‘Take a Drill-ah! Take a Drill!’ His methods of teaching would be considered outmoded now – Finding the “common venishing point”, making drawings of the numerous classical plaster casts and (for Prep) time and again “Plen and Ele-vashon”. (Williamson who succeeded him belonged to the then Modern School and revolutionised things).
Wm. Kneen only taught the Under School and was a real friends to any who (like myself) loved Art. He died much lamented.'

Carpenter's Shop
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-48 · Pièce · c.1911
Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
I have often regretted I never took Carpentry as an ‘Occupat’ – at any rate once a week – but I fancy few Boarders did so. We were most of us just too exhausted by 5p.m to think of anything beyond Lib!
I do not remember ever going inside the Carpenter’s Shop. From what I recall it was situate behind Ashburnham, adjoining Japs.
It was presided over by the Japper little Mr. Green – for some reason always Mr. Green. (I believe he was the only member of the Teaching or ‘Ancillary’ Staff to hold that title not only when addressed by whenever referred to in conversation)
I see from the ‘Record’ Vol III he was appointed in 1904 and continued till his death (presumably in harness) in 1933.'

Star Chamber Doorway
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-06 · Pièce · c.1911
Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'The (reputed) Star Chamber Doorway (see L.E.T. pp 44-5), another casualty of the Blitz.
View from interior of Etheridge’s Room, past the Rod Table (no rods visible, so out of School hours) to Liddell’s Room (C.R. later C.Sh2)
In the the Under School we knew little of the Star Chamber of James I, but had a saying: “People used to go through that door to be tortured-and they still do!” The reference was to the fearsome W.G. Etheridge, dreaded by all.
He was a brilliant teacher both of French and of History, but a ruthless slave-driver and with a streak of cruelty. (He was known by K.SS in his History Set as “The Man of Blood” – back-handed reference to his detestation of King Charles I)
I spent many a gruelling period in this room, first in the Under School, later in C. Upper Shell (School Certificate Form). I owe much to W.G.E.’s teaching, but was not sorry when, having passed School Cert. and attained to C VI, I no longer had to enter Star Chamber!'

GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-12 · Pièce · c.1911
Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'At close of School, following ‘Ire licet’, a School Monitor (in charge of the Door, ‘ostium’) and a Second Election KS capping the Masters. (The junior Master descending amid the IV Form was taken in my day to be W.G. Etheridge, but at this date I think it more likely A.H. Forbes).
As a Second Election from Play 1921 to Election 1922 I regularly performed my duty as Monos- tapping on the doors of VII and VI Form Rooms with the corner of my college-cap and announcing “Instat Quinta!” or (when Early School in Summer) “Instat Quarta!” –and on Saturdays or Plays “Instat Sesquiduodecima!” (This was an anachronism, this no longer being the correct hour).
Only once or twice (on O.T.C Field Days) did it fall to me to deputise for a School Monitor and take charge of the Door and take my place on the Monos Stone.'

Entrance to College
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-13 · Pièce · c.1911
Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Did ever such a vast building have such a small door as its only entrance? Strangely enough, tho’ College was the most exclusive of all Houses, numbers of T.B.B in Under School used this door regularly, as ‘Prayer Room’ just inside (abode of Second Elections) was used as an emergency Class Room for French etc.
Outside may be seen the Monos Stone, even in those days worn way by the seats of generations of Junior KSS sitting against it from 3:25-3:30 pm performing the duty of Watch (shouting “White’s ‘Ming!!!” when the HM was sighted).
Just inside this Door was kept (in a glass case) what was always solemnly referred to as “The Great Key of College”. College in pre-Blitz days had of course two floors only. There were no Wren’s on the ground floor (including my two cousins in 1950-6), so College was (apart from the anomaly above) exclusively the domain of K.SS.
I entered this Door as a Junior in Sept. 1920, knowing full well what a fearsome ordeal awaited me. Mercifully the systematic bullying of Juniors was mitigated a few days later.'

Library, Ashburnham House
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-25A · Pièce · c.1911
Fait partie de Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'As detailed on a companion p.c. ‘Lib’ was a blissful hour of respite and peace from 5:15 till House bells rang for High Tea at 6:15.
In the right foreground is the Librarian’s table - occupied till 1921/2 by Rev. G.H. Nall (‘Holy Herbert’) or his deputy J.J. Huckwell (Bill), thereafter by A.T. Willett, OW. This main room was occupied in the evenings by junior boys - RR sitting at the far end, GG in the middle and K.SS Under Elections nearest the door. The oil lamps had been replaced by electric light by 1918- presumably before the War.
In 1918-19 it was hard to concentrate on one’s reading after 6pm for pangs of hunger, and wondering what would be the ‘barge’ at Tea. Evening ‘Lib’ was suspended in Summer, replaced by Evening Station up Fields.'