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Lectures and collections made by Robert Hooke, secretary of the Royal Society. Cometa. Containing observations of the comet in April, 1677. Fragments of several lectures about those of 1664. and 1665. Sir Chr. Wren’s hypothesis and geometrical problem about those comets, a discourse concerning the comet of 1677. Mr. Boyle’s observation made on two new phosphori of Mr. Baldwin, and Mr. Craft. Mr. Gallet’s letter to Mr. Cassini, together with his observation of [Mercury] sub [Sun]. Mr. Cassini’ reflections upon those of Gassendus, and Hevelius, and upon this. Mr. Hally’s letter and observation of the same made at St. Hellena. Mr. Cassini’s observation of the diurnal motion of [Jupiter], and other changes happening in it. Microscopium. Containing Mr. Leeuwenhoeck’s two letters concerning some late microscopical discoveries. The author’s discourse and description of microscopes, improved for discerning the nature and texture of bodies. P. Cherubine’s accusations answered. Mr. Young’s letter containing several ana
Lectures and collections made by Robert Hooke, secretary of the Royal Society. Cometa. Containing observations of the comet in April, 1677. Fragments of several lectures about those of 1664. and 1665. Sir Chr. Wren’s hypothesis and geometrical problem about those comets, a discourse concerning the comet of 1677. Mr. Boyle’s observation made on two new phosphori of Mr. Baldwin, and Mr. Craft. Mr. Gallet’s letter to Mr. Cassini, together with his observation of [Mercury] sub [Sun]. Mr. Cassini’ reflections upon those of Gassendus, and Hevelius, and upon this. Mr. Hally’s letter and observation of the same made at St. Hellena. Mr. Cassini’s observation of the diurnal motion of [Jupiter], and other changes happening in it. Microscopium. Containing Mr. Leeuwenhoeck’s two letters concerning some late microscopical discoveries. The author’s discourse and description of microscopes, improved for discerning the nature and texture of bodies. P. Cherubine’s accusations answered. Mr. Young’s letter containing several ana
Here begynneth the famous cronycle of the warre, which the romayns had agaynst Iugurth vsurper of the kyngdome of Numidy. which cronycle is compyled in latyn by the renowmed romayne Salust. And translated into englysshe by syr Alexander Barclay preest, at co[m]maundement of the right hye and mighty prince: Thomas duke of Northfolke.
Here begynneth the famous cronycle of the warre, which the romayns had agaynst Iugurth vsurper of the kyngdome of Numidy. which cronycle is compyled in latyn by the renowmed romayne Salust. And translated into englysshe by syr Alexander Barclay preest, at co[m]maundement of the right hye and mighty prince: Thomas duke of Northfolke.
The progress of honesty: or, a view of a court and city. A pindarique poem. By T.D.
The progress of honesty: or, a view of a court and city. A pindarique poem. By T.D.
Votum Nuptiale, or an Epithalamium upon the… nuptials of… William of Nassau…, and the Lady Mary…
Votum Nuptiale, or an Epithalamium upon the… nuptials of… William of Nassau…, and the Lady Mary…
Portugallia in portu, = Portugal in harbour: or Englands joy and welcome to the Most Illustrious Infanta of Portugal Donna Katharina Queen of England, &c. By John Crouch Gent.
Portugallia in portu, = Portugal in harbour: or Englands joy and welcome to the Most Illustrious Infanta of Portugal Donna Katharina Queen of England, &c. By John Crouch Gent.
An essay concerning humane understanding. In four books.
An essay concerning humane understanding. In four books.
Artis analyticae praxis, ad æquationes algebraïcas nouâ, expeditâ, & generali methodo, resoluendas: tractatus e posthumis Thomæ Harrioti philosophi ac mathematici celeberrimi schediasmatis summâ fide & diligentiâ descriptus: et illustrissimo Domino Dom. Henrico Percio, Northumbriæ comiti, qui hæc primò, sub patronatus & munificentiæ suæ auspicijs ad proprios vsus elucubrata, in communem mathematicorum vtilitatem, denuò reuisenda, describenda, & publicanda mandauit, meritissimi honoris ergò nuncupatus.
Artis analyticae praxis, ad æquationes algebraïcas nouâ, expeditâ, & generali methodo, resoluendas: tractatus e posthumis Thomæ Harrioti philosophi ac mathematici celeberrimi schediasmatis summâ fide & diligentiâ descriptus: et illustrissimo Domino Dom. Henrico Percio, Northumbriæ comiti, qui hæc primò, sub patronatus & munificentiæ suæ auspicijs ad proprios vsus elucubrata, in communem mathematicorum vtilitatem, denuò reuisenda, describenda, & publicanda mandauit, meritissimi honoris ergò nuncupatus.
Geographia universalis, vetus et nova, complectens Claudii Ptolemaei ... enarrationis libros VIII / quorum primus noua translatione Pirckheimheri et accessione commentarioli apud Sebastiani Munsteri ...
Geographia universalis, vetus et nova, complectens Claudii Ptolemaei ... enarrationis libros VIII / quorum primus noua translatione Pirckheimheri et accessione commentarioli apud Sebastiani Munsteri ...
The Flagellant
The Flagellant