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Headmaster's House
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-33 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Memories 1918-1924
In Dr Gow’s last year (1918-19) few boys had occasion to enter the HM’s house except for a Confirmation interview (as also under H.C.W.).
It was different when H.C.W. came in 1919. He and his wife set out to entertain all boarders to dinner, two by two. I recall going in fear and trembling with an even smaller Under School boy- and being much relieved by the kind welcome we received. Monitors and Senior K.SS were later invited from time to time.
While in charge of the School Coin Collection from c.1922 to 1924, I was allowed unlimited access to the landing where the Cabinet was kept. (This was a great privilege).
I have also happy recollections of private tuition classes in Theocritus conducted by the H.M. in evenings of Play 1923 and Lent 1924 for KSS in the VII. These played no small part in the Open Scholarships some of us gained at that time.'

Head Master
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-01 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'1. Dr. JAMES GOW (‘Jimmy’), H.M. 1901-1919
My first meeting with him was at Challenge 1918. I owe him a lifelong debut for his accepting me without Common Entrance Exam (on the strength of my dismal Challenge papers), thus saving a second journey from my home in Devon in War-time conditions.
My first three Terms (Play 1918-Election 1919) coincided with his last three. He had been a great and good HM, but was now almost blind and moved in a dignified daze, piloting himself with a stick. (Intent on my prep, I once collided with him in Yard)
Through no fault of his, School discipline had become somewhat lax by 1918. Leave and Plays were easily given (e.g. to go skating on the Serpentine in Lent 1919).
He was much loved and his departure was a solemn occasion. He shook hands with every boy after his last Prayers. I am glad I remembered to say ‘Thank you, Sir’ – with the classical Remove form-prize in my hand.'

GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-43 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Memories 1918-1924
Gym was regarded as an honourable ‘occupat’ but attracted only a limited number of enthusiasts. Like the majority, I only saw the inside of Gym, on the occasion of annual inter-House contests. I have memories of D.B. (‘Spud’) Murphy, K.S., competing in (and I think retaining) the Championship only a few weeks after a very nearly fatal bout of pneumonia.
I also remember all boarders (and I think day-boys too) having to turn up in Gym for another purpose, turn by turn, during Lent 1920. The new HM (H.C.W.) had decreed that all the School should be weighed and measured (in the nude) in order to check-up on our avowedly poor physique in post-War years. We also had to blow three times down a tube into a machine which purported to register our “Vital Capacity”. I failed in this abjectly, and was accorded a life-span of about 25 years! Fortunately none of us took this gadget too seriously.'

Grant's [Untitled]
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-29 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
Said my Substance (Tony Allpress) to me on my first day, “Pity they haven’y got a P.C. of Rigaud’s like that”. (It wd. not have made so good a picture as this severe but symmetrical structure). It says much for the rigid ‘isolationist’ House system of my time that I only once set foot inside GG in all my six years- and that very briefly for some very special purpose on the last day of Term.
R. Tanner (“The Buck”) was House Master of GG for my first three terms, Major D.P. Shaw for the remainder (1919 till his death from war-wounds in 1924). Grant’s and Rigaud’s were consistently on good terms (having much in common), but about 1922-4 GG developed into a decidedly ‘tough’ House, with a particular antipathy to K.SS (which was reciprocated). This nearly resulted in an ugly scene during Lamprobatics in 1923!'

Grand Staircase, Ashburnham
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-25C · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
In those days Ashburnham Staircase was regarded as a ‘nine days’ wonder’ and considered so exceedingly precious that we boys were only allowed to use it once every three years - at ‘Commem’. I have memories of walking up it for the first time on Nov 17, 1919 and again that date in 1922. We walked in wonder and awe, but there was such a crush we could hardly appreciate its beauty. Towards the end of my time (presumably after A.T. Willet became Librarian in 192__) regulations were relaxed and the Staircase was more frequently opened. But it then ceased to bear its former ‘inaccessibility’ charm!'

Form Drill - Slope Arms
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-46 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Memories 1918-1918
To my lasting and lifelong regret, I was not in the Corps. This however did not exempt me as a new boy from twice-weekly parades in ‘B’ Squad I, till I was laid low my Spanish Flu a week or two before the Armistice on Nov 11, 1918.
By that time, Form Drill (as in the picture) conducted presumably by the School Sergeant, had given place to bi-weekly Squad Drill under N.C.O.s in the Corps. Upper School was divided into 8 ‘A Squads’, Under School into eight ‘B Squads’. These drilled alternatively on two days of each week and played in an inter-Squad Football League on the other two (for, curiously enough, Football Leagues were run on inter-Squad lines, not inter-House, in Play 1918).
At the end of that Term an intense inter-Squad Drill Competition took place. The dummy-rifles in the picture (clumsy wooden things) were not used in B Squad Drill. Hopeless cases (some in uniform) were relegated to an ‘Awkward Squad’, teaching only elementary Drill, in yard.
Those not in uniform wore shags over School dress for Drill, T.BB with collars turned up, K.SS with collars turned down (as on all occasions). By 1918, the ‘Shag’ of dark blue was of a less skimpy design than shown in the photo and had a pinkish monogram ‘RSW’ on the pocket.'

GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-42 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Memories 1918-1924
Fives was by far the most popular out of School game. Few could afford Racquets, and Tennis was never accepted as an alternative station till about 1923-4. *
The three Fives Courts in yard were continually patronised, especially by boarders. K.SS were particularly keen and proficient and participation in House ties was obligatory for all, I believe.
During the winter of 1921-2 I witnessed a memorable game of Fives played on the Court opposite Liddell’s Tree - the Headmaster (H.C.W.) and Mr (later Rev) R.E.C. Houghton (Master of VI) versus Rev. A.G.S. Raynor (Master of K.SS, just about to retire) and C.H. Taylor K.S. (later Cricket Blue). The Masters all showed great proficiency- not least the veteran ‘PiWi’. I wonder this game (witnessed by scorer) was never repeated.

*Yet, for all that, did we not produce C.H. Weinberger, Wimbledon Schoolboy Champion in 1919?'

Entrance to College Hall
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-34 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Mid-day hall, 1920-1924 R.S.C
My memories of this picture are concentrated on the entrance stairs, where as Under Elections we would congregate to await the arrival and entrance of the H.M. Second Elections stood on the landing, leaning on the rails and watching T.BB assembling in the court below; Juniors stood on the stairs in exact order of seniority. Three Second Elections (including non-resident KSS) took turns to say Latin Grace (“Oculi amnium” etc- Psalm 145, vv15-16)
In my day there was Early Hall (for members of Under School up A.HH or H.BB) at 12:40 pm. Late Hall (for K.SS and Upper School A.HH & H.BB, with Masters) followed at (I believe) 1:15. How we ever got through a meal, got back to our Houses, changed and got up Fields by 2pm for football till 3pm will ever remain a mystery to me- the more so as I do not recall any great sense of hurry.
(It certainly did one’s digestion little good). If I remember, Early School was introduced later (2-3:30pm), giving time to get down to Water.'

Entrance to College
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-13 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'Did ever such a vast building have such a small door as its only entrance? Strangely enough, tho’ College was the most exclusive of all Houses, numbers of T.B.B in Under School used this door regularly, as ‘Prayer Room’ just inside (abode of Second Elections) was used as an emergency Class Room for French etc.
Outside may be seen the Monos Stone, even in those days worn way by the seats of generations of Junior KSS sitting against it from 3:25-3:30 pm performing the duty of Watch (shouting “White’s ‘Ming!!!” when the HM was sighted).
Just inside this Door was kept (in a glass case) what was always solemnly referred to as “The Great Key of College”. College in pre-Blitz days had of course two floors only. There were no Wren’s on the ground floor (including my two cousins in 1950-6), so College was (apart from the anomaly above) exclusively the domain of K.SS.
I entered this Door as a Junior in Sept. 1920, knowing full well what a fearsome ordeal awaited me. Mercifully the systematic bullying of Juniors was mitigated a few days later.'

GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-17 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'This picture would have been ‘posed’ by John Brown. As Under Election John he would have had to clear up the mess after Term, together with the long-suffering ‘Nymphs’ (as the two College charwomen were termed).
I do not recall any such (rather senseless) ragging at the end of any of my 12 Terms in College (in any case, at the end of Play Term Under Elections, depicted here, were accommodated up Saignes).
There was however one annual event on the last Saturday night of each Election Term, as an aftermath of the feast which followed Declams. This was Conveniences Race, a knock-out in which the Juniors competed in pairs, as a part of gaining their ‘freedom’. It consisted of a hurdle-race over towel-horses the length of Dormitory, out to Conveniences (Night Japs), to touch the door-handle there (a good bit of rough play took place here) and so back, cheered by occupants of one’s Room. Competitors wore pyjamas, and (an innovation I remember in 1924) top hats with white ties round the crowns.'