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Portugallia in portu, = Portugal in harbour: or Englands joy and welcome to the Most Illustrious Infanta of Portugal Donna Katharina Queen of England, &c. By John Crouch Gent.
Portugallia in portu, = Portugal in harbour: or Englands joy and welcome to the Most Illustrious Infanta of Portugal Donna Katharina Queen of England, &c. By John Crouch Gent.
An essay concerning humane understanding. In four books.
An essay concerning humane understanding. In four books.
Artis analyticae praxis, ad æquationes algebraïcas nouâ, expeditâ, & generali methodo, resoluendas: tractatus e posthumis Thomæ Harrioti philosophi ac mathematici celeberrimi schediasmatis summâ fide & diligentiâ descriptus: et illustrissimo Domino Dom. Henrico Percio, Northumbriæ comiti, qui hæc primò, sub patronatus & munificentiæ suæ auspicijs ad proprios vsus elucubrata, in communem mathematicorum vtilitatem, denuò reuisenda, describenda, & publicanda mandauit, meritissimi honoris ergò nuncupatus.
Artis analyticae praxis, ad æquationes algebraïcas nouâ, expeditâ, & generali methodo, resoluendas: tractatus e posthumis Thomæ Harrioti philosophi ac mathematici celeberrimi schediasmatis summâ fide & diligentiâ descriptus: et illustrissimo Domino Dom. Henrico Percio, Northumbriæ comiti, qui hæc primò, sub patronatus & munificentiæ suæ auspicijs ad proprios vsus elucubrata, in communem mathematicorum vtilitatem, denuò reuisenda, describenda, & publicanda mandauit, meritissimi honoris ergò nuncupatus.
The Flagellant
The Flagellant
The vvorkes of Benjamin Jonson. The second volume.
The vvorkes of Benjamin Jonson. The second volume.
The English schoole, teaching to reade English distinctly, and to write it both faire and true. By a perfect table of all the words in the Bible of the last translation. Disposed in a naturall order; so that all (whether strangers or others, though but of meane capacity) may with very little helpe, soone learne to reade English perfectly, by this booke onely. By I.P.
The English schoole, teaching to reade English distinctly, and to write it both faire and true. By a perfect table of all the words in the Bible of the last translation. Disposed in a naturall order; so that all (whether strangers or others, though but of meane capacity) may with very little helpe, soone learne to reade English perfectly, by this booke onely. By I.P.
Lectures upon Jonas delivered at Yorke in the yeare of our Lords 1594
Lectures upon Jonas delivered at Yorke in the yeare of our Lords 1594
Syntagma de druidum morbis ac institutis
Syntagma de druidum morbis ac institutis
Discourses upon the first decade of T. Livius. .
Discourses upon the first decade of T. Livius. .
The works of Alexander Pope esq. In nine volumes, complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; as they were delivered to the editor, a little before his death. Together with the commentary and notes of Warburton.
The works of Alexander Pope esq. In nine volumes, complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; as they were delivered to the editor, a little before his death. Together with the commentary and notes of Warburton.