Showing 16425 results

Catalogue Description
Opera [graece]
Opera [graece]
Opus epistolarum ... : cui accesserunt epistolae Ferdinandi de Pulgar, Latinae pariter atque Hispanicae cum tractatu Hispanico de viris Castellae illustribus ....
Opus epistolarum ... : cui accesserunt epistolae Ferdinandi de Pulgar, Latinae pariter atque Hispanicae cum tractatu Hispanico de viris Castellae illustribus ....
De rebus gestis Francorum
De rebus gestis Francorum
A collection of state tracts, publish'd on occasion of the late revolution in 1688, and during the reign of King William III.
A collection of state tracts, publish'd on occasion of the late revolution in 1688, and during the reign of King William III.
A description of the royal palace an the monastery of St. Laurence called the Escurial
A description of the royal palace an the monastery of St. Laurence called the Escurial
Works ed. Alexander Pope: vol. I
Works ed. Alexander Pope: vol. I
Works ed. Alexander Pope: vol. II
Works ed. Alexander Pope: vol. II
Works ed. Alexander Pope: vol. III
Works ed. Alexander Pope: vol. III
Epistolarum libri XXXI
Epistolarum libri XXXI
Opera Mathematica, In Unum Volumen conesta, ac recognita, Opera atque studio Francisci a Schooten Leydensis, Matheseos Professoris
Opera Mathematica, In Unum Volumen conesta, ac recognita, Opera atque studio Francisci a Schooten Leydensis, Matheseos Professoris