Showing 275 results

Catalogue Description
New Science Block: Sketch Plans
New Science Block: Sketch Plans
Second Floor Plan for Biology, Museum and Library
Second Floor Plan for Biology, Museum and Library
Alternative Ground Floor Plan if Wren's Lavatories are to be used in conjunction with Laboratories
Alternative Ground Floor Plan if Wren's Lavatories are to be used in conjunction with Laboratories
Proposed Balustrade for Access Lobby
Proposed Balustrade for Access Lobby
First Floor Chemistry Labs Plan
First Floor Chemistry Labs Plan
Ground Floor Physics Labs Plan
Ground Floor Physics Labs Plan
Plan of of three Floors
Plan of of three Floors
First and Second Floor Plans
First and Second Floor Plans
First Floor Chemistry and Second Floor Biology Plans
First Floor Chemistry and Second Floor Biology Plans
Lintel in Carpenters' Shop
Lintel in Carpenters' Shop