Pierson, Peter Douglas Humphrey, 1919-1942

Identity area

Type of entity


Authorized form of name

Pierson, Peter Douglas Humphrey, 1919-1942

Parallel form(s) of name

Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

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Description area

Dates of existence



Pierson, Peter Douglas Humphrey, son of George H. Pierson, manufacturing chemist, and HelĀ­ena Marion, d. of William Edward Jones of Eastnor, Herefordshire; b. 12 July 1919; adm. May 1933 (H); left July 1936; enlisted Gunner HAC, transf. RHA 1940 (L/Bdr), p.o.w. Greece 1941; d. as prisoner in Germany 18 Oct. 1942.

Peter Douglas Humphrey Pierson was born at St Annes-on-Sea, Lancashire on the 12th of July 1919 the son of George Humphrey Pierson, a manufacturing chemist, and Helena Marion (nee Jones) Pierson of 94, Queensway, Bayswater, London W2.
He was educated at Westminster School where he was up Homeboarders from May 1933 to July 1936.
He enlisted as a Gunner in the Honourable Artillery Company in 1939 where he served with D Battery. He transferred to the 2nd Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery in 1940. He was posted to Egypt and later to Greece.
He was captured at the fall of Greece on the 28th of April 1941 and was taken to Germany where he was interned at Stalag XVIIIA at Wolfsburg from the 24th of September 1941 as POW No. 1208. On his arrival there it was recorded that he was six feet four inches tall and that he had brown hair.
He was admitted to the hospital at Wolfsberg on the 18th of October 1942 suffering from typhus. He died there the following day.
He was buried at Wolfsberg Cemetery II, Grave 24 on the 21st of October 1942 but his body was later exhumed and moved to its present location.
He is buried at Klagenfurt War Cemetery Plot 6, Row A, Grave 4.


Legal status

Functions, occupations and activities

Lance Bombardier 1397762; 2nd Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery

Mandates/sources of authority

Internal structures/genealogy

General context

Relationships area

Access points area

Place access points


Control area

Authority record identifier


Institution identifier

GB 2014

Rules and/or conventions used

International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) 2nd edition



Level of detail


Dates of creation, revision and deletion

Prepared for import into AtoM by Westminster School Archive staff, 2019-2020. Updated by Bethany Duck, Archives Assistant, September 2022.




The Record of Old Westminsters: A biographical list of all those who are known to have been educated at Westminster School from Play 1919 to Election 1989, Volume 4, compiled by F.E. Pagan and H.E. Pagan, Padstow, 1992.

Westminster School Second World War Memorial by John C. Hamblin, 2022.

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