Smyth, Sir Robert, 1744-1802

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Smyth, Sir Robert, 1744-1802

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SMYTH, SIR ROBERT, BART. , son of Rev. Robert Smyth, Vicar of Woolavington, Somerset, and Dorothy, dau. of Thomas Lloyd, Dolyglunnen, Merioneth; b. 10 Jan 1744; at school under Markham (Steward, Anniversary Dinner 1775); Trinity Coll. Cambridge, adm. pens. 27 Jan 1762, matr. Easter 1762; BA 1766; MA 1775; adm. Lincoln’s Inn 3 Apr 1761; succ. cousin as 5th baronet 8 Dec 1765; MP Cardigan 1774 – 7 Dec 1775, Colchester 1780-4, 14 Jul 1784-90; travelling in Italy 1777-8; carried on a banking business in Paris from early 1790s; Tom Paine described Smyth in 1796 as “a very particular friend of mine” who has “lived several years in France, for he likes neither the government nor the climate of England” (Conway, Life of Thomas Paine, 1892, ii, 240); present at the famous British dinner held at White’s Hotel in Paris on 18 Nov 1792 to celebrate recent French victories, at which he renounced his title and proposed the toast “The speedy abolition of all hereditary titles and feudal distinctions”; became a member of the British Revolutionary Club; subsequently imprisoned in Paris for more than a year; m. 17 Sep 1776 Charlotte Sophia Blake, Hanover Square, London; d. 12 Apr 1802.


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Authority record identifier


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GB 2014

Rules and/or conventions used

International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) 2nd edition



Level of detail


Dates of creation, revision and deletion

Prepared for import into AtoM by Westminster School Archive staff, 2019-2020




Users should note that the information recorded here that is not to be found in the first two volumes of the Record of Old Westminsters and its first Supplement has been assembled from various published and manuscript sources by Hugh Edmund Pagan MA FSA, and all new resulting text is his copyright, © 2014.

The Record of Old Westminsters: A biographical list of all those who are known to have been educated at Westminster School from the earliest times to 1927, Volumes 1 & 2, compiled by G. F. Russell Barker and Alan H. Stenning, London, 1928.

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