Showing 1051 results

People & Organisations
Tyson, Eric James, 1892-1918
GB-2014-WSA-17224 · Person · 1892-1918

Tyson, Eric James, only son of Joseph Tyson, of Balham, bursar at the school, by Annie, daughter of John Branson, of Rockingham, Northants; b. March 17, 1892; adm. May 4, 1905 (A); left July 1910; a motor engineer; enlisted in A.S.C. (M.T.) Aug. 1914; 2nd Lieut. R.F.C. Aug. 5, 1915; Flight Commander and Capt. June 23, 1916; Major Nov. 21, 1916; in command of No. 5 Squadron in France; mentioned in despatches; M.C. Oct. 20, 1916; D.S.O. Sept. 26, 1917; m. Cora Florence Gladys, daughter of Philip C. Davies, of Trinity Road, Ealham; d. March 11, 1918, of wounds received in action near Arras, France.

GB-2014-WSA-08649 · Person · 1883-1957

Hardie, Cecil Claud Alexander, son of Alexander Robertson Hardie, of Putney, by Florence, daughter of Roger Bocking Hammerton, of King's Lynn, Norfolk; b. April 28, 1883; adm. April 23, 1896 (A); left Dec. 1900; Univ. Coll. London; a pupil at Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson's 1903-6; engineer, Dick, Kerr and Co., Ltd., 1907-14, English Electric Co., Ltd., 1919; general manager of Messrs. Crompton Parkinson & Co's Chelmsford works; temp. Lieut. R.E. Nov. 3, 1914; Capt. 122nd Field Co., 36th (Ulster) Div.; Major July 14, 1915; acting Lieut.-Col. July 15, 1918; served on the western front Oct. 1915 - Nov. 1918; mentioned in despatches L. G. Jan. 4 and Dec. 14, 1917; D.S.O. Jan. 1, 1918; m. March 1919 Gladys Mary, daughter of Arthur Renier; d. Feb. 13, 1957.

GB-2014-WSA-17909 · Person · 1881-1952

Wells, John Hayford, elder son of Charles Augustus Este Wells, of Albury, Surrey, by Anne Susannah Macdonald, daughter of John Graham Macdonald Burt, M.D., of Edinburgh; b. April 12, 1881; adm. Jan. 18, 1894 (A); Q.S. 1895; left April 1898; 2nd Lieut. North Lancs Regt. May 20, 1899; Lieut. Jan. 4, 1901; Capt. May 5, 1906; Brevet Major April 1, 1915; Major Sept. 1, 1915; temp. Brig.-Gen. Dec. 1, 1917; Brevet Col. June 3, 1919; Col. Aug. 31, 1920; half-pay Feb. 20, 1923; Col., The Loyal Regt., 1931-45; secretary of the Midland Divi­sion of the Woodard Schools; served in South African War 1899-1902, and in France, Belgium, Gallipoli, and Egypt in Great War I; mentioned in despatches L.G. Aug. 20, 1901, July 29, 1902, Jan. 28 and July 13, 1916, and July 6, 1918; D.S.O. Aug. 22, 1902; C.M.G. June 3, 1918; Legion of Honour and Order of the White Eagle with Swords; C.B.E. for services with the Home Guard 1941; m. April 6, 1916; Arabella, eldest daughter of William Walter Wright, of Albury; d. April 6, 1952.

GB-2014-WSA-04932 · Person · 1879-1961

Clark-Kennedy, William Hew, second son of Capt. Alexander William Maxwell Clark­ Kennedy, of Knockgray, Galloway, by the Hon. Lettice Lucy Hewitt, third daughter of James, 4th Viscount Lifford; b. March 3, 1879; adm. Jan. 19, 1893 (A); left July 1896; served in Paget's Horse during the South African War 1899-1901, and was mentioned in despatches; became asst. manager of the Standard Life Assurance Co. in Montreal and later a director; chairman of the Guardian Insurance Co. of Canada 1943; joined the Black Watch 1905; Major 1915; served in France in Great War I; reported killed at St. Julien 1915; Lieut.-Col. Dec. 30, 1917; D.S.O. Jan. 14, 1916, bar Jan. 11, 1919; C.M.G. June 3, 1918; V. C. Dec. 14, 1918, for his gallantry when seriously wounded in the advance on the Fresnoy-Rouvroy line; Croix de Guerre 1915; m. Sept. 5, 1914, Kate, younger daughter of Robert Reford, of Montreal; d. Oct. 26, 1961.

GB-2014-WSA-11223 · Person · 1878-1951

Lloyd, Robert Archer, son of Robert Hodgens Lloyd, M. D., M.R.C.S., of Kennington, London, by Frances Harriet, daughter of George Lewis; b. April 14, 1878; adm. April 28, 1892 (A); left April 1895; St. Bartholomew's Hospital; M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. 1900; M.B. (Lond.) 1901; M. D. 1909; entered the Ind. Med. Serv. 1902; Lieut. July 26, 1901, Capt. July 26, 1905; Med. Officer 21st Punjabis 1906-12; Major Jan. 26, 1914; Brevet Lieut.-Col. June 3, 1919; Lieut.-Col. Jan. 26, 1922; retired Jan. 12, 1925; served on the N. W. Frontier 1908; commanded No. 12 Ind. Gen. Hosp. at Brockenhurst, Rants, 1914-5, Marseilles in 1915, Amara 1916-8, and the Bakuta Refugee Camp, Mesopotamia, in 1919; mentioned in despatches L. G. Oct. 19, 1916, and Aug. 15, 1917; D.S.O. Sept. 17, 1917; m. Sept. 30, 1920, Ivy Francis Byard, youngest daughter of Reginald Byard Clayton of East Boldre, Rants; d. Jan. 4, 1951.

GB-2014-WSA-05157 · Person · 1878-1962

Colvin, Sir George Lethbridge, eldest son of Clement Sneyd Colvin, of South Kensington, sometime secretary of the Public Works Dept. India Office, by Alice, daughter of Col. Christopher Lethbridge, of Torquay, Devon; b. March 27, 1878; adm. Sept. 24, 1891 (A); left July 1894; went out to India to take up appointment on the East India Railway 1898, and became traffic manager; asst. director, Railway Transport, with the B. E. F. to France 1915; deputy Director-General of Transportation in Italy 1918; Hon. Brig. - Gen. March 25, 1918; mentioned in despatches five times; D.S.O. Jan. 1, 1917; C.M.G. Jan. 3, 1918; C. B. June 3, 1919; Commendatore of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus (Italy); Director of Development, Ministry of Transport, 1919-21; general manager, East Indian Railway, 1921-33; A.D.C. to H. M. the King 1928; knighted 1933; m. June 27, 1911, Katherine Isabella, daughter of William Roberts Mylne, of Edinburgh; d. March 5, 1962.

GB-2014-WSA-07080 · Person · 1877-1953

Ferrers-Guy, Marmion Carr, brother of Allan Whiston Ferrers-Guy (q.v.); b. March 3, 1877; adm. May 8, 1891 (A); left Dec. 1892; enlisted in the Imperial Yeomanry and served in the South African War 1900-1; 2nd Lieut. Lancashire Fusiliers July 27, 1901; Lieut. Oct. 26, 1904; employed with the Egyptian Army 1904-11; Capt. Aug. 5, 1914; Adjutant 9th Batt. Aug. 30, 1914 - March 7, 1916; temp. Major 9th Batt. Lancs Fusiliers March 7 - April 7, 1916; Major July 27, 1916; Brigade Major July 29, 1916; served in Gallipoli, France, and Egypt in Great War I; wounded twice; mentioned in despatches L.G. Jan. 28, 1916; May 15, and Dec. 11, 1917; D.S.O. Feb. 2, 1916, Bar Jan. 1, 1918; m. April 12, 1902, Monica Isabel, daughter of Adolphe Boursot, of Kensington; d. March 13, 1953.

GB-2014-WSA-05151 · Person · 1876-1952

Colvile, Arthur Montague, brother of Augustus Gilbert Colvile (q.v.); b. April 12, 1876; adm. April 24, 1890 (A); left July 1893; R.M.A. Woolwich Dec. 1893; 2nd Lieut. R. A. March 21, 1896; Lieut. March 21, 1899; Capt. Aug. 24, 1901; Adjutant May 4, 1903 - Jan. 21, 1906; Off. Co. of Gent. Cadets R. M.C. Jan. 22, 1906 - Jan. 14, 1907; Major Oct. 30, 1914; acting Lieut.-Col. July 5 - Nov. 4, 1918, and Dec. 14, 1918 - May 10, 1919; Lieut. - Col. May 1, 1921; retired; served in East Africa Oct. 1914 - Sept. 1915, and in Palestine in Great War I; D.S.O. June 3, 1918; mentioned in despatches L. G. June 14, 1918; m. Aug. 7, 1914, Phyllis Margaret, youngest daughter of James Innes, of Roffey Park, Sussex; d. Feb. 1, 1952.

GB-2014-WSA-09582 · Person · 1871-1942

Hoskins, Sir Arthur Reginald, brother of Thomas Hoskins (adm. 1875, q. v.); b. May 30, 1871; adm. Sept. 24, 1885 (A); left April 1889; R. M.C. Sandhurst; 2nd Lieut. North Staffs Regt. May 23, 1891; Lieut. Jan. 9, 1895; Capt. March 20, 1900; Major April 7, 1910; Inspector-Gen. of the King's African Rifles Aug. 15, 1913 - Sept. 18, 1914; Lieut.-Col. N. Staffs Regt. April 10, 1916; Major-Gen. Jan. 1, 1917; temp. Lieut.-Gen.; served in the expedition to Dongola 1896, in the Nile expeditions of 1897, 1898, and 1899, in the S. African War 1899-1902, in the operations in Somaliland 1902-3, in France Sept. 1914-8, in East Africa; mentioned in despatches thirteen times; D.S.O. Aug. 22, 1902; C.M.G. June 3, 1916; K.C. B. June 3, 1919; Principal of the Bonar Law College, Ashridge, Herts, 1929-37; President of the Elizabethan Club 1937-40; d. Feb. 7, 1942.

GB-2014-WSA-09404 · Person · 1900-?

Holford, Cecil Francis Lovell, son of Herbert Frank Stanley Holford, of Cricklewood, by Frances Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Francis Henry Lovell, K.C.M.G., F.R.C.S.; b. July 8, 1900; adm. April 29, 1915, (A); left Dec. 1917; 2nd Lieut. R. Marine L.I., Jan. 1919; Lieut. Jan. 1, 1922; Capt. Jan. 1, 1930; Major Oct. 2, 1932; acting Lieut.-Col. Aug. q., 1942; D.S.O. (withdrawal from Boulogne and Calais) Sept. 6, 1940; m. March 31, 1930, Adien Margery, daughter of John Llewellyn Rees.