Showing 4151 results

People & Organisations
Milne, Ian Innes, 1912-2010
GB-2014-WSA-12353 · Person · 1912-2010

Milne, Ian Innes, son of Kenneth John Milne (qv); b. 16June 1912; adm. Sept. 1925 (KS); left July 1930; Ch. Ch. Oxf., matric. 1930, BA 1934, MA 1970; advertising 1935-40; RE 1940-6 (Lieut. ­ Col.), OBE June 1946, US Legion of Merit Jan. 1947; HM Foreign Service 1946, 2nd Sec. Tehe­ran 1948-51, 1st Sec. Berne 1955-6, Tokyo 1960-3, retd 1968; CMG 1965; a Sen. Clerk House of Commons 1969-76; m. 1st 1939 Mane, d. of Marc Mange; 2nd 1971 Elsa, widow of W. T. Petrie; d. 1 Feb. 2010.

Scoones, Offley, 1865-1899
GB-2014-WSA-15325 · Person · 1865-1899

SCOONES, OFFLEY, eldest son of Rev. William Dalton Scoones, Vicar of Langley Marish, Bucks., and Elizabeth, second dau. of John Haggard (left 1810, qv); b. 2 Jan 1865; adm. 21 Jun 1878, exhibitioner (D, later G); QS 1879; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1883, matr. 12 Oct 1883; BA 1887; played Association Football for Oxford 1884-7; m. 10 Feb 1897 Isabel Frank Fenella, only dau. of Lieut. -Col. Francis MacKenzie Salmond, 21st Scots Fusiliers; d. at Galiano Island, British Columbia 9 Dec 1899.

Wood, Hugh Noel, 1891-1978
GB-2014-WSA-18528 · Person · 1891-1978

Wood, Hugh Noel, brother of Arthur Edward Francis Wood (q.v.); b. Dec. 24, 1891; adm. as K.S. Sept. 28, 1905; left July 1910; in the Ceylon Police; d. 16 Dec. 1978.

GB-2014-WSA-02762 · Person · 1891-1948

Barrington-Ward, Robert McGowan, brother of Frederick Temple Barrington-Ward (q.v.); b. Feb. 23, 1891; adm. as K.S. Sept. 24, 1903; Mure Scholar 1907; Capt. of the School 1908; left (with Triplett) July 1909; Ball. Coll. Oxon., matric. Michaelmas 1909; 1st class Classical Moderations 1911; President, Oxford Union Society, 1912; B.A. 1913; Tancred Student, Lincoln's Inn, 1911, called to the bar May 14, 1919; Editorial Secretary of The Times 1913; 2nd Lieut. 6th Batt. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Aug. 21, 1914; Gen. Staff Officer Feb. 3, 1917; temp. Major July 13, 1918; served in France and Flanders; wounded at Bullecourt May 1917; mentioned in despatches L. G. Jan. 1 and June 15, 1916, Dec. 11, 1917; M.C. Jan. r, 1917; D.S.O. Jan. 1, 1918; Asst. Editor of The Observer 1919-27; of The Times 1927-34; Deputy Editor of The Times 1934-41; Editor 1941; a Governor of the School 1946; Hon. Fellow of Ball. Coll. Oxon. 1947; author of A Memoir and Selected Addresses of James Gow, Litt. D. (1924), and other works; m. Dec. 1, 1926, Margaret Adele, only daughter of Evasis Hampden Radice, C. I. E.; d. on a cruise at Dar-es-Salaam Feb. 29, 1948. See Diet. Nat. Biog. 1941-50, p. 64.

GB-2014-WSA-14404 · Person · 1888-?

Rambaut, Gerrard Marlande, son of Arthur Alcock Rambaut, F.R.S., Radcliffe Observer, Oxford, by Emily Longford; b. March 1, 1888; adm. as K.S. Sept. 26, 1901; elected to Ch. Ch. Oxon. July 1906, matric. Michaelmas 1906; B.A. 1910; asst. master at Shrewsbury School 1910; served in France 1915-7; wounded; employed at Ministry of Munitions; acting Major R.F.A. (T.F.) Nov. 17, 1916; mentioned in despatches twice; D.S.O. Jan. 1, 1918; technical officer, Grade I, Air Ministry, 1933; a senior principal scientific officer, Air Ministry; retired; served in Great War II as Hon. Group Capt. (A. and S.D.) R.A.F.V.R.; U.S. Bronze Star Medal May 3, 1946; m. Oct. 3, 1918, Gladys E., daughter of Alfred Vansittart Frere, of Eastbourne, Sussex.

GB-2014-WSA-02757 · Person · 1887-1972

Barrington-Ward, Sir (Victor) Michael, brother of Frederick Temple Barrington-Ward (q.v.); b. July 17, 1887; adm. as K.S. Sept. 26, 1901; left July 1904; Edin. Univ.; 1st class Engineering and B.Sc. 1907; assist. to engineer, Midland Railway, 1907, assist. to Gen. Supt. 1914; Director of Railway Operations, Ministry of Transport, 1919-22; District Supt. L. N. E. R. 1922-27; Supt. (Western Section) L. N. E. R. 1927-39, (Southern Area) 1939-42; assist. General Manager 1942-5; Divisional General Manager 1945-7; a member of the Railway Executive 1947-53; Chairman, Operating Committee, Railway Executive Committee, 1938-45; served in. Great War I; Capt. 11th (Serv.) Batt. South Lancs Regt. Oct. 14, 1914; Major R.E. June 2, 1915; Lieut.-Col. Jan. 1, 1919; mentioned in despatches L.G. Oct. 20, 1916, Jan. 4 and Dec. 14, 1917, May 21, 1918; D.S.O. Oct. 20, 1916; Croix de Guerre avec Palmes Dec. 1918; C.B.E. June 14, 1945; K.C.V.O. June 5, 1952; m. 1st Nov. 25, 1920, Barbara, only daughter of John Taylor Pilling, of Wolverley Court, Worcs.; 2nd 1938 Isobel, elder daughter of Stanley James Kerfoot, M.R.C.S., of Clifton, Bristol; d. 28 July 1972.

GB-2014-WSA-03332 · Person · 1884-1946

Bittleston, Kenneth George, eldest son of Col. George Hastings Bittleston, R. A., of Tavistock, Devon, by Edith Caroline, daughter of Lawrence James Baker, of Eastleigh, Rants; b. May 10, 1884; adm. as Q.S. Sept. 22, 1898; left Oct. 1899; 2nd Lieut. R. F. A. Dec. 24, 1902, Lieut. Dec. 24, 1905, Remount Officer March 13, 1907 - March 31, 1909, Staff Officer for Remounts April 1, 1909 - March 13, 1911; retired May 3, 1911; Capt. R. F. A. (Spec. Res.) Aug. 5, 1914; Major Nov. 16, 1916; served in Great War I 1914-9, on the western front with the 4th Div. Aug. 21, 1914 - Dec. 15, 1915, and with the 34th Div. Jan. 10, 1916 - Nov. 22, 1916, and in the Egyptian Expeditionary Force July 8, 1917 - Oct. 31, 1913; mentioned in despatches L. G. Jan. 4, 1917, Jan. 22, 1919, and June 5, 1919; D.S.O. June 3, 1919; m. Dec. 21, 1907, Alice Katharine, youngest daughter of the Hon. John Charles Dundas, M. P.; d. June 10, 1946.

GB-2014-WSA-16150 · Person · 1879-1919

Stack, George Hall, son of Richard Theodore Stack, M.D., of Dublin; b. Aug. 1, 1879; adm. as Q.S. Sept. 28, 1893; lift April 1894; R.M.A. Woolwich; 2nd Lieut. R.E. June 23, 1898; Lieut. April 1, 1901; Capt. June 23, 1907; Major Jan. 26, 1915; Brevet Lieut.-Col. June 3, 1917; served in South Africa 1901-2, and Great War I 1914-5; wounded; mentioned in despatches L.G. Jan. 1, 1916, and Aug. 15, 1917; D.S.O. Jan. 1, 1916; m.; d. Sept. 16, 1919.

GB-2014-WSA-13877 · Person · 1879-1964

Phillimore, Reginald Henry, brother of John Ernest Phillimore (q.v.); b. June 19, 1879; adm. as Q.S. Sept. 28, 1893; left July 1896; R.M.A. Woolwich 1896; 2nd Lieut. R.E. June 23, 1898; Lieut. April 17, 1901; Capt. June 23, 1907; Major March 29, 1915; Brevet Lieut.-Col. June 3, 1919; Indian Survey June 28, 1903, officiating Director Northern Circle, since March 1926; served in France Aug. 1915 - Feb. 1916, and Salonika Feb. 1916 - March 1919; mentioned in despatches L.G. Dec. 6, 1916, June 11, 1918, Jan. 30, 1919, and June 5, 1919; Médaille d'Honneur avec Glaives; D.S.O. June 3, 1918; Col. 1923; officiating Surveyor-General of India 1931; retired 1934; re-employed as Capt. G.H.Q., Simla 1942; re-employed Survey of India, Delhi 1942-6; C.I.E. Jan. 1, 1944; author of Historical Records of Surviy of India vol. 1 (1946); m. Aug. 2, 1910, Eileen Elizabeth, third daughter of Samuel Crosthwait, of Bagnals­town, co. Carlow; d. 1964.

GB-2014-WSA-02998 · Person · 1875-1961

Bell, William Cory Heward, son of William Heward Bell, of Seend, Wilts, by Hannah, eldest daughter of W. Cory, of London; b. Oct. 21, 1875; adm. as Q.S. Sept. 1889; left Jan. 1893; R.M.A. Woolwich Aug. 1893; 2nd Lieut. R. A. Nov. 2, 1895; Lieut. Nov. 2, 1898; Capt. Nov. 19, 1901; served in the South African War 1902; retired on half-pay Aug. 23, 1911; rejoined on mobilization Aug. 3, 1914, and in Nov. following went out to the western front, where he served with the Artillery of the 1st Div. until Jan. 1919; Major Nov. 16, 1915; Lieut.-Col. Dec. 22, 1917, placed in Reserve of Officers Dec. 29, 1918; mentioned in despatches L. G. Jan. 1, 1916, and Jan. 4, 1917; D.S.O. Jan. 1917; Croix de Guerre 1918; M. P. Wilts (Devizes) Dec. 1918 - Nov. 1923; High Sheriff of Wilts 1932; D. L. Wilts 1952; m. 1903, Violet Mary, daughter of Capt. James Devereux Bowley, R.E.; d. Feb. 25, 1961.