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People & Organisations
GB-2014-WSA-19856 · Person · 1923-1994

Swann, Donald Ibrahim, son of Herbert William Swann MB, of St Petersburg and London, and Naguime-Sultan, d. of Mohammed Piszoff of Askhabad, Transcaspia; b. 30 Sept. 1923; adm. Sept. 1936 (KS); left July 1941; Ch. Ch. Oxf., matric. 1941, BA MA 1948; Friends Ambulance 1942-5 (Middle East), UNRRA Greece 1945-6; a composer, pianist and entertainer; with Michael Flanders (qv) devised and performed a two-man farrago of songs and satirical sketches called At the Drop of a Hat, followed by its sequel At the Drop of Another Hat; in later years has com­posed lyrical songs, song cycles, cantatas, operas, carols and ballads; m. 7 Aug. 1955 Janet Mary, d. of Eric Oxborrow of Ipswich; d. 23 Mar. 1994.

GB-2014-WSA-06588 · Person · 1925-2003

Earle, George Hughes, brother of Francis James Earle (qv); b. 20 Sept. 1925; adm. Sept. 1938 (G); left July 1941; RAF 1943-7; Balliol Coll. Oxf., matric. 1947, BA 1950, MA 1955; novitiate Soc. of Jesus 1950-2; studied philosophy, Heythrop Coll. 1952-5, theology, Lyon, France, 1957-62; staff of Beaumont Coll. 1955-7; ordained priest (RC) 1960; Headmaster, Stonyhurst Coll. 1963-72; Superior Southwell House 1972-5; Rector St Aloysius Glasgow 1978-81; Provincial, Soc. of Jesus, British Province 1981-7; co-editor The Way 1974-8; Dean of Studies, St Joseph’s Theological Institute, Cedara, Natal, South Africa 1990; case worker Jesuit Refugee Service; d. 21 Oct. 2003.

GB-2014-WSA-12350 · Person · 1915-1989

Milne, Antony Kenneth, brother of Ian Innes Milne (qv); b. 31 Jan. 1915; adm. Sept. 1928 (KS); left July 1933; Ch. Ch. Oxf., matric. 1933; Intell. Corps in WW2 (Maj.), GHQMEF; HM Foreign Service; London 1946-50, Rome 1950-4, London 1954-61, Montevideo 1961-5, retd 1968; m. Barbara, d. of Edgar Chidley of Rustington, Sussex; d. 26 Nov. 1989.

Milne, Ian Innes, 1912-2010
GB-2014-WSA-12353 · Person · 1912-2010

Milne, Ian Innes, son of Kenneth John Milne (qv); b.16 June 1912; adm. Sept. 1925 (KS); left July 1930; Ch. Ch. Oxf., matric. 1930, BA 1934, MA 1970; advertising 1935-40; RE 1940-6 (Lieut. ­ Col.), OBE June 1946, US Legion of Merit Jan. 1947; HM Foreign Service 1946, 2nd Sec. Tehe­ran 1948-51, 1st Sec. Berne 1955-6, Tokyo 1960-3, retd 1968; CMG 1965; a Sen. Clerk House of Commons 1969-76; m. 1st 1939 Mane, d. of Marc Mange; 2nd 1971 Elsa, widow of W. T. Petrie; d. 1 Feb. 2010.

GB-2014-WSA-10891 · Person · 1874-1953

Martin-Leake, Arthur, brother of William Martin-Leake (q.v.); b. April 4, 1874; adm. Sept. 25, 1888 (G); left July 1891; Univ. Coll. Hospital; M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. 1898; F.R.C.S. 1903; Surg.-Capt. South African Constabulary 1901-2; served with the Imperial Yeomanry in the South African War 1900-1, and was severely wounded; Chief Medical Officer, Bengal Nagpur Railway, 1903-37; temp. Lieut. R.A.M.C. Sept. 3, 1914; Lieut. Feb. 18, 1915; Capt. March 5, 1915; Major Nov. 27, 1915; Lieut.-Col. April 30, 1917; mentioned in des­patches L. G. April 25, 1902, Feb. 17 and 18, 1915, and May 15 and 25, 1918; V. C. May 13, 1902, for tending the wounded at Vlakfontein under heavy fire, and Clasp Feb. 18, 1915, for rescuing a number of wounded at Zonnebeke while exposed to constant fire; m. Oct. 1, 1930, Winifred Frances, daughter of William Alfred Nedham, of the Central Provinces Commission, India, and widow of C. W. A. Carroll; d. June 22, 1953

GB-2014-WSA-02072 · Person · 1902-1992

Allen, Philip John, son of Rev. Solomon Wall Allen, Chaplain to Central Lond. District Sch., Hanwell, and Clara Beckett, d. of Henry George Gervase Cutler of Brixham, S. Devon; b. 5 Nov. 1902; adm. Sept. 1916 (KS); left July 1920; Univ. of Lond., BSc 1923; AMIMechE 1934, MIMechE 1968; staff of Crown Agents for Overseas Govts and Administrations, MBE 1957, retd 1967; m. 1st 18 Feb. 1928 Grace Brenda, d. of Alfred William Arthurton, railway officer; 2nd 4 Oct 1957 Helen, d. of Howarth Barnes, electrical engineer; d. May 1992.

GB-2014-WSA-04369 · Person · 1907-1998

Cambell, Dennis Royle Farquharson, son of Archibald Cambell MB, of Southsea, Hants, and Edith, d. of Arthur Farquharson Roberts of Bedford; b. 13 Nov. 1907; adm. Sept. 1921 (R); left July 1925; Midshipman RN Sept. 1926, Lieut. Dec. 1930, Lieut.-Cdr Dec. 1938, Cdr Dec. 1942, Capt. Dec. 1948; commanded HMS Ark Royal 1955-6; Dir. of Air Warfare, Admiralty, 1957; inventor of angled flight deck for aircraft-carriers; Rear-Adm 1958; DSC 1940, Legion of Merit (US) 1958, CB 1960; retd 1960; m. 12 Aug. 1933 Dorothy Elinor, d. of Allan John Downes, of Lee-on-Solent, Hants.; d. 6 April 2000.

GB-2014-WSA-01872 · Corporate body · 1925-

Busby’s was named after the Head Master Richard Busby (1606-1695). The house colours of blue and maroon were taken from the first housemaster’s dining room carpet.

Scoones, Offley, 1865-1899
GB-2014-WSA-15325 · Person · 1865-1899

SCOONES, OFFLEY, eldest son of Rev. William Dalton Scoones, Vicar of Langley Marish, Bucks., and Elizabeth, second dau. of John Haggard (left 1810, qv); b. 2 Jan 1865; adm. 21 Jun 1878, exhibitioner (D, later G); QS 1879; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1883, matr. 12 Oct 1883; BA 1887; played Association Football for Oxford 1884-7; m. 10 Feb 1897 Isabel Frank Fenella, only dau. of Lieut. -Col. Francis MacKenzie Salmond, 21st Scots Fusiliers; d. at Galiano Island, British Columbia 9 Dec 1899.

Patrick, Duncan, 1862-?
GB-2014-WSA-13563 · Person · 1862-?

PATRICK, DUNCAN, brother of Colin Grant Patrick (qv); b. 24 Sep 1862; adm. 27 Jan 1876 (G); left May 1878; builder (1881 Census); Lieut., 2nd Bedfordshire Regt. 6 Feb 1884; retd. 6 Aug 1890.