Swann, Donald Ibrahim, son of Herbert William Swann MB, of St Petersburg and London, and Naguime-Sultan, d. of Mohammed Piszoff of Askhabad, Transcaspia; b. 30 Sept. 1923; adm. Sept. 1936 (KS); left July 1941; Ch. Ch. Oxf., matric. 1941, BA MA 1948; Friends Ambulance 1942-5 (Middle East), UNRRA Greece 1945-6; a composer, pianist and entertainer; with Michael Flanders (qv) devised and performed a two-man farrago of songs and satirical sketches called At the Drop of a Hat, followed by its sequel At the Drop of Another Hat; in later years has composed lyrical songs, song cycles, cantatas, operas, carols and ballads; m. 7 Aug. 1955 Janet Mary, d. of Eric Oxborrow of Ipswich; d. 23 Mar. 1994.
Earle, George Hughes, brother of Francis James Earle (qv); b. 20 Sept. 1925; adm. Sept. 1938 (G); left July 1941; RAF 1943-7; Balliol Coll. Oxf., matric. 1947, BA 1950, MA 1955; novitiate Soc. of Jesus 1950-2; studied philosophy, Heythrop Coll. 1952-5, theology, Lyon, France, 1957-62; staff of Beaumont Coll. 1955-7; ordained priest (RC) 1960; Headmaster, Stonyhurst Coll. 1963-72; Superior Southwell House 1972-5; Rector St Aloysius Glasgow 1978-81; Provincial, Soc. of Jesus, British Province 1981-7; co-editor The Way 1974-8; Dean of Studies, St Joseph’s Theological Institute, Cedara, Natal, South Africa 1990; case worker Jesuit Refugee Service; d. 21 Oct. 2003.
Milne, Antony Kenneth, brother of Ian Innes Milne (qv); b. 31 Jan. 1915; adm. Sept. 1928 (KS); left July 1933; Ch. Ch. Oxf., matric. 1933; Intell. Corps in WW2 (Maj.), GHQMEF; HM Foreign Service; London 1946-50, Rome 1950-4, London 1954-61, Montevideo 1961-5, retd 1968; m. Barbara, d. of Edgar Chidley of Rustington, Sussex; d. 26 Nov. 1989.
Milne, Ian Innes, son of Kenneth John Milne (qv); b.16 June 1912; adm. Sept. 1925 (KS); left July 1930; Ch. Ch. Oxf., matric. 1930, BA 1934, MA 1970; advertising 1935-40; RE 1940-6 (Lieut. Col.), OBE June 1946, US Legion of Merit Jan. 1947; HM Foreign Service 1946, 2nd Sec. Teheran 1948-51, 1st Sec. Berne 1955-6, Tokyo 1960-3, retd 1968; CMG 1965; a Sen. Clerk House of Commons 1969-76; m. 1st 1939 Mane, d. of Marc Mange; 2nd 1971 Elsa, widow of W. T. Petrie; d. 1 Feb. 2010.
Martin-Leake, Arthur, brother of William Martin-Leake (q.v.); b. April 4, 1874; adm. Sept. 25, 1888 (G); left July 1891; Univ. Coll. Hospital; M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. 1898; F.R.C.S. 1903; Surg.-Capt. South African Constabulary 1901-2; served with the Imperial Yeomanry in the South African War 1900-1, and was severely wounded; Chief Medical Officer, Bengal Nagpur Railway, 1903-37; temp. Lieut. R.A.M.C. Sept. 3, 1914; Lieut. Feb. 18, 1915; Capt. March 5, 1915; Major Nov. 27, 1915; Lieut.-Col. April 30, 1917; mentioned in despatches L. G. April 25, 1902, Feb. 17 and 18, 1915, and May 15 and 25, 1918; V. C. May 13, 1902, for tending the wounded at Vlakfontein under heavy fire, and Clasp Feb. 18, 1915, for rescuing a number of wounded at Zonnebeke while exposed to constant fire; m. Oct. 1, 1930, Winifred Frances, daughter of William Alfred Nedham, of the Central Provinces Commission, India, and widow of C. W. A. Carroll; d. June 22, 1953
Allen, Philip John, son of Rev. Solomon Wall Allen, Chaplain to Central Lond. District Sch., Hanwell, and Clara Beckett, d. of Henry George Gervase Cutler of Brixham, S. Devon; b. 5 Nov. 1902; adm. Sept. 1916 (KS); left July 1920; Univ. of Lond., BSc 1923; AMIMechE 1934, MIMechE 1968; staff of Crown Agents for Overseas Govts and Administrations, MBE 1957, retd 1967; m. 1st 18 Feb. 1928 Grace Brenda, d. of Alfred William Arthurton, railway officer; 2nd 4 Oct 1957 Helen, d. of Howarth Barnes, electrical engineer; d. May 1992.
Cambell, Dennis Royle Farquharson, son of Archibald Cambell MB, of Southsea, Hants, and Edith, d. of Arthur Farquharson Roberts of Bedford; b. 13 Nov. 1907; adm. Sept. 1921 (R); left July 1925; Midshipman RN Sept. 1926, Lieut. Dec. 1930, Lieut.-Cdr Dec. 1938, Cdr Dec. 1942, Capt. Dec. 1948; commanded HMS Ark Royal 1955-6; Dir. of Air Warfare, Admiralty, 1957; inventor of angled flight deck for aircraft-carriers; Rear-Adm 1958; DSC 1940, Legion of Merit (US) 1958, CB 1960; retd 1960; m. 12 Aug. 1933 Dorothy Elinor, d. of Allan John Downes, of Lee-on-Solent, Hants.; d. 6 April 2000.
Busby’s was named after the Head Master Richard Busby (1606-1695). The house colours of blue and maroon were taken from the first housemaster’s dining room carpet.
SCOONES, OFFLEY, eldest son of Rev. William Dalton Scoones, Vicar of Langley Marish, Bucks., and Elizabeth, second dau. of John Haggard (left 1810, qv); b. 2 Jan 1865; adm. 21 Jun 1878, exhibitioner (D, later G); QS 1879; elected to Christ Church, Oxford 1883, matr. 12 Oct 1883; BA 1887; played Association Football for Oxford 1884-7; m. 10 Feb 1897 Isabel Frank Fenella, only dau. of Lieut. -Col. Francis MacKenzie Salmond, 21st Scots Fusiliers; d. at Galiano Island, British Columbia 9 Dec 1899.
PATRICK, DUNCAN, brother of Colin Grant Patrick (qv); b. 24 Sep 1862; adm. 27 Jan 1876 (G); left May 1878; builder (1881 Census); Lieut., 2nd Bedfordshire Regt. 6 Feb 1884; retd. 6 Aug 1890.