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Catalogue Description
GB 2014 WS-01-GRE-VIII/v/01 · Item · 1722
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Settle's printed poem has been pasted onto large pages and illuminated in an ornate style with architectural and armorial details. These designs are echoed in the binding, which is red morocco with dark blue onlay and decorated with gold and blind tooling. The item was conserved in the 20th century with its corners and spine repaired with brown calf.

it has been suggested that the binding is recycled from an earlier volume. The coats of arms are those of a man from the Savile family, ensigned by an earl's coronet, suggesting a date from 1679-1682, when the grandfather of Lady Dorothy Savile, Lord Burlington's wife, was Earl of Halifax.

Settle, Elkanah, 1648-1724
GB 2014 WS-02-POS-01-12 · Item · c.1911
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

One copy annotated on reverse by R.S. Chalk, as follows:
'At close of School, following ‘Ire licet’, a School Monitor (in charge of the Door, ‘ostium’) and a Second Election KS capping the Masters. (The junior Master descending amid the IV Form was taken in my day to be W.G. Etheridge, but at this date I think it more likely A.H. Forbes).
As a Second Election from Play 1921 to Election 1922 I regularly performed my duty as Monos- tapping on the doors of VII and VI Form Rooms with the corner of my college-cap and announcing “Instat Quinta!” or (when Early School in Summer) “Instat Quarta!” –and on Saturdays or Plays “Instat Sesquiduodecima!” (This was an anachronism, this no longer being the correct hour).
Only once or twice (on O.T.C Field Days) did it fall to me to deputise for a School Monitor and take charge of the Door and take my place on the Monos Stone.'