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GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-7 · Item · 1846-7-8
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Years of entry into College of Thomas and James Trebeck, John Fawcett (subsequently John Pulteney) and Charles Simpson. Thomas Trebeck is a rector in Sussex, and James was attached to the court of bankruptcy. Would be good to know the fates of others - John and Thomas Fawcett, Challoner (possibly John Chaloner), and Field (per the Record, possibly John Ventris Field), who HMC admired for his acting in The Siege of Damascus and the comedy The Author. Surprised that JB does not keep a cow or a pig. On the Marquis of Anglesey as Master-Gen. of the Ordnance (NB in the government but not in the cabinet). Some say that the new administration cannot last, but according to HMC Sir Robert Peel and his men will support the government. On the death of his younger brother William Paget from a stiletto wound received while in the Royal Navy in Constantinople; and Arthur (The Hon. Sir Arthur Paget), who quarrelled with the marquis as a result of his scandalous marriage. His wife's admirable cooking, using hints picked up in France.

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850
GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-13 · Item · 1846-10-30
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

JB has enquired about someone who turns out to be the son of their old friend George Trevilian, latterly Archdeacon of Wells (NB there is no George Trevilian, or Trevelyan, in the Record, and there is no such name in the list of Wells' archdeacons, although he was a canon 1809-1827 - but he was Archdeacon of Taunton). What name is John Fawcett now known by (see 7), why did he change it, and what part of Italy does he now live in?

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850
GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-16 · Item · 1846-11-23
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Doubts whether his grandson (up at Balliol) would be able to perform the duties of curate (see 15), since he is not yet quite in holy orders. A Westminster boy was with him yesterday; numbers, at present 90, will rise by 30 after Christmas, the old KS dormitory is now used only for sleeping, rooms have been constructed on the ground floor for use during the day, and School is being heated by hot water pipes. More time is being devoted to study, whole play days have been abolished, and Lily's Latin Grammar now being used. All these changes have been brought about by Dr Buckland, the Dean. More musings on John Fawcett (see 13).

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850
GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-17 · Item · 1846-12-15
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Returns a letter from Pulteney (see 8) to JB - asks for the former's address in Italy. Wonders whether late life illnesses are the Protestant equivalent of Purgatory - and then bemoans the influence of Cardinal Newman.

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850
GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-20 · Item · 1847-1-4
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Quote from the Vulgate (Book of Job, re the illnesses of old age). Alarmed by report that the school had been destroyed by fire, but in fact it was confined to Queen Anne's Bounty Office, between the boarding houses Clapham's and Geary's (NW corner of Dean's Yard). Has received 2 letters from Pulteney, who must have inherited immensely from Lady Bath (wife of Sir James Murray-Pultenay, OW). On the recent discovery by a Boston dentist of ether as an anaesthetic. How the pedantic and erudite use of the original meanings of words in book titles may put many people off buying them (A Catholic History of England, An Apology for the Bible).

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850
GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-21 · Item · 1847-1-11
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Increasingly friends and acquaintances die, most recently George Byng, MP for Middlesex (OW) - well-meaning but not very judicious. Lane (Newton Charles), a remarkably stout lad in Grant's, knocked him down with an Ainsworth's dictionary whilst holding forth in the Sixth Form on the superiority of Mr Fox's politics. Westminster education is improving - one usher has been appointed solely to teach maths, and a Frenchman who is a Hebrew scholar has also been employed. Wonders how much exactly Lady Bath bequeathed to Pulteney (see 20).

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850
GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-24 · Item · 1847-3-24
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

JB's new curate apparently has a sonorous voice - discussion of what goes towards a good sermon, and the views of the fictional Sir Roger de Coverley (in The Spectator). Old schoolfellow Thomas Feilde has died. People fleeing Ireland are bringing disease with them - London has responded by starting to clear slums - Pie Street (Old Pye Street?) has disappeared, and the government is contemplating throwing open Tothill Street to create a wide road form Buckingham Palace to Parliament. He would very much like to possess a very old map of London which used to be in the shop of the one-eyed baker Jackson on the corner of the Bowling Alley (now Tufton Street). Has JB heard anything of Pulteney (see 8, 20 and 21)?

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850
GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-27 · Item · 1847-6-24
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Pulteney (see 24) has visited three times. Westminster on the up, but will never attain its former grandeur because of rival schools and Eton (see 3). Remarks on the potato blight and the new Houses of Parliament. The rising price of provisions - the Queen is making all this 'into ridicule' by limiting her household to one pound brown bread per day, but placing no limit on beef and venison; compare also the sums thrown away each week at the French and Italian Theatres.

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850