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Bibliothecae Americanae Primordia
Bibliothecae Americanae Primordia
Grongar Hill
Grongar Hill
The Trial of the Right Honourable Lord George Sackville
The Trial of the Right Honourable Lord George Sackville
1851; or, The Adventures of Mr. And Mrs. Sandbuys and Family . .
1851; or, The Adventures of Mr. And Mrs. Sandbuys and Family . .
The Banks of Allan Water: A Ballad
The Banks of Allan Water: A Ballad
Eccentricities for Edinburgh
Eccentricities for Edinburgh
The Comic History of Rome
The Comic History of Rome
A Defence of Public Education, Addressed to the Most Revered the Lord Bishop of Meath
A Defence of Public Education, Addressed to the Most Revered the Lord Bishop of Meath
Geoffrey Gambado; or A simple Remedy for Hypochondriacism and Melancholy Splenetic Humours
Geoffrey Gambado; or A simple Remedy for Hypochondriacism and Melancholy Splenetic Humours
The Poems of Richard Corbet
The Poems of Richard Corbet