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GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-16 · Item · 1846-11-23
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Doubts whether his grandson (up at Balliol) would be able to perform the duties of curate (see 15), since he is not yet quite in holy orders. A Westminster boy was with him yesterday; numbers, at present 90, will rise by 30 after Christmas, the old KS dormitory is now used only for sleeping, rooms have been constructed on the ground floor for use during the day, and School is being heated by hot water pipes. More time is being devoted to study, whole play days have been abolished, and Lily's Latin Grammar now being used. All these changes have been brought about by Dr Buckland, the Dean. More musings on John Fawcett (see 13).

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850
GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-12 · Item · 1846-9-28
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

No need for JB to send the pamphlet on tithes (see 11), since HMC has discovered the principle behind the bill. On the deficiencies of Daniel O'Connell's policies in Ireland, and the difficulties of waging war on Irish rebels. Quotes a line of Horace - he remembers so much not because of lessons, but rather the practice of the 6th Form at Westminster at passing their many hours of idleness (see 11) by quoting and then capping verses. On parts of Horace worth remembering in their own right, and the vain search (e.g. by Sir John Hobhouse) for places he mentions (e.g. his villa, the spring of Bandusium). On a recent assertion that the earth is no less than 47,000 years old - some discussion of the views of Dr William Buckland, Dean of Westminster.

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850
GB 2014 WS-05-CLA-11 · Item · 1846-9-15
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections

Little to add since his last since he is still slowly recovering - as they to say at Westminster, ex nihilo nil fit. Has been dosed with Peruvian bark (quinine) and henbane. Repeats the story of Dodswell (actually Dowdeswell - see 6). Asks how JB is paid after the abolition of tithes (see 4). On hot topics in town, including the fraud of Captain Richardson on Coutts. Increase in crime - the lower orders now settle their differences with knives rather than fists. Hopes that Liddell will restore the fortunes of Westminster. Remembers the many holidays at Westminster - three weekly half days, saints' days, full plays - a miracle that a good scholar ever emerged.

Clavering, Henry Mordaunt, 1766-1850