Inscription: Calcutta Combined Schools. Westminster School London. Presented by Williamson Magor & Co Limited. 'Rugby 20-29 Oct '92', cased; Mounts stamped 'Silver'
Inscribed: 'Armenian College Calcutta, Presented to Westminster School, London, October 1992' applied gilt armorial, cased. Stamped Sterling Silver.
SpodeA two-handled three-colour gold cup and cover, chased leafwork, festoons and rosettes, ball knob, on square foot mounted by four ball feet, Westminster School arms on the front, Floreat on back, inscribed under base 'the gift of the Westminster Scholars in Calcutta to their Friends and Schoolfellows at Madras 1st January 1788'. Not loaded. Cover. Makers Mark reads G & B.
A similar silver cup to T.0005.001 of smaller size, with an applied shield bearing the arms of Westminster School enamelled in colour, marked Sterling Silver, on foot. Enamels chipped.
A George III silver challenge cup and cover, with applied leaf decoration on lower part and lid, with elephant head and trunk handles, engraved with coat-of-arms and inscription in Latin with names of donors, inscribed T. Whipham Fecit, Fleet Street, oak case, repaired finial.
Robins, John, d. 1831Donated by Francisco Michaeli Yglesias. Not loaded. No cover. Elephant head handles
Lambert, Herbert Charles, 1852-early 20th Century