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Cromwelliana : A chronological detail of events in which Oliver Cromwell was engaged from the year 1642 to his death 1658?
Cromwelliana : A chronological detail of events in which Oliver Cromwell was engaged from the year 1642 to his death 1658?
The battle of Bosworth Field : between Richard the Third and Henry Earl of Richmond, August 22, 1485 ?
The battle of Bosworth Field : between Richard the Third and Henry Earl of Richmond, August 22, 1485 ?
The History of the World
The History of the World
Historia major
Historia major
History of England [transl. N. Tindal
History of England [transl. N. Tindal
An institution of general history
An institution of general history
A View of universal the destruction of Jerusalem A view of Universal the year 1680
A View of universal the destruction of Jerusalem A view of Universal the year 1680
The history of the Church of Scotland
The history of the Church of Scotland
The Institution . . of the order of the Garter
The Institution . . of the order of the Garter
Monachi Albanensus Angli, Historia Major
Monachi Albanensus Angli, Historia Major