3 plaques (1 school crest) and 14 small shields on a wooden support. Awarded: 1921-1934. Damage to plaque at tip and 2 shields missing. Presented by the Rev. G.H. Nall 1922. Some loose elements stored separately.
Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Ltd
GB 2014 WS-04-TRO-100/004
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections
GB 2014 WS-04-TRO-100/002
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections
15 small silver shields & 3 silver plaques (1 school crest, 1 presentation: A.T. Willett (OW) 1922'. Awarded: 1922-1935. Damage to plaque at point of shield. Needs refixing. Missing 1 large silver shield. Some loose elements stored separately.
Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Ltd
GB 2014 WS-04-TRO-001/103
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections
Plinth, handles. Awarded 2003-2004
Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Ltd
GB 2014 WS-04-TRO-001/010
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections
An Edward VII silver two-handled rose bowl inscribed: 'Viro Reverendo Watson Failes [London].' Lobed circular armoiral engraved on front with Latin inscription on back. Not loaded. No cover.
Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Ltd
GB 2014 WS-04-TRO-001/006
Part of Westminster School's Archive and Collections
A two-handled rose bowl on ebonised wood stand, engraved "Presented to William Awdry Peck by the Members of the Elizabethan Club"
Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Ltd